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Wild Cards

"I hope you get used to the cold death," Kai smirked and laid back in the grass.

Ebony sat and helpped set up the food on the blanket placing her basket down.

"God i hate the cold," shania said sticking her tongue out rather childishly.
"Hmmm... do I need to? I am not much for it either..." Sage said smiling. helping Ebony and serving up the food.

Lucifer was not really bothered by the food, and he also sat rather close to Ebony, though he seemed kind of hyper.

"I actually like the cold." Rhea said, she blushed a bit though because she thought the cold was a romantic thing. Not a nuisance.
Kai laughed at Sage "our first winter assignment in the under city will be so fun,"

Shania made a face "I get cold too easy and i stay that way. How do you handle it,"
"Sounds the a field trip to remember." Sage said, "Can't wait." She said sarcastically.

Rhea smiled at Shania,
"Think warm things. Its all in the head. Most the time anyway. Hey I wounder if I can cure body temperatures..." Rhea said, suddenly pondering her powers.
"The reason Shania gets so cold easily, is because she doesn't eat the body burns callories to stay warm, I'm suprised Shania isn't a walking skeleton," Kai chuckled but stopped talking at Shania's glare.

"I do to eat when and only when I'm hungry," Shania said defencivly.
"You don't eat enough if you ask me." Sage said bluntly leaning back on her hands.

Rhea frowned, she often thought the same thing, but at least she ate still.

When Lucifer was done eating he jumped up from the blanket and pointed at the swings,
"It is time to play!" He said out loud.
"Ok," Ebony smiled.

"Be weary of butterflies," Kai said with a smirk.

"you both stay safe and in sight," Shania said looking at the two.
Lucifer seemed to prickle when Kai mentioned butterflies and turned around to stick his tongue out at Kai before taking Ebony's hand and running to the swings with her.

"Mother wolf indeed." Sage said smirking holding one of Ebony's brownies before she took a bite of it.

Rhea giggled,
"Would you like my jacket Shania?" Rhea offered the girl.
"No thanks Rhea mines pretty warm," she smiled at Rhea "what are you reading?"

The carot cake brownies were rich the frosting was creamy all in all Ebony did a good job but there was room for improvement.

Ebony hugged Luci "it's ok we beat the demon we'll beat all of the rest if they mess with us,"
"Hmmm 7 out of 10." Sage said calmly before finishing the brownie off. "Shes got talent." Sage said grinning. A girl after her own heart, another thing Sage can't hate the girl for.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony and hugged her back, before pulling her back to the swings.

Rhea looked back at her book before folding the page and handing it to Shania,
"Its a book about dragons... it is pretty good... I have not read a simple book in a long time. I thought I should break from studying." She said with a smile.
"It looks nice," Shania said reading the back to get the gist of it. She noticed Sage when she actually complemented Ebony "that's twice you've complemented others today... running a fever?"

Kai covered a laugh for once Shania was after someone other then him.
"What? No... I just feel... nice..." Sage said before she shifted her eyes. "Probably lack of sleep..." Sage ran her hands through her hair and ruffled it a bit.

Rhea smiled at them, Sage seemed to be a bit flustered. Maybe she was running a fever, she never checks Sage for injures because she it the less likely to get hurt of the entire group.
Kai sighed with a smile and sat up and pulled Sage to him pressing their forheads together to check her temperature.

Shania started to laugh Kai was such an odd guy and Sage was sure to either clock him or try to embarrase him.
Sage was not running a fever, "Kai... what are you doing....?" Sage asked, she would raise an eye brow but his head was in the way. "I know you can't keep you hands off me most the time but we are in public." She said with a shrug. "And I am not running a fever." She said pushing the boy away from her with a sigh.

Rhea blushed a bit, Kai was so forceful and Sage barely flinched when Kai did those things to her unlike Rhea and Ebony.
"I was worried if you get sick I still have to pay you," he smirked

Shania rolled her eyes and took a bite of one of Ebony's carrotcake browny things.
Sage glared at him, "Why would you pay me for being sick? Besides I rarely get sick." Sage said waving him off.

Rhea looked at Shania and smiled at the girl before she saw a small white and brown spotted kitten wounder over to their food basket.
Shania watched the kitten not moving felines never seemed to like her much for some reason.

Kai chuckled at Sage "we treat our employees well... after all they rarely live too... oh a cat," he said randomly changing topic.
Sage seemed to look over her shoulder at the basket to see the cat, gently she reached into it and then put some of the left over macaroni salad down for it to eat. "It... looks like smores..." Sage said.

Rhea glanced at Shania,
"Do you not like cats?" She asked the girl.
"I like them well enough they just don't like me," Shania said.

"Your appertment alow cats Sage?" Kai asked looking at the kitten
"I think so... we can't afford a cat right now though..." Sage watching the cat eat, She was rather lonely lately and would enjoy the company around the apartment.

Rhea smiled at them,
"I wounder why... have you ever thought of getting an animal Shania?" She asked.
"I took in Luce didn't i?" she asked "at the time i though of him as a stray," she admitted

"Sage you do get paid during training wheres all the money going?" Kai asked
Sage tensed for a moment, "Ah.." She was not expecting the question now. She reached for the cat and touched it gently while she thought, it was really soft but pretty dirty. She had been paying off all the debt she had accumulated for her mothers funeral and a few other things. "Things to prep the house to be sold." She said, her usual quick lie, "People won't buy it in the state it is... So I am actually getting professionals to look at it. Selling a house is a real pain in the butt." She said laughing, "I guess I can take the cat... your right I should be getting quiet a bit soon... I am use to so little I forget." The cat looked like it was missing half its tail, "So you think smores would be a good name?" She asked.

Rhea smiled and nodded,
"Yeah, smores sounds really cute. and you thought Lucy a stray?"
Kai narrowed his eyes he knew something was up but he didn't want to call her out just yet.

"sounds good it needs a bath and a good meal," Shania said "And when we first met him i hated demons remember? he was alone and wide eyed like a lost puppy, he grew on me over time though,"
Sage smiled and picked the cat up but the scruff, it hissed a bit and swiped at Sage, but she laughed and held onto it. "He is pretty skinny. I think I can fix that. Smores it is. I guess we should go soon."

Rhea nodded, that made sense, it was hard to imagine a time when Shania hated lucy.
"Need help I can drive you to a pet store," Kai offered.

Shania looked at Kai he was thinking it showerd in his fetures his normal relaxed posture was taunt and tence his eyes not as clear.

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