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Wild Cards

When Shania opened the door suddenly, Rhea fell backwards and hit her head on the ground since she was leaning on the door, "What..?" She asked quietly, the pain lasted only a few seconds as her body healed itself.

Sage grinned, "Oh... just the usual, successful teasing."
Shania helped Rhea up "Sage Kai living room," she called "Tannis says congratulation," she told Lucifer.

Ebony looked at Shania the girl was trying hard not to be angry.
Rhea felt herself get herded to the living room and she watched Kai and Sage come out of the kitchen.

"What's going on now?" Sage asked, she had to pull food off the stove, though she glanced at Kai, she had a feeling she knew exactly what was happening.

Lucifer seemed to beam, though he has a stubrin look around him too. he had turned into a more childlike Shania...
Shania sat and told hem about Tannis' request for help. "I told him he has my sword but I'd ask you lot."

"I'm in," Kai said

"I'd be fighting no matter what," Rose chuckled.

Ebony looked at Lucifer "I... can if i'm careful,"
Momo's tail twitched, 'I'll return back to the demon world, though I am not much in a fight.'

"I am also in." Sage said simply. She knew they needed.

Rhea nodded, "I will come... I don't know how much I can do in the fight... but I know my healing will always be handy.."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Ebony, "I have to fight as well... But I don't want Ebony to fight." He stated.
"I'm not staying here alone," Ebony said softly.

Shania sighed "lucifer... when exactly did you both... mate?"

Rose pouted since her and Sage still have not, she wore her ring proudly but shed ear a child even more so.
"You don't have to... you can come to the courts with us... but I don't want you in the fight." He told Ebony, though he gently touched her hair and brushed his sick mate. "You are strong, but it makes me uncomfortable..."

Rhea seem to be counting on her fingers a bit, "4 weeks in." Rhea said quietly to Shania. "There more or less 3-4 weeks in."
"Rhea... you kept this from me... for how long?" Shania asked softly trying to keep her voice even.

Kai was ready to swoop in and save Rhea Shania was trying but he knew she'd not feel better till after a good fight.

Rose smiled and rubbed Ebony's belly "you got to keep the babies safe!" she smiled

Ebony nodded with a smile. "Ok, I'll stay safe and I won't fight unless I have to,"
"One week in..." Rhea said quietly, which added up to 3 weeks of her not telling Shania. "I first found out after I healed Ebony when she got cut while fighting those shadows..." She said quietly. She never lied... she couldn't even bring herself to lie. "I thought... it would be something for them to tell you instead of me..."

Sage wasn't going to fight Shania that was sure, and she couldn't really see Shania beating Rhea, however Shania would surely beat Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled when Ebony agreed to stay out of the fighting, though he quietly watched Shania.
"You... didn't trust me enough to tell me?" Shania asked still trying to keep her voice even but she then shot a look at Lucifer "and you are the same," she stood again. "nobody disturb me till time to leave, unless they want to be burned,"

Ebony held onto Lucifer "It was my fault I ... I told him not to tell anyone," she said knowing Shania's disaproval would hurt her mate.
"Shania... it had nothing to do with trust... I didn't say anything because It wasn't my place to.." Rhea said quietly, though Rhea looked a bit like a kicked puppy.

Lucifer flinched, he knew keeping it secret that this would happen, but Ebony wanted it secret... "I don't know why are are so mad... there is nothing wrong with this. This is great news."

Sage was leaning on the wall now just watching things go along like she usually did, waiting to step in if they got out of control. Kai would step in way before she did.
"Oh Yes Lucifer it is amazing news to have your mate in such a vulnerable state in a war! also Ebony is not of age in human, did you think about that?" Shania's voice was rising and she was starting to scare Ebony. "Normaly it would be good news but not with all this you are putting her and your children in danger, and you are forcing Ebony to let her family's shame be directed at the pregnant 16 year old!"

Ebony flinched but her family would be ashamed. Her getting pregnant out of wedlock.
That would be Ebonys fault right there. Sage had tried to warn Ebony that she needed to tell Lucifer these things, but she neglected to tell him. Sage oddly wanted to laugh, granted it was the sick part of her that liked watching these kind of things, but for the sake of her life, she would not move from where she was. Rhea stayed quiet. She wanted to cry, and she was holding her tears back pretty well.

"I'll protect them. Thats why I won't let Ebony fight. I asked Ebony and she was ok with this..." Though had actually stood up at this point, unlike the rest of the group, Lucifer wasn't afraid of Shania. He was a bit hurt that she was not taking the situation well. Though after a moment he loosened up a bit, "Ebony you told me your parents would be ok with mating... I asked you..." He said quietly. He understood and did not want to bring shame to her family.
"They are ok with us being together... but... children aren't supposed to come till after we are married," she admitted quietly "but I am not ashamed I'm happy, I love our children even though they are still inside me," Ebony held her stomach almost protectivly as if she was afraid someone would attack her.

"Tannis... hadn't ment to but he brought up the fact you might die Lucifer what happens then?! You... you are as reckless as me if you so much as thought she was in danger you'd jump straight in the way of an attack... you are too much like me now! You don't understand that we cant loose you... I can't lose you. I never thought I'd survive the war! If I died I'd not regret a thing I've done can you say the same?" Shania was honest if she died she'd feel bad for not being there for Rhea but Kai would pick her back up the team wouldn't need a fighter after the war and everyone would stop needing a mother. She was scared hurt and worried and she wanted to go into her room and cry like a scared child.
Shania had delivered a low blow to Lucifer, though the demon didn't budge, "I won't die. I won't let myself die when there is still people who need me. But if I do... and its protecting one of you, then so be it. That is my duty to you and my family." He told her quietly, his voice lowered instead of raised.

Rhea breathed in hard, though she dared to take Shania's hand. She knew the girl was mad at her but she would still try and comfort her.
Shania ripped her hand away and growled "do not touch me," she was much to hurt to be comforted right now. "as for you kid, think on what I've said hell look at your mate she is scared and the fighting hasn't started yet!"

"Shania it is time to calm down," Kai said evenly and began to approach her slowly "you are scared that's all it's ok everyone gets scared. But nobody is going to die what is done can't be changed and I know you love Lucifer and are scared for him and upset he hid this from you but you need to not take it out on everyone,"

Shania growled and Kai deflected her fire with a shadow shield. "Don't get closer to me," she said "you are nobody to talk! you are a horrible influance of them hiding things and being a snake in the grass @sshole."

"True," Kai said "but I also know you love Lucifer like you loved your brother and the thought of all this at once is just too much so sit down I'll make you some tea," Kai got close enough to push Rhea behind him and to safety incase Shania through another fire attack around.
"No Shania needs to go to her room." Sage said quietly, this was where she stepped in, when people started to get too violent with each other. Using powers was a no... "Now we are just getting to the point of low blows to hurt people, Shania you're going to burn someone and then regret it." Sage said seriously, "go to your spare room." She told the girl.

Rhea recoiled a bit, but was more surprised when Shania launched fire at Kai. Lucifer was still standing his ground staring Shania down. He knew the girl cared, but he refused to budge from where he was.
As was Shania's first reaction to everything when Kai took his next step he got a swift punch to the stomach and he went back to the floor. Shania felt cornered now, did no-one see what she did?

Rose instantly went to guard Ebony the girl was terrified and her mate was probably about to face off with Shania the last thing they needed was an over stressed scared archer with wind powers getting into the mess.
"Lucifer stay put." Sage growled as the boy moved to do something. Rhea immediately leaned down to see if Kai was ok. "Shania. Room. Now." Sage ordered the girl, though she did dare to approach her so she would not get another blow on Kai. Had she lost her mind?
Kai coughed "she just winded me... I'm ok," he assured Rhea softly.

"I was going before everyone seemed to stop me!" Shania said though with the opening she went to her room and locked the door this time she was not coming our for a while.
Sage sighed, "No one was stopping her." Sage mumbled before putting her hands in her pocket. "Ok shows over, time to calm down." Sage said walking back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

Lucifer was watching Shania's room with narrowed eyes, he probably watched it for a few minutes before he actually sat down and huddled Ebony to him. Rhea quickly healed Kai just to make sure Shania didn't do more to him then knock the wind out of him.
"Shania ... needs to learn how to deal with fear she can't fight," Kai sighed. "She's as emotionally stable as a bipolar schizophrenic," he commented "you ok Rhea?" he asked her.

Shania inside her room was on her bed actually crying she was scared she felt like a kid again and by all that was holy she hated it.

"Luci you and Ebony are ok too right?" Kai asked after taking a few more deep breaths to fill his lungs back up.

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