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Wild Cards

A few week passed by before everyone was gathered for the next demon hunting expedition, they were preparing to go scout the area before hand, though not before Sage finished serving and cooking dinner. She was still in the kitchen making it. Lucifer was on the floor watching T.V. though he was 'starving' like usual. Rhea was on the couch watching T.V. as well, curled up in a blanket.
Ebony called saying she might be late she wasn't feeling well at all.

Shania sighed her Luce had become so affectionate towards Ebony she was afraid they would end up mating at this early age. She told her fears to Rhea quietly.

Sage knew Kai would be there shortly he had to get a report from Kat before he could come.
Rhea actually physical reacted when Shania had said something, she was not entirely sure how she could even tell Shania that her fears are already true... Quietly Rhea pressed her face to Shania's chest.
Shania held onto Rhea "you ok?" she asked.

Ebony walked in she looked rough though she had spent the last hour or two in the bathroom. she went straight to Lucy and into his arms.
Rhea shook her head 'no'.

Lucifer looked worried and immediately wrapped his arms around Ebony, "Are you ok?" He asked.

Sage walked in and saw Ebony, "That does not look like lack of sleep from nightmares rough, are you ok Ebony?" Sage asked from the doorway.
"I just got really sick this morning," Ebony said and hugged Luci "I think I'm ok now,"

"Rhea... you are our doctor," Shania said "what do you think?"
"I already know..." She said quietly. She couldn't lie to Shania, she looked at Ebony and Lucifer.

Lucifer looked up and saw Rhea looking at Ebony, he froze and blinked slowly.
"Ebony if you don't tell them I will..." Rhea said quietly.

"Ebony is pregnant." Lucifer said instead of Ebony, though he huddled the girl closer to him.

Sage froze. "Pardon...?"
"Funny Luce... what's really wrong?" Shania asked and Ebony hid in Lucifers arms.

"That was the wrong time to walk in," Kai commented,
Lucifer growled, "I wouldn't joke about this..."

Rhea sighed, "I wish it was a joke... but its not."

Sage was not sure what to say, she was surely for a loss of words.

Rhea got up to Ebony and gently used her powers on her, "Same as last time... two, but bigger.."
Ebony rubbed her belly softly.

Shania stood abruptly "Lucifer you are telling her parents, you are taking responsibility for the trouble they will cause ..." she walked to her room and shut the door.

"Congrats," Kai said with a shrug.
Lucifer watch Shania go, though he looked rather determined, "Of course I would take responsibility, they are mine." He said quietly. "I don't understand why you are all uptight, this is wonderful news."

Sage sighed and turned to walk back into the kitchen, the demons all seemed thrilled. Momo was up and congratulating Ebony and Lucifer.

Rhea on the other hand looked a bit upset, she had a feeling Shania was as mad at her as she was at Lucifer and Ebony.
Rose glomped the pair "oh I wanna see the babies!" she said

Kai went after Sage he had a feeling she might still have feelings for the little girl.
Sage was quietly cooking breakfast, she was still not even sure what to think.

Lucifer smiled at Rose, happy for some support. He just wish his older sister would understand, "They will be beautiful like Ebony." He told Rose.

Rhea quietly went to Shania's door and knocked on it, she had a feeling the girl was mad at it scared her.
"I am calming down go away," came the reply.

Ebony smiled still cuddled to Lucifer. "I think ... they'll be like Luci... brave and strong,"

"Whats on the menu death?"
"Pain." Sage said with a chuckle, "Shania is so pissed."

Luicfer smiled and pulled his mate closer to him.

Rhea sighed and sat down and leaned on the door.

Shania however could feel a pull of Tannis calling her to his domain.
"They have escalated... I actually come to ask your assistance... Regardless of your answer though, Lucifer and Rose will be returning home soon to fight in the war... Axesort and his followers have disappeared completely... and with that, only I standing in the way, Eurynome is making his move to destory me. A final battle is coming... I have come to request your help... the guardians help." Tannis said leaning down to look at Shania.
"Lucifers mate is with child," Shania said "I doubt he will let her fight," she pinched the bridge of her nose "I'll fight along side you and I'll tell the others so they will have a choice."
"Congratulations to Lucifer... though I hope he not lose his life his children would need him." Tannis reached a paw around Shania, "Though I knew I could count on you Shania... I hoped for your support.." He told her.
she smiled slightly "I told you already that my sword would be yours I'm sure I do not go back on my word," the thought of Lucifer dieing was not pleasant. "I dare that demon to fight us, we will have him hiding like Axesort with his tail tucked."
Tannis chuckled, "Yes indeed. Axesort's disappearance has me worried, but I am sure he will reappear. I know that his mental state is very... unstable... I will give you and the guardians 7 days to prepare, all those who are coming with me... I will meet you at this same hour at the normal place." He told Shania.

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