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Wild Cards

Nice to meet you Kai... thank you for saving me. I am sorry but I am mute... but I have telepathie with people whom I touch. I can now speak to you and Rose without touching you.... I am sorry for yesterday. Momo told Kai, though Rose could hear her as well even though they were not touching anymore. Once I touch your mind... I leave a small part there so that I can go back later in less I destroy it...
"Alright... sounds safe," Kai said "also I saved you because what those two were doing was wrong," he stated "to use someone else for your own gain is below even me,"
They took me many nights ago... I have been prisoner for weeks... Momo said

"Lunch is ready. I just made grilled cheese, well with the works but it should do ok... how is she doing?" Sage asked, "Also.. bring her to the couch." She said.
"A mute.. telepath... So She's talked to you?" Sage asked walking over to her. At this point Momo had sat up and reached a hand out to Sage, encouraged by the others.

Sage took a few steps back, a bit mistrusting, infact a little worried she might have brain washed Kai and Rose again.

She doesn't trust, but I don't blame her... it is scary to let others touch your mind. Momo said quietly.
"Death trust's very few people it's not personal," Kai assured the girl. "to be honest had I thought things through I would not have been so trusting however you seem decent to me,"
Sage raised an eyebrow "Help her to the couch. Lets get her some food." She said, Kai pegged her. Nothing personal... but she did not trust anyone but their small group.

Momo frowned a bit but nodded, and moved to the other side of the bed to get up and off.
"hey... don't move fast," Kai said and slowly helped her up then decided to just carry her to the couch. "Death is a good cook you'll like it,"
Thank you Kai. Momo said quietly when she was put down.

Sage moved to server a plate down on the table with several cut slices of grilled cheese with ham, tomato and extra cheese. "Eat up guys." She said happily. "Nothing special today, but it will do."

Momo took a piece and gently bit into it, though it was hot and she had to open her mouth to blow on before she swallowed. It is good, i've never tasted anything like it.
Sage smiled, the compliment to her food a weak point in her armor... even her own personal vanity. "Thank you. She has a name? or is it still just Monkey?" Sage asked. Though she took one of her own pieces of food and gently took a bit.

Kai could hear Momo talking, but he could not understand because she was speaking in demon to Rose, May I ask why you are here in the human world?
"Her names Momo," Kai told Sage.

"Originally it was to hurt humans... I was with my uncle but then I met this bunch and I fell in love," Rose said
Momo seem to stop what she was doing and looked at Rose a bit star struck, 'You fell in love?'

"Hmmm... are you're... not brainwashed right?" She asked him, staring him down.
"Oh no now that you know I must kill you!" Kai said and pounced Sage as he was in an oddly playful mood all of a sudden.

"Yes... with Death.. the one that cooked for us," Rose said
Sage went a bit wide eyed when Kai suddenly went to tackle her, she tried to dodge but she was so relaxed she just tripped over herself.

Momo's tail curled and she almost seem to stare at Rose with wonder, she was going to ask more but the was a loud thump with Sage falling over on the ground out of surprise.
Kai chuckle "pinned ya... no dear death I am not brainwashed just brain dead like always,"

Rose puffed up "he is always touching her,"
Death is always touching Kai? Momo asked.... thinking Kai was the girl and Sage was the boy.

"W-what the hell Kai?" Sage asked wide eyed. Though she struggled against him and move to pin him in return, "Thats it." She told him.
Sage grinned, but there was a bumping on the floor and someone yelled to stop whatever they were doing. "Neighbors." Sage with a shrug said sitting on top of Kai.

So you fell for a human? She must be wonderful, she is your mate? Momo said, she looked kind of like any teenaged girl gossiping with a friend.
"I wish she would mate me," Rose huffed "but she wont because arch angels mate for life and shes worried,"

Kai laughed "neighbors indeed,"
Sage sighed and looked at the time, "Perhaps we should head to Shania's. they should be getting out of school by now, or soon anyway... I am not looking forward to seeing Shania... I bet you she is going to assume I violated Rose."

I see.. Mama says ArchAngels are one of the most loyal of demons. Momo said, taking another bite of food.
"you have a mama? I have a daddy," Rose said "he still hasn't found another love he said he probably wont,"

"more then likely," Kai chuckled. "beware the mommy wolf,"
Daddy died in the war years ago... Brother denounced the family from any ties with the courts when he took head of the family. Mommy now holds family power because we are not under the courts so our family does not have to be recognized. Brother and I have been in hiding because Mom doesn't want us to be involved... but she still fights... brother fights a lot too even after mom said no. Momo told her, though she took a few more bites of food. She was so hungry and it showed because she was eating the most of everyone.

"Oh I am bewaring, though you're with me, you never fail to make the best shield." Sage said laughing, "Lets get Momo into proper clothings.. I am sure that outfit I got at the mall will fit her well enough, and I am sure Rose has a bra she can use."
"I have a dress in the van... with some ribbon...red I think... no no Blue a deep blue and tint it make it shimmer but not sparkle too tacky... " Kai began to list fabrics.

"What is kai talking about?" Rose asked Sage

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