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Wild Cards

"To know them... oh wow most people dont care to go that far to actually know them," Rose said with admiration "they do seem to like you,"
Sage smiled at Rose, "Rose, I need you to understand something... what Kai and I do... it is very dangerous... i'll let today slide because there were demon's involved... but please... no matter what the plants tell you... never come to me like that. You have to promise me Rose...." She told the girl, though as she spoke to her she had actually cornered the girl against a wall, she looked Rose in her eyes.
"Yes Rose... Humans have weapons... weapons unlike what you have ever seen before... they can hurt you Rose... I know... I know you want me to stay safe.. Kai wants me to stay safe too... I will continue to try and stay as safe as I can... but Kai needs me Rose, and I won't abandon him. But I need you to stay safe so that I can stay safe..." It was going to hurt her to say this.. but she really needed Rose to stay away. "You saw what happen today... you almost got hurt.. and you almost hurt me... it did not happen, but it almost did. Its safer for you here... you can protect me best when we demon hunt.. but here in the human world... I am trying to protect you best form the humans."
Rose latched onto sage "I'm sorry I'm sorry," she cried softly "I... I just thought I could help," she was scared she was sad she was an emotional wreak and it hurt.
Sage's chest twisted a bit, but she knew hurting Rose now would save her a Rose from a lot more hurt in the future.

"Shh... Rose it is ok." She told her, gently pulling her close. "You just have to make sure you stay out of Kai and I's missions from now on. You promise right?" She asked Rose quietly.
"I... promise," she said softly letting Sage hold her she was going to explode at this rate. "Why are you two... always in danger?"
Sage smiled, "Because we are fixing our world... a lot like your dad and Tannis are fixing yours." She told her. She pulled the girl with her to go lay down in the bed, When she got in her room, she glanced at Kai, he was probably more or likely fast asleep. She would bring no doubt Rose would question why her and Kai sleep in the same bed....
"Kind of... not in the mating way... Kai and I are not like that, though I know we easily act like that... I... don't know how to describe Kai and I's relationship Rose." She said, but she laid down and pulled Rose on top of her, laying the girl's head down on her chest. "The closest I can get I guess... is family or best friends. I care for Kai the most..."
Sage chuckled, "No hes not, but he is one of the first people to truly break me, see me for who I am... and care. Really unexpected since me and Kai actually really hated each other at first. Don't worry about him Rose, Kai and I can never be 'mated' We've never slept together either, but I will have you know if we do mate, Kai and I will probably still kiss each other. Did you know humans use kissing as a greeting sometimes?"
Sage chuckled, "Not killing Kai would be good..." Gently, Sage moved Rose closer to her and kissed the girl softly on her lips, "I like you Rose. I remember my promise not to lie about my feeling. I like you, so keep your promise to stay safe. Now sleep."
Sage smiled and pulled Rose close, though she quietly stared at Kai. A world war, and Kai had fueled it. She let out a dry chuckle when she remembered the other Shania's words... he would drag her into hell... and she told her she would willingly step into it... and not only did she do it once... but she did it twice just like she said she would. Amazing. She must be some kind of idiot... any sane person would have left...

Sage continued to stew in her own thoughts for a few hours before she finally fell asleep. It was probably 8am when she did sleep.

When Kai would wake, the Monkey was now a girl with long curly blond hair that fell to her waist. She was still sound asleep and also... without any clothing....
Kai chuckled softly and poked Sage "I've woke up with women on me before but... I don't remember picking this one up," he said in a soft whisper.

Rose was sound asleep on Sage still even as Kai poked Sage trying to wake her.
Sage peaked an eye open when she heard Kai's voice. Somewhere in the middle of the morning Smores had laid on her chest like normal, along with Rose. "She... has a tail... also shes had no clothing.... Geez Kai, you sly dog, and here I thought you were going to be hung up on Rhea forever." She said with a grin, actually awake now. "Hold on... just... stay still." She told Kai, gently she rolled Rose off her, Smore rolling off as well.
Kai stayed still as if he were still asleep. "I think out monkey has... a secret," he said softly. Rose never woke even as she was moved Sage would have had to dump the girl in the floor to wake her.
"A... secret?" Sage said opening a few drawers, she pulled out some underpants and then a pajama top. "Close your eyes." She told him.
Kai closed his eyes as Sage instructed "you get to see Shania and Rhea and I have to close my eyes?" he asked with a soft smile.
"Of course I do, She is very shapely if that is what you are asking for." She said with a chuckle. Gently Sage pulled some underpants on the girl and then pulled the top over her and button it up. "I definitely don't have a bra that holds a large B cup..." She told him, though she was snickering as she tried to put pants on the girls, "Geez she sleeps like Rose... That or she it just tired out. You can open your eyes now.." She told him.
Kai opened his eyes "this poor girl was abused after all she's probably very tiered." Kai sai though he worried abit about her ability to control people.

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