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Wild Cards

"Shania is going to kill both of us anyway.... and when she finds out Rose is missing. Not sure if I want to appear at her house right now.... Plus... I rather sleep in my own bed... you think hypnotising monkey is ok? And Ok I mean more along the lines of... not evil..." She asked when they got outside... this place was a wreck.. Kai is going to have hell of a time keeping this off the news...
"I don't think it is evil," Kai said. "I think it's abused hurt and hungry,"

Rose looked at Sage "do you want me to fly back home?"
"Nah.. come home with us.. I'll text Shania and let her know you are with me for when she wakes... that way she won't freak out too badly... though you can start walkin so I can carry something else... Here Kai give me the Monkey, you drive us home." She said, moving up the rubble to the van, after she sat down she did pull out her phone to text Shania, though she only sent simply, 'Rose is with me.'.
Rose stood on her own though she was still a bit upset. Kai handed her the monkey gently "yeah... sorry death I just don't feel to well I owe you alot of explaining," he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed "but lets wait till we are relatively safe,"
Sage gently held the monkey and pulled it close to her, she was shivering a bit from the cold once they had gotten outside, "Yeah... lets just get out of her." She told him, though she put her pen back in her pocket and then gently pet Rose on the head. "Come on get in the back Birdy. You get to see my appartment, aren't you excited?" She asked her with a smile.
"well... if you put it that way... YES!" Rose giggled and jumpped into Kai's van.

Kai got in aswell and started the car "this poor thing needs to be retired," he said.
"I think it will survive a few more years." Sage said patting the top of it, though she reached back and pulled the blanket off the mattress and wrapped it around the monkey. "Might as well talk while we drive..."
"Must we?" Kai asked softly "can't you just beat the crap out of me and we say its all good?"

Rose tilted her head to the side and looked at the monkey speaking demon she tried to talk to it soothingly.
"Yes Kai... we must. That or I quit..." she told him. Though they both knew that was highly unlikely and nearly impossible for her to do, but that was the best threat she could come up with at the moment, "Look... I am among the weakest damage wise in the group... I probably am second to Rhea with the weakest punch. I don't think hitting you is going to work, though I do have a punishment in mind that, I am completely sure, would drive you insane if you don't start talking." She told him seriously. She was not joking.
"Sage... there is alot that I don't want to have anyone else involved in. Not even you," Kai was torn he wanted to protect her he stopped his van. "you can get out of this there is still time for you to get out and not look back forget this side of the world exists," he told her it almost sounded like he was pleading.
Sage sighed, then leaned over and grabbed Kai by the collar of his shirt and pulled him over the console between them and she looked him dead in the eye, "If you think for one minute I am just going to walk away like that, you're wrong. I know I just said I would but we both know it was a lie. I am just trying to get you to talk to me... I won't leave you Kai."
Kai blew a strand of hair out of his face "Let go? anyway... I'm trying to stop a real world war... trying... failing," he admitted "For a long time I didn't care what happens to the world but now... I care because there are people in the world I care about. I don't want to see princess hurt as she watches death and destruction on the news, or when she finds her brother a victim of war... Death I am not strong enough to hold things that big together I'm one boy one teenage boy."
"Your only one guys Kai." She told him, letting go of him. "I told you that hours ago if I remember correctly... There is only so much you can do Kai... and the fact you are putting yourself there... You can't shoulder that by yourself you know." Sage at the moment wondered what Rose was thinking... she probably never seen her and Kai actually act like this. "You can't stop other people from acting out... You can't take responsibility for it Kai... you're only going to destroy yourself doing that..."
"I can't sit back and do nothing either... had I only started stopping this all sooner...," he placed his forehead against the steering wheel. "Sage... what kills me is... I helped spread these weapons. Hell I designed a couple of them."
Sage sighed and leaned forward and gently touched Kai's head and pet the top of his hair. "I'll help you... I'll help you try and fix it... I won't abandon you. Just... try not to beat yourself up to much? I need you." She told him quietly. Sage took a small breath... she truly meant what she just said... and it made her chest feel tight watching Kai hurt the way he did... She was not sure if he could tell how deep her words and actions were coming from... but she hoped he knew how much she really cared for him.
"Thank you, though I'm not sure if... if there is even still time," Kai was tiered he had been fighting this war too long as others tried so hard to start it. "If there... if I fail and the war starts on the surface, don't get mixed up in it. I can't loose any of you. We'll find a place to go... you ... you can help me keep us all safe,"
"I'll help keep the others safe, we can hide them in the demon world.... but don't expect me to sit idle while you're not." She warned him, "Lets go home, lets get some rest."
"I have a few sleeping pills in the apartment .. Sometimes I get too paranoid to sleep." She said, though the atmosphere began to soften a little. "Want me to cook something when we get back?" She asked... it was already almost 6am.
"No I think I'll knock myself out... we'll have an angry wolf on us soon and a new group of hunters to evaluate I... just need to sleep," Kai said
Sage nodded, she was tired too.

When they got to the apartment Sage handed Kai back his monkey and then picked up Rose to carry her in.
Kai took his charge and went inside with Sage "Smores this is a friend not food... though you could swallow the poor thing whole,"

Rose hugged Sage as she was carried inside.
Sage laughed, "He probably could... alright... off to bed with all of us, i'll make bunch in a few hours... though Ill feed smores now that it is breakfast time for him..." She said, putting Rose down gently. For Rose, Sage's appartment was very basic and a bit bland. There was a small two seater couch and low coffee table facing a small table and a tv. In a corner of the room was another small table with a picture of her parents and two small plants next to it.

Sage walked over to the fridge and opened it to pull out a large bowl, Sage had made cat food from scratch for Smores... not only does it save her money, but she also had pride in sharing her cooking to her cat.
"How little does Kai pay you?" Rose asked though she liked it it was homey but she expected it to be huge like kai's house.

Kai chuckled and popped a sleeping pill before heading to bed with the monkey.
"Kai pays me plenty. In fact I get paid a lot more than most. I just am not an excessive person. I live off of what I need, not what I want." Sage said, putting the food down on the ground, Smores happily went to go eat. "Those plants over there by my parents picture, I talk to them every day. I practice with them when I have time. I have not done anything big, just... gotten to know the plants."

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