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Wild Cards

Sage face paled herself, "Crap.. Joker Birdy is on her way now..." She then spun on the women, "Listen closely... a demon is going to move past you friends... she is a friendly, and I sware if you guys so much as lay a finger on her." Sage said with a growl.

"I'll tell them to leave the demon alone... relax... as long as it does not harm us..." She said putting her hands up defensively.
"Birdy is... protective of Death... extremely so," Kai said "With her flight speed I'd say she could get here in a few minutes," he said and leaned against a wall "Ok now give me a full report on demon activity," he ordered the other hunters.
The man finally approached, "Hello, Joker, Death is it?" He asked, "My name is Brock and this is Lisa... also I would appreciate it if you would not order us around... we are your seniors. I would other side share what we know."

Sage was dreading Rose coming here... and she really hoped she did not tell Lucy and Shania... crap, but she bet Lucy and Shania would know she was leaving the house. "Oh Joker what have the plants wrought on me!" Sage said.

"We can see now there are more people to your group... but we won't blame you for not trusting us. As far as I know.. Lisa has told you all we know... we have been trying to work our ways to where the man in charge would more likely be." Brock said, pointing in the direction he was moving.
Kai looked at the one who called himself Brock "This is my territory your age aside you are stepping on my toes," he replied "I will be friendly to a point but I am in two wars one human one demon and frankly my sanity and patience are worn pretty thin. Since you are giving me your real name I suppose I can extend the courtesy, I am Kai the underworld prince,"
"I see... well we travel pretty far and wide. We only recently arrived here... with all the demon activities... we just happen upon this scene here... we saw people getting attack by demons... we tried our best to keep the people alive while forcing the demons back." Brock said, though he seem to move away from friendly terms.

Sage was rubbing her head... every bit of her instinct was telling her to lie to this guy and kick him and tell him to beat it.
"Sage meet your birdy so she doesn't attack anyone or get shot at," Kai said "Ok now would you pretty please tell me the situation here other then the obvious demon invasion,"
Sage glanced at Kai before giving Rose instructions on how to get down, she was not leaving Kai here. "I can't believe you just said my name you @ss hole..." She cursed at him.

Brock sighed and pressed his hand to his face, "We have told you to the extent that we all know... The humans look dazed mostly... like they don't know what they are doing... the demon are followers... Which means they follow a high power demon... we saw, three demons earlier, though it was a taller male and a shorter female... they had smaller monkey looking demon with them. They all looked like children... but they gave me the creeps... we've tried to pursue them but it was not really working, they kept putting demons and humans in our way... we've been slowly fighting our way down here..." Brock said, giving a slightly more detailed answer. "You seem to know more about what is happening then us. Since this is... your turf."
Kai sighed "force of habit let Dasuke play his flute and wipe there memory or some sh!t," Kai waved her off he really truly felt ill but it wasn't a physical ill. "Not like we have anyone to protect anymore," he looked at Brock.

"We have fought our fair share of demons but this group is new... or maybe smart enough to stay undercover but you said childlike as in they are children or they are childish adults?"

Rose flew down to where they were she had a new set of clothes for Sage since the plants told her she was cold. "You... get into too much trouble," she pouted.
Sage physically flinched at Kai's comment, she knew he did not say it to be mean...letting out a sigh, Sage gently reached out and pet the demoness hair, "and you stick your nose where it should not be... Thanks for the cloths." She told Rose before going around the corner to change. When she came back out she gently put Kai's jacket around his shoulders. Lisa seem to be eyeing Rose a bit, but made no comment or looked threatened. "Do the others know you left?" She asked Rose quietly.

"Not sure... They actually looked a bit like children to us, and they were laughing and playing like kids. Though they spoke pretty harshly about humans." Brock tried to explain, "We have never seen them before hand either."
Rose ruffled her feathers "no maybe Kid but warrior was fast asleep," Rose said before sage left then she looked around at the others "if any of you humans touch death or the joker and i'll make you pin cushions!" she threatened them she was on edge kai looked off Sage was not looking to good and she had to protect them. "Three demons are near by all powerfulll they make fred seem mild," Rose warned.

"Great, thank you for your help," Kai said and he tried a smile at Sage "sorry death you can kick me later I might need it... oh and hunters there is refugee's here in my territory I want these harmful demons stopped quickly... but I'd rather not call my team,"
"Fine with me... we will collaborate and what to not or do touch perhaps later... lets get this task at hand taken care of." Brock said. "and we are not going to harm anyone... and I guess you guys know not to hurt our team or all bets are off."

"Ok look... lets just get this done, Kai and I are at our 'enough is enough this is beyond ridiculous' points. We've both had maybe.... 3 hours of sleep, and one of us is probably going to snap, and its not me. I am the level headed one." Sage said coming back around around the corner. "Rose... you're coming home with me tonight... Kai you are too, because you owe me a lot..." She said moving past them.

"Wait... I'll take the lead." Brock said, taking the lead. Lisa stayed behind the group, her bow drawn and ready.
"Bull sh!t Death leads I trust Death. Death I leave the who leads up to you," Kai said "and I will not snap... " he muttered following Sage.

"Don't ever tell him what to do either him or Warrior take the role of leader and they don't listen well to others... if you need a place to stay I can show you to a hotel," Rose said as she followed Kai and Sage.
Brock and Lisa seem to exchange glances with each other.

Sage took a step back and crossed her arms, letting out a long sigh. "Ok look... lets just... please stop bickering... you're making my head hurt... Brock was it? You can lead since you are a close range fighter... more adept than my polearm. Personally... Princess kind of pushes us around in the background... Birdy... hush please, I don't want you flying around town... they will be able to find a hotel themselves. Now... Brock if you please." Sage said motioning for him to go first. If he was willing to take the hits... let him do it.

Brock nodded and took the lead, and he for the most part... took care of the demons and humans they did run in too... and Sage understood now what they were talking about... all the humans looked like walking Zombies. Like they were dazed or unknowing. As said prior, Brock knocked out the humans and Lisa seem to shoot the demons with accuracy, though it was apparent Kai, Sage and Rose's extra help moved them faster a long the halls.

It was not long till they made it to a room with voices behind the door. "They are in there.. those are the kids voices.."

(Insert Kai's Human enemies and our two fairies here...)
The door swung open "Look look! seems they made it through to the boss," a boy said his unkempt black hair fell into eyes a few shades darker then blood. "There are more then we thought... oh well Venn just wants us to wipe them out he even said to have fun," the boy said happily.

"Yep childlike indeed," Kai said
There was a small girl holding a golden monkey, she had long black hair and on the top of her head a large Red bow. She said light almost see through fairy wings on her back. "Oh, what should we make them do? Dance until the beg for mercy?"

"Venn.... who is Venn?" Sage demanded.
"an old friend," Kai said "what should i debrief you on all my enemies?" he asked her.

"Oh that sounds fun!" the boy said "perhaps we can make them sing and dance till they drop."
The girl puffed up her cheeks, "Thats what I said brother..." Though she then violently shook the monkey. "Wake up its time to play again!" She told the monkey. It seem to opened its eyes, but it did not move or make a sound. It looked tired and worn.

"Well no... but when I got to deal with them would be nice... you have too many for me to even memorize..." Sage said, kind of ignoring the kids.

Brock spoke lowly to his mic, then raised his voice, "What are you guys doing here in the human world?"
"Purging it of filth," the boy said and smiled at his sister "you have the brains sis I'm just the looks," he said then saw Rose "a demon with humans.. what do you think of that?"

kia looked at sage "get the monkey," he told her "it's a gut feeling he then looked to Rose who was growling rather deeply.
Brock then jumped into action at this point, charging the boy demon, though his shield was at the ready if needed, though he had a feeling he was going to miss.

The girl put the Monkey up to face Rose, "Its time you come fight with your brothers and sisters, leave these humans to die like they need to be." She told Rose, but she then seem to squeeze the Monkey, making it squeaked a bit before its eyes glowed a bit and looked into Rose's, calling her to do as she was told.

Sage made a sudden face of realization and ran to go get ahold of the monkey.
Rose tried to fight the call. However she seemed to not be strong enough to resist.

Kai went to get behind the twin demons. The boy dodged and aimed a kick to Brock's back.

"Haha got to catch me slow poke," the boy teased.
The girl seem to move up into the air when Kai got behind her, Sage nearly collided with him when she moved suddenly. "Ah! Arch Angel help me! Kill them hurry!" She told her.

Sage looked up when the girl had called to Rose, did she really put her under a spell?

Lisa loosed an arrow at The bow as he reappeared behind Brock, and Brock seem to reach behind himself like he was going to scratch his back, the shield protecting him.
the boy flew into the air as Rose flew at Rose and Kai her wings feathers becoming blades as she flew her eyes a bit hazy.

"D@mn," Kai cursed "Death get your bird before I'm forced to kill her,"
"I've got her..." Sage said, "You take care of the girl." she told him before she jumped straight to Rose. She did not think Kai would killed, but definitely force a potential deadly injury on her... and the other hunters... they might actually kill her.

The girl was laughing rather loudly as Rose did what she was told, "That is how demons should act!" She cooed, the room did not provide a very high place to fly, but she still had the advantage of the air. Though another air shot past her and she screamed a little when it almost hit her. She then faced the monkey at Lisa, "Stop that!" She yelled at the girl.

"Lisa!" Brock said looking at his comrade.
The boy threw a long needle like weapon at Lisa "stop aiming at my sister,"

Rose went straight to attack Sage her feathers ready to be used as a weapon.

Kai lept at the female his axe ready.
Lisa did not move, she was stuck in a daze from after she used that monkey on her. "I need your help guys.." Brock said loudly, pulling Lisa to him, away from the needle before tossing her out of the room.

Sage gripped Rose, pulling her to the ground, lucky they were in a small room and her flying was stopped by that, other wise sedating her would be much harder.

The girl was busy watching Lisa and Brock to notice Kai coming for her.

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