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Wild Cards

Kai pulled up his disguise "What why what did you see," he asked transforming his weapon. He was ready to fight now "demons?"
"Not sure... but they wer--" She was cut off by the man speaking.

"Who are you? Where you the ones responsible for the electric current?" A voice came out from the room.

Sage raised an eyebrow at Kai but kept a firm hold on the doorknob in case they touched it.
"Well if you are part of this base full of demons trying to destroy the city, then you are Foe." he said in return.

"Demons? There are demons here?" Sage asked suddenly.

"Yes..." The guy said, "I know its hard to believe but there are demons here."

"You called that one Joker... what do we do from here?" She asked quietly.
"Our disguises might say different..." Sage said, though she talked a bit louder, "Listen we are coming in." She said, taking out her scythe and opening the door. They had changed positions to what Sage had saw easier... the guy with the crossbow was further away and the women was close to the door.

"What do you guys know about the demons? Who are you?" Sage asked. Both the man and the women seem to exchange glances when the two pole arms came through the door.

"We are demon hunters... My name is Terra... this is my friend Paul. Who are you?" She asked.

"Demons hunters like yourself... My name is Death... he already introduced himself as Joker... You guys have to be a joke." Sage said. She would raise an eyebrow, but her mask was preventing it.

"You two are kids! You think we are a joke?" Paul seem to say.
"I have been in a war zone since birth really is our age the reason you don't believe us?" Kai asked and sighed "you old people are no threat to us but you are not from around here? I assumed there were other groups but I never actually asked how large is your group are you the only two... god I'm cold, Death you must be freezing,"
"I am trying to ignore that...." She said bluntly. In truth she was freezing, she was completely soaked.

"There is four of us... and you two can't be the only ones.." He said narrowing his eyes.

"We are." Sage lied before Kai could say anything, then she mumbled, "We should just keep going.."
"Death come on... if we get out we can all mass in my van," Kai said and took off his still dry jacket "here death," he said "water proof clothing you need to invest,"
She took it with a sigh, she was not going to argue, "What is up with you and all this yoda talk... gezz... and you know how much I hate getting wet... lets go." She said before pushing past the two people.

"No wait! There is a demon down there.. we are pretty sure they have hypnotised or brainwashed the humans here.... they are using them to try and harm the city... You two really should not go down there..... our other comrades are dealing with it now..." Terra said.
"Don't tell me how to do my job," Kai said "I've lead the underground for years," he spun his axe "and I may not be the best fighter but I can handle demons in tunnels it's so like home,"
Terra and Paul seem to exchange glances as Kai and Sage walked away. Sage could hear them talking a bit, but it only sounded like a mumble.

"These guys could be a problem in the future... or an ally... I am not sure what to think of them..." Sage said as they walked down the hall, "They do do good work though..." she said commenting on most knocked out men or slowly decaying demon bodies.
"I don't thin k we should lie to them... gut feeling but I'll follow your lead," Kai said with a shrug and kept looking around.
"Yeah well I don't know about you but I would like to know about them before I tell them there if 5 more of us... wouldn't you?" She asked looking at Kai, "They could possibly be completely anti demon for all we know... kill Birdy and Kid." She told him, she opened another door and still nothing. all this nothing was getting on her nerves.
"they go after kid our mommy wolf would kill them," Kai said and chuckled. "and you know no matter how good they are if she gets angry enough to snap... ouch,"
"Yeah true... but I am slightly different than you in the fact I actively Avoid such things..." Sage said with a sigh. The moved pretty deep along down the area, though they moved quickly. "Kai what are we going to do if there is a portal down here?"
"Call our princess and mark the area on my gps," Kai said simply "though I don't think there is one not enough of a bad vibe ya know?"
"Yeah I guess..." Sage was obviously trying to move every way of keeping the group to not have to come down here where men with guns where. She could guess now what it felt like for Kai to always do that, but still she was not just one of the group members... she was Death...

It was not long till she opened another door and she saw a women standing there, she had a bow and arrow much like Ebony's. She was aiming are something, obviously not seeing them coming up on her side like they were now.
"Hey bow down," Kai said "god demon hunting weapons no wonder the place is a wreack there are humans down here you dumb@ss's." Kai sighed he would have a time explaining this.
Sage garbed Kai and pulled him to her when the bow women turned and shot at Kai. The arrow shot passed him, "You idiot. You let her shoot then talk..." Sage hissed.

"You... we were just waned of you two.... did not expect you guys to get down here so fast... we are not harming the humans... I am merely shooting demons..." She said, glaring at them, "You guys have quick reflexes."

Sage finally pulled of her mask, she was disguised anyway with her scythe out, "Yeah well we were warned of you too... what is happening here?" She asked.

"As far as we can tell... there are three demons pulling the strings with all this.." The women said.

Sage squinted her eyes at them, she noticed they had ear pieces too... they'll pass information with each other.
"Yes yes," Kai said "not all demons are bad you know? Sometimes a big bad guy is tugging their strings around," he commented he looked rather annoyed but mostly calm he was loosing what little grip on his sanity he has left. "Now have you even tried to talk? I mean we had a demon fall in love with a human then let himself be killed because of the love... sort of," he said thinking of Fredrick but also of Rose who was under her uncles pull at one point.
"Yes... We are fully aware... we've seen a lot in our years of hunting we are not so blind sided... we've not actually gotten to the problem yet to asses it." She said with a sigh.

Sage looked down the hall to see a man with a shield and axe doing most the fighting. Knocking out humans and killing demons. She guessed she called the group wrong... but Sage was always wary of everyone...
"Yes yes," Kai said and sighed "I feel sick can we not just get all this over with so I can go back to bed?" Sage felt a bit of moss reach out to her it was talking with ground plants Rose was scared they told her what was going on.
"Oh man... The plants woke Birdy... She knows where I am right now and what I am doing.." Sage said to Kai, a bit of almost unnoticeable stress in her voice. Kai and Sage were getting over their heads on this one almost.

The women raised an eyebrow at them, as Sage reached out to the plants, "And...Don't get sick on me Joker... then I will actually have to take care of you." She said, she told the plants to tell Rose to stay where she was and not to say a word to anyone... she was ok and so was Kai.
Rose was the one she heard "I'm coming end of story other hunters strong demons guns! you are sooo gonna get it," she said though Sage could feel she was flying over.

"Hey I can't be that hard to take care of," Kai said softly.

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