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Wild Cards

"I only sped things along you all are strong and it was my pleasure to save you from the evil monsters of the tower you were held Princess,"
Rhea smiled softly, "Thank you Kai.... for everything." She told him when they to Roen's apartment, "See you later." She told him softly before leaving.
"See ya princess," he replied and watched her leave. After he drove to sage's apartment and just sat in his car for a while.
Kai got a text saying, 'I can only guess what happened. I have comfort food, so come mope with me.' From Sage.
The night with Sage and Kai went by kind of quietly with a few jokes here and there and she did cooked a favorite food of his choice to cheer him up a bit, but she left him to mope for himself really. It wasn't till later at night after Kai and Sage went to bed that Sage's phone rang loudly. She sat up, smores usual displeasure of being moved, though she had to lean over Kai to get her phone to answer it, "Death speaking..." She mumbled, curcling back up on the bed.
Kai huffed "who the hell is it?"

"Death you are needed at the sector eight pier as soon as possible... did I just hear Kai's voice Death?" the person on the other end was the good natured comrade of theirs named Katsuyo he was obviously asian and often went by the code name Kat
"Yeah hes with me currently... I'll be there... is it an emergency?" She asked getting up and taking off her pajama top. She always had on a simple binding on.Reaching for a dress shirt she started to buttoning it up slowly, she also got on her dress pants and then lastly her tie before pulling out her mask from a drawer.
"Now death would your little Kat call you were it not important?" the boy asked then Sage heard an expoltion "You are missing the fireworks tell kai to get his tail down here too,"
"Fireworks, sounds like a date. Be there soon... with Kai driving anyway..." She said hanging up the phone, "Get up, you're coming to work with me... Kat needs us and it sounds like they are in it deep." Sage said putting her mask on and walking out of her room. She grabbed two grain bars from her kitchen and tossed one to Kai before opening her door. "Hard to work with an empty stomach." She said with a chuckle, this was obviously not the first time she was called out in the middle of the night.
"So prepared," Kai laughed as he quickly set himself into motion and went to his car. "So it escalated... d@mn, can't i keep anything contained anymore?"
"You're not the only person in the world Kai..." Sage was not awake and actually kind of grouchy at the moment. "You're just one person..." She said, jumping into the car. She yawned, though you could only hear it since her mouth was covered.
"Oh right, err... Sector eight pier." She said with a chuckle, "And I am a morning person... just not a 2am in the morning person..."
"Nope... just romance and fireworks.... Well." She sighed and Kai could tell she actually started to analyze the phone call, "There was an explosion... someone had pulled out the big guns and it was more than likely the other side... Kat sounded in good humor still so it might not be too bad, maybe still under control, but reaching to the point not... reason they called me. He just heard you talk on the other line so invited you to the party. Though he sounded like you are actually going to come in handy... Thats all I could tell ya really."
"Fun... Kat is always in good humor," Kai pointed out. Though he was driving his normal break neck speeds. "I want you to assess the situation when we get there I trust your eyes more then mine, mic put it on,"
Sage sighed, Why her? Though she pulled out the Mic and threw one at Kai before putting one on her. "I guess you want me to scout as soon as we get there? Just drop me off close and i'll sneak in... you can go talk to Kat." she told him with a shrug
"Death I want you to be careful this is probably the guy who has the hit out on me," Kai said and put on his mic. "Are you ok with being my little scout or would you prefer I do it,"
"Nah I got this, just a bit grumpy." She said chuckling, She switched the mic on, "Count on me." She told him.
"I do," Kai smiled "it's all you," he said then slammed on the breaks as the pavement in front of them cracked in to a rather large fissure "the hell?"
"The hell is right," Sage said pulling her phone out and dialing Kat, she got out of the car and looked down the fissure.
"Oh god ... Hi death... we got... a few ... problems I think this war is going to start surfacing prepare for ... oh sh!t," she heard another explosion and a few screams "how far away are you guys?"
"We are at a fissure... what is going on? this is beyond out of control... Tell me what is happening and where exactly you guys are." She told him, though she signaled for Kai and her to keep moving, because they needed to move fast...
Kai stepped on the gas again. "We are under sector two the wall caved in... we are sort of trapped with a bomb... we don't know if it's active though," Kat said "We got two injured and a dead rookie," he said

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