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Wild Cards

"I'm not a sinner a follower instead and nobody else can have you.," Rose said matter of factly.

"Sage... you picked up a psycho," Kai said
"I tend to do that every now and again." Sage said chuckling.

Rhea sighed, "Are we ready to go home?" She asked quietly.
"Yep,"Kai chuckled but Sage felt Dasuke call her through the pendant and though she had not heard his voice she had a feeling he wanted to see them at the normal place.
Sage stopped walking for a moment as they went to the car and touch the pendent, then smiled, "Oh... Change of plans. Dasuke says we need to meet him normal place." Sage said suddenly.

Lucifer looked up, "Oh... I wonder if everything is ok."
"I've not herd from Tannis..." Shania said "Maybe it has something to do with their plans," she said though there was a hint of worry in her voice.

"Daddy is a good messenger maybe he just wanted to contact us," Rose said and hopped into the van.
"Mmm possibly, lets drive over there and see." Sage said getting into the passenger seat and passing the keys to Kai.

Rhea smiled at Shania, "It will be ok." She told her and they got into the back.
Kai took his keys with a laugh and got into the van. "Off we go!" he said and as soon as everyone was in he began to drive to their city.
When they got there the demons seem like they were waiting there for a while, though Tannis sat still, his tail waved back and fourth. He was a bit nervous.

Sage jumped out of the car and knew Dasuke might be surprised to see her since she had not chanced back into her usual clothing.
"Ah so my pupil is indeed a girl and one who I bet still has not done the training I asked," Dasuke said as a greeting to Sage "I have such a lazy pupil,"

Shania picked up Tannis's nervousness instantly and ran to him "Master Tannis you are unhurt?" she asked
Sage laughed, "Nope.... Still not done any training." Sage said laughing awkwardly.

Tannis smiled, "Yes I am unhurt. Perfectly fine actually.... just, not sure how to take my new status change, I am still in a state of shock..." Tannis said laughing a bit.

Sage turned to look at Tannis and then at Dasuke. Sounded like something interesting was about to be shared.
"Gaurdians may I introduce you to the new king to be?" Dasuke asked and made a sweeping bow to Tannis.

"King?" Shania was in shock for a moment then she thought about it and shrugged "sounds about right," she hugged her teacher. "I shouldn't be surprised you are a great master I'm sure you will be an amazing King."

Rose blinked "Tanny is gonna be the king... cool,"

"What a twist," Kai smiled.
Sage laughed, "Well congratulations."

Tannis gently hugged Shania back with a paw, "A twist indeed...." Tannis said. "I was not expecting this at all, but two demons in particular of neutral parties nominated me... that was the biggest twist of all... the strangest. But I will try even harder then I have now to try and do my best..." He said with a nod, "We thought we should personally tell you."

Luifer nodded, "I am willing to follow you... especially if my family follows you." He said to Tannis.

Tannis nodded, "I appreciate that Lucifer."

Rhea smiled, thing should turn out alright from here. "We have faith in you." Rhea said quietly.
"You have my sword," Shania said "whenever you need me," she said aloud then in a whisper "you have my ear and heart as well," she told him quietly.

Ebony smiled "I like fighting for a demon I know personally ... makes me know it's a good cause," she said softly.
Tannis purred a little, "As mine." He said as quietly as he could manage, "Thank you... to all of you. I have much to learn still... but I hope this war to end soon..."

Sage smiled and ruffled her hair a bit, she was ready to be changed back in real cloths, these made her a bit uncomfortable after a while. "I guess if you guys need us, we are willing to help... just as long as it does not involve artifacts or old places with a traps..."
Kai smiled "we are here for you," he said "also if you need to hide more refugees here I have a few places till this war is over... also Tannis I'd like to talk with you about the refugee's we have aided thus far in private when you have the time," Kai went from joking to serious rather quickly.
"Alright... I am willing to talk now." He said, "Now is the time I have before who knows how long." He said getting up and moving to a part of the city and sitting.

Sage raised an eyebrow at Kai.
Kai ignored Sage and went to Tannis. "The work they have put in ... I would not want to uproot them," Kai said sitting down "So I was proposing they stay or even ask you if demons and humans could,... integrate, Broren mentioned Demons and humans living together at one point with a proper king on their side and a bit of pushing on our side it may be possible again,"
Tannis seem to think silently for a moment, though he stared at Kai as he did so. "Kai, did Broren tell you how demons and humans lived together long ago?" Tannis said, however he did not wait for an answer, "I understand where youre coming from... and I will leave this up to Broren. What he wishes to do and with his tribe then I am willing to let him. As long as he is not a threat to humanity... after all this is the human world. I have faith Broren would not do such. That is why you guardians are here... to protect and keep your world safe... I am not King yet.. and there is a chance I won't be... but even if I was, I am king of the demon world, not the human world." He said. It was nothing mean or loud... he just simply sat an informed Kai on what he could or could not do... "I wish for peace... but I must first make peace between demons... before I can make peace with humans. I... hope this makes sense. But if and when that time truly comes... let me be the first to help you with that request Kai." He said warmly.
"Seems i still have alot to think on, thank you Tannis. I just found out I have a heart and I have to say... it is not as fun as the fairy tails make it, nor as easy," Kai chuckled "I am here to help you I am the closest thing to a diplomatic threat this would has but never sees happens when you live under the city," Kai said and patted Tannis's paw
"Good luck to you then Kai... I appreciate what you have done with the Shaman... and I am sure he appreciates it too. You made a very powerful ally." Tannis told him, before wrapping a paw around Kai and hugging him to his side, "If you need anything tell me. I will try my best." He said letting go of Kai and walking back to the group.
Kai was half stunned after the hug but he followed Tannis anyway.

"Sage... is it me or does Kai look like you just jolted him?" Shania asked with a chuckle.
Sage grinned, "Kai is like me... not really good with unprepared honest affection." She said back. "I think Tannis beat me to making Kai blush before me..."

Rhea smiled at Kai's shocked face, it was nice seeing him with something other than his chocky look.

Tannis finally got back and smiled, "We will see you soon, I hope to anyway.... Now that I know SHania... you are in your appropriate body, I will contact you more often likely." He said with a nod. "Anything more Dasuke... or should we be off?"
"I think we should be going oh, Sage if you don't train this time I'll have Rose grow plants under your bed and have them forever be a nuisance," Dasuke promised.
"Then I would have to train to make them go away...." Sage mumbled, "Ok ok, ill get my butt into action. Good bye daddy dearest." She told him.

Tannis laughed, "You do have a lazy pupil...." Before opening up the portal and turning to leave.
"Yes and yours works too hard," Dasuke chuckled as he followed Tannis.

"Daddy just wants you to be strong," Rose told Sage.

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