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Wild Cards

"Yes I have been lacking in the male counterparts lately..." Sage said thinking, "Hmmm. Now I want to see if I still have it..." Sage said thinking. Though she knew Rose would attempt to kill whoever she did try it on... Sage's only flaw was she stood a lot like a man and not really in a feminine fashion.

Rhea shook her head, this was only going to bring on bad things, it always did when something 'fun' presented itself.
Kai smiled "heres your chance a full football team came in the mall not long ago sure you can get one of them to nibble on your charms,"

Rose let go and crossed her arms glaring at Kai.
Sage smirked, "Want to see how many phone numbers we can get?" She said leaning down at the table to look at Kai. She personally did not recognize the football team so it was more likely college or from a different high school.

Rhea blushed a bit as Sage issued the challenge to Kai.
"Oh we want me to get guys attentions?" Kai asked "this will be my first time trying if that's what you want," he batted his eyelashes.
"If you think you can do it, I would love to see you hit it off with some guys." She said with a smirk, "I am sure you could pull it off. You appear to have a bigger 'chest' than me anyway."
"I do not hae a big chest! but I do know how to be more feminine," Kai laughed "come on lets go.... hold on have to fix my hair," he gently mussed his hair a little so it looked more natural and a bit more feminine.
"We'll be right back~" Sage told the group, though she winked at Rose. Before her and Kai left to the group of football played.

"I am not sure what they are thinking most the time..." Rhea said quietly.

When they arrived, Sage linked arms with Kai, "Hey!" She said in a bit of a girl fashion. "My friends and I were just looking and saw you guys from a far... we are wondering where you guys come from... what school?" She asked. It was the ice breaker. One of the football players answered back that it was the high school on the other side of the city.
Kai smiled brightly "Really? where is that?" he asked softly and he looked at one of the playeres who seemed a bit bashful. these two blue haired girls were flirting.

"Are you both sisters?" the quarterback asked.
"Yes we are, twins in fact. Fraternal twins of course." Sage said leaning into Kai. She loved to lie and watch people believe her, it was her favorite thing to do next to flirting and cooking. "We do everything together." she said, with just a tad bit of suggestiveness.
"Everything dear sister?" Kai asked "and I thought I'd get my own this time," he pouted softly and one of the jocks almost fell out of his seat.
"You.. you want to by yourself this time?... I guess.. you would want that... I understand.... Its just... I get so lonely when you're not with me. I don't know if I am ready for... being on my own." Sage said, letting go of Kai and looking away a bit sad, even hurt, while she gently pressing her her fist to her mouth. For once Sage actually looked like a defenseless and rejected female.

Most of the men there looked completely speechless and wide eyed, most were wondering if this could even be real.
Kai took her hand and spun her into his hold "you know it isn't like that," he gently stroked her cheek. "I love you sis, and honestly I didn't want to share you." Kai gave Sage a fond loving look.

The football team looked on at the scene with large eyes some silently hoping the two would kiss.
"You say such embarrassing things..." Sage said and she leaned in like she was going to kiss Kai, but put her fingers to his lips and looked at the football team, "But... they are watching... Its kind of embarrassing." She said quietly. The football player's expressions were priceless.

Rhea continued to watch and then commented to Shania, "I am not sure if I wish I could hear what they are saying..." She said watching Kai and Sage interact with each other.
"I am content to not know," Shania said holding Rose down.

"Don't be embarrassed, you have no need big sis is here to shield you," Kai kissed her fingers. Kai's look was smoldering but somehow loving as well.
Sage smiled, "Sis... Then we don't have to ask these guys for... help anymore?" She asked Kai, "I liked your help best anyway..." She said leaning heavy on Kai. A few of the football players actually let out a grown because they thought they were actually going to see somthing.
Kai kissed her tenderly "no... I suppose we don't need their help, I will be sure to ease your body myself,"

"I'll help!" one player blurted out.
Sage looking at the football players and then winked at them, "You guys are so sweet... but I think I will trust my big sis... I will let you guys think of us tonight though." She said with a smile.
Sage seem to shiver, and a lot of the football players seem to blush or look wide eyed and with that Sage and Kai left, "I think that went rather well. Phone numbers or not." Sage said grinning when they were out of earshot of the guys.
"My first time trying to seduce men... yeah I wasn't to good I am much better with women," Kai chuckled "you my little tempting actress however did very well the coy act with the underlying insecurity brilliant,"
"Oh I am just happy I have an actor that knows how to improvise, the kiss on the neck was a fantastic goodbye present, I am sure Amy can give you better tips. Hmmm maybe we should try this again, but both as guys with women... I wonder how that would work out." She said thinking out loud as they approach the group again.
"I can do the two guys getting woman one that is second nature to me," Kai laughed.

"God you two are horrible Rose wanted to kill the football team," Shania commented
Sage laughed, "Rose I am still slightly baffled to why you want to kill the people I hit on... Shouldn't you want to kill me instead?" Sage said with a smile.

Rhea sighed, but Kai and Sage's antics obviously put the two in a good mood.
"No because they fell to the temptation it is the sinner who is punished not the sin itself," Rose said crossing her arms.

"Spoken like a preacher..." Kai said with a slight chuckle
"Does that mean I am the devil...?" Sage said laughing loudly. "So does that mean you're a sinner too Rose, since you've fallen for my... sin?"

Rhea blushed a bit and pressed her hands on her face. So if Sage cheated on Rose... Rose would kill the other person? The demon girl was so messed up...

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