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Wild Cards

Rhea couldn't help but laughed, Shania might be in the mood to spoil Lucy since they had missed him while in the other world.

Lucifer smiled and nodded, though he waited for Shania to come back out so he could ask her.

Sage laughed, "As soon as Shania is ready Kai." Sage said, she not see Kai excited for a while.
"Yes." Rhea said with a smile. Lucifer jumped up, "Shania! Theres a store with a huge amount of candy! We have to get some!!" He said excitedly. Rhea couldn't help but to laugh some.

Sage sighed and shook her head, "come on lets good."
Sage still has possession of the car keys, and decided she wanted to drive. Kai had no choice. She waited for everyone to climb into the car. Rhea, and Lucifer had gotten in quickly like normal, and hugged Ebony to him, though he was having a hard time containing his excitement.

When everyone was inside, Sage quickly started the car and started to drive to the mall.
Kai was almost like Lucifer exited it had been forever since he went shopping last.

Shania chuckled and sat by Rhea she was never the shopping type but she did need a few more clothes and if Kai was paying why not?

Ebony hugged Lucy she wanted to go into Victoria secrets for a few things as well as the candy store.
(Ebony you temptress.... LOL)

Sage sighed a happy sigh and followed Kai into the mall, the one thing she hated about the mall more then anything was the food.... however the food stores here, "Oh yeah... Shania we are getting you new kitchen supplies..." Sage said, suddenly looking forward to shopping.

Rhea did not mind shopping, but she had never done it for fun with her friends, and she was excited because she was also going with her girlfriend... it sounded so weird... but it felt really good. Everything felt good to her right now.

Luicfer happily held Ebony's hand as they walked around with the group.
Kai smiled as they passed a store that sold his clothing line he had been in fashion for years but seeing his clothes in stores was still a major ego boost.

Shania chuckled "thats right my teapot caught fire," she said and winked at Rhea.

Ebony smiled and held Luci's hand "lucy... what's your favorite color?" she asked as they walked.
"What... how did that happen?" Rhea asked a bit wide eyed. Though Shania's wink caught her off guard.

"Yeah I still want to know how that happened...." Sage said dryly.

Lucifer seem to think about it for a while, "Umm..." he started to scratch his head, then he looked at Ebony. She had black hair, and he had black hair, "Black I guess... I never really thought about it. Purple maybe...."
Ebony giggled and squeezed his hand. Her evil plan hatching in her head.

"You did it when you had no memories," Shania laughed. "it was funny actually,"
Rhea looked a bit shocked, "Oh my gosh.... I set...." She said.

Sage started to laugh.

Meanwhile in the demon world...

There were many demon gathered in a large room, Tannis was sitting in front of the room. He had finally called a meeting to all those who have seen and realized the corruption. There were followers from both sides of the war... it made the room a bit tense because of the previous rivalry... but Tannis was sure they could put that behind them. He was nervously waiting for the arrival of all the demons that he had invited personally
Dasuke smiled at Tannis he looked considerably better then he had after using all his energy on the relic, he had no hostility for anyone in the room so far and that made him relax. Dasuke would greet someone every now and again trying to be as polite as possible.
Tannis was a bit nervous... but he hoped that this meeting will go well and bring things down to the final steps to peace. He also hopes he is right and is not creating something worse...

"Demons from all kinds and places.... welcome. I wish to start the meeting now. Is there anyone who wishes to wait furthermore?" Tannis said, though he wondered if he was talking to loud.

A lot of the demons seem to turn their attention to him. He saw a lot of familiar faces from his own side of the war and some faces that he had meet in a fight on the battlefield itself. When no demon seem to speak up Tannis took a step forward, "Today... we are here to discuss who we want to put on the thrown."
Had it been up to Dasuke he would have nominated Tannis however the soft hearted demon was not realy a ruler. He sat and smiled listening to his friend
There was a bit of talking between demons, a few not even willing to step up. There seem to be a bit of silence after that till Tannis spoke again, "How about we start with thing we need in a king." Tannis said, encouraging the group.

"Someone who is willing to lay their life down no matter their status. I believe no king should hide away behind armys in times of war." Said a male centaur, a previous Eurynome follower.

Mokii actually spoke up a few moments later, "Someone who listens and looks... wisdom is what I seek in a leader and a king." She said seriously, though she sounded pleasant as always.
"Someone with enough heart to not become a tyrant... but also one who knows how to make the tougher choices without it breaking his heart," Dasuke put in softly.

A blond demon perked up he looked like a human legends elf his fair completion and pale eyes made the fact he had little color to him. He had been a freelancer in the war only interested in protecting those to remain neutral Seph was his name. "I believe we need a king who is not afraid to get down with the lower classes and get a bit dirty now and then,"
A rather larger than average white Tigress was sitting in the corner, she had soft white wing folded on her back. she was a lot like Seph, but she protected demons in area's who could not defend themselves. Her voice was soft, but firm. "Tannis... You have lead us just fine too this point here, yet you show no interest in the thrown yourself?" She asked. The Tigress had never given her name, and she remains a secret.

Tannis's Tail moved but he though, "I don't think I am strong enough..."

"You are strong. It take a lot of will power and strength of the heart to make a choice to possibly usurp the demon you've been fighting for most the war.. and there was a large chance this was not even going to work. From what I know, you are someone who is kind, but strong and fierce... you have constantly been helping the guardians in the humans world and you have helps demons who lost their homes. You've lead us here so far... why not continue to lead us into the future?" She said, though while she spoke she moved to meet the eye's of other demon's in the room.

Tannis was not sure how to react to this.
Dasuke smiled "I agree with you my lady, Tannis old friend do consider it," he said.

Seph had not met Tannis personally till now but he knew of the demons strength "you do not seem a bad candidate, would you notice the weaker demons plights as well?" he had to ask because it was those for who he fought.
"That is why I wish to fix things... everything is crashing and I've seen more demons running from the war and losing everything... there has been so many unnecessary deaths under the fighting of the other two lords... I know by me doing this... the deaths will not stop here, but I am hoping to move us closer to peace." Tannis said, though he stood a bit taller when the question was presented to him.

The was a bit of mumbling around the room, though the tigress had moved to the edge of the crowd.
"Let us put to a vote!" Seph said "all of us here can say yay or ney to Tannis being our new king,"

Dasuke smiled "my vote is Yay," he said with a grin
Tannis looked a bit shocked, but he stayed where he was.

The Tigress blinked, "Yay."

Mokii softly cupped her hands together, "Yay." She said happily. Levi and Lucifer, Lucy's dad, both said 'Yay' as well. The demons around the area would talk every now and again, more Yay's coming from around the room. As far as Tannis could hear, there was no one who said ney.
"I believe old friend the counsel has spoken," Dasuke said and smiled at the other demons. "I think even the guardians would approve of you,"
"I..." Tannis started, though he could see most the demons starring at him at this point. Was he ready for something like this? Never in his life would he have though he be in this position he is in now. "I will lead everyone here into the future the best I can, I will be the next king." He told them.

The Tigress then bowed to Tannis and a lot of the demon's followed suit.

"So what now?" Mokii asked.

Tannis looked to her and then back to several of the other demons, "Now we announce our presence into this war."
"Blunt... we should appear quickly, we'll we have the element of surprise." He said, though he stood up, Tannis's own battling experience this planning came easy to him, "I want demons who were from both sides of the war to be on a console... we need to work together... we need to spread word and gain the approval of the people." Tannis said, though he started to walk to the group of demons though he started to talk amung them asking for help to do curtain tasks.

The Tigress purred quietly to herself, "He will do just fine." She talk Dasuke, "As long as you stay with him as well."

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