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Wild Cards

"Then come this way, we will start immediately." Broren said as she started off to the tent.

When they got there he looked at Shania and Rhea, "You two come in... others please stay out." He said.

When Rhea and Shania walked into the tent they could see Raffer sleeping in a corner of the tent.

"Raffer Wake. I need to perform the soul change. Step out for a moment." He told the demon boy.

Raffer sat up, though he looked sleepy and he moved out without a word.

Sage looked up when Raffer came out of the tent, "Hey sleepy head, you doing ok?"

Raffer looked up and nodded, "Ah yes, Guardians. I am doing well." he said, rubbing his eyes.
Rose hugged him "guess what! Sage finaly agreed to mate with me!" Kai chuckled seems that was Rose's favorite news.

Shania held Rhea's hand gently.
"Wondrous news! I hope you have many strong children!" Raffer said to her.

"Whoa whoa... Rose I was kidding..." Sage said laughing a bit.

Broren smiled and gestured for them to sit down in front of the bowl, moving to the bowl he pour a large amount of purple looking dust into it. Rhea gently squeezed Shania's hands... though it was hers because they were smaller.

"Now.... you will feel sleepy and dazed in a little... but this is normal." Broren said, and proceeded to put several hot coals into the tray. Next he poured some water over it a small purple haze filled the room.
Shania held Rhea's hand tightly she was a bit unsure of this, she wanted to be her but magic didn't much like her recently.

"But you told me so you would not lie... if you lie then I'll tell daddy," Rose said unfazed "oh I get it! you are embarrassed!"
Sage's mouth was slightly hung open, did she just get blackmailed? Sage shook her head, "Wait a minute here.... I told you I was a liar.... and you said you did not care... Just because you don't care does not mean I won't lie... and when did I say I won't lie? The last and only time I ever promised that to was Kai and Shania only because...." No wait... don't give her ideas, "Even then I still suck at keeping my word... Anyway.... I've not promised you anything..." She said rubbing her hair slowly, "You kind of convinced yourself of this... I told you Rose I am still in love with someone else."

Broren seem to speak many words in demon almost in a rhythmic manner. Rhea started to feel dizzy and tired she started to feel like she was out of her mind and body... kind of like you are having a dream... and the world is spinning under you. It was a good 20 minutes for them, but when everything seem to clear and Rhea could feel herself feeling more aware, she noticed she had moved. Though when she looked to her side, Shania was sitting there instead of herself. "Ah... it worked! I did not even feel it!" Rhea said happily.
Rose straightened and her expression calmed it was amazing how much she looked like Dasuke. "You told me and I am holding you to your word, I have made up my mind, had you wanted me to not you should have made it clear," Rose made it very clear she has chosen Sage. however after her spurt of calm bravery she began to tear up and she took off int the sky.
"Geez.... I never thought I would actually feel bad making someone cry... I use to do it for fun too..." Sage said letting out a long sigh and gently rubbed the back of her hair, "I'll be right back..." She told Kai with a sigh and started to slowly walk the direction she saw Rose had flown. She just just gotten over an emotional fever...

Raffer stood there a bit awkwardly, "I feel bad.... should I have not said anything?"
"Be careful death," kai said watching her go after the upset demoness.

Rose had found a tree to sit in and had decided not to come down.

Kai explained the situation to Raffer as Sage went after Rose.
When Sage found Rose she let out a small sigh and climbed to tree and sat down next to her, "Hey... will you listen to me?"
"Well I am going to talk to you anyway....." Sage said, though she did gently reach for Rose and pulled her closer to herself. "You know... I do like you." Sage started, "I... I like you a lot. But I don't love you... and I feel like you deserve to be with the person who loves you back... You know what I am saying?" She asked quietly.
"You lied to me I hate you ," rose pushed weakly trying to get sage off of her she was being dramatic and childish and she didn't care.
Sage smiled at her trying to push away, but she keep the girl close, "I get that a lot actually. Rose, I tried to tell you I was a liar... a little somethin about love... you have to accept the person for who they are... You can't change who I am. And I am flat out a flirt, mean person and I lie.... If you can't handle... why do you want to be with me?" She asked the girl.
"Tell you what... I promise to never lie about my feelings for you.... as soon as I know I've fallen for you, I will tell you that I love you, and only then that I say to you those three words, will I be your mate. Do you understand? So no mater what I say or do... it is all a lie until I tell you I have fallen for you, ok?" Sage said to Rose, though she did gently pet the girls hair when she latched onto her.
"You will never love me until Ebony is gone," Rose stated though her voice was weak and tiered the tree began to try and push sage off as Rose's feelings reached it
"Hey hey, who said anything about Ebony now?" Sage said, though she pulled Rose onto her lap and pressed her hand to the tree, telling it to calm itself. As far as Sage knew... Kai was the only one who knew she was in love with Ebony... "Ebony has Lucifer and they are so in love you can't break them apart but they have nothing to do with this. Look... I did not even think it was possible for me to fall in love... Rose you know nothing about me... My inner fears or dreads, my life before we meet or even before demon hunting."
"I am not blind," Rose said "i know you are softer to her i also know Kai has files on you from kindergarden up you have a horrible reputation and have been seen as heartless your dad died and you hid your pain and you did it again after your mom died you are a compulsive liar and I don't care!"
"Ouch... that hurt... Kai let you read my files? When the hell did that happen...." Sage said rubbing her head slowly. If that was true she was going to kill Kai. "Look Rose... You should care. Geez what am I saying... But... You should care about these things, because they are the things you have to deal with if you are with me... But... I want to know more about you too... I already.. care about you, and I don't like seeing you cry either.."
"I broke into Kai's house he has files on all of you humans," Rose said "i don't care if you are a bad person and I will tell you anything you want to know,"
Sage sighed then Smacked Rose over the head, "You do know that is call breaking an entering! You don't do that here! Gezz...." Sage said sighing and running a hand through her hair but she started to laugh. Tricky little girl. Gently Sage pulled Rose to her and hugged her. "I should probably fore warn you as well... you do realized I've, 'mated' Several times and with more than one person right?"
"I like when you say that instead of that you don't care." Sage said with a smile, "So just as a small recap... I promise when I fall in love with you I will tell you, and we will mate then... Only then will I stay... and... I promise I'll make more of an effort to fall for you too... instead of pushing you away... Does that sound ok?" Sage asked, pulling up Rose's face to look at Sage in the eyes.
Sage just smiled kindly and leaned in to Rose and kissed her softly. It was a different kiss from usual, Sage mostly kissed Rose deeply or with haste, but this one seemed a bit more, honest. "I will try my best to keep my word." She told Rose in a whisper.

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