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Wild Cards

"I will not leave his side," Dasuke smiled "not even death could make part me from him," he swore. Not that he planned on dieing anytime soon.

Seph smiled "I can spread word to the neutral forces... they know there way around the world," he offered.
The tigress seem to only smile in response, though her eyes said most of it. "I can also help with that, though I am not as well known as Seph by name." She never gave her name out, mostly because she felt it was not was defined her.

Tannis nodded, "Please do so. We start immediately... the faster the better." He said dismissing the demons, a lot of them let to go do as they were told. Tannis let out a very long sigh.
Dasuke patted his friends leg "We have a wonderful start," he commented as everyone left. "Do you wish to tell your student and the other guardians?"
"I think I wish to actually wrap my own head around this first....." He said, "Never in a million of my years would I have seen myself here.... right now. Do you think I can do this? I know I am not weak by any means, but to be king!" Tannis said a bit loudly.
"You can do this Tannis and I will be by your side," Dasuke said "If you ever need me," he smiled at his friend "you will make things right and peaceful again I know you will,"
Tannis nodded, "You promise me that you will stay my friend....? I think I can do this.. I will try anyway..." He would need to make a conscious effort to stay sane...
"I am your friend Tannis and always will be and if you get to high on your throne I'll knock you down a few pegs," Dasuke said with a grin he meant it he would keep Tannis just as pure and noble as he is now.
Tannis laughed loudly and used a paw to cuff Dasuke over the head happily, "I expect nothing less from you. Come... let us do some preparation of our own... though I should tell the guardian's soon before I am to busy to do so..."
The shopping spree went rather well, Sage had gotten a hold of several new kitchen supplies for Shania's house, including a new kettle and coffee maker. Sage also stopped to get a few more suits for herself, she had ruined quite a few over the span of demon hunting and it was good to finally be able to replace them.

Rhea did not really get much except a few clothing, though she moved to pay for it herself because she did not want anyone to buy it for her.

Lucifer got candy.... lots of candy.

At this point the group was settling down at the food court after most of their shopping was done. Sage seem to be thinking about actually buying something girly just to see the groups reaction to her dressing like one.
Rhea had convinced Shania to get a replacement dress for the one she destroyed fighting demons outside kai's house. She also got a few books for Rhea to read up at her house.

Ebony had a bag of Victoria secret merchandise a few dress's and a pair of new dancing shoes.

"This shopping trip went well," Kai said happily.
"Yes, Yes it did." Sage said, "Be right back. I actually want to do something... just to see if I can do it." She said getting up and leaving.

Rhea smiled "Have you gotten anything Kai?" She asked him, she was happy to sit down finally, all that walking gets to you.
"Ha of course! I got a few things but they are a secret," Kai winked at her. He waved Sage off as she left as well.

Shania watched Sage leave and she held Rhea's hand softly.
Rhea went a bit wide eye, though she liked holding Shania's hand. "I am not sure I want to ask..." Rhea said quietly.

"Shania! Can I have some of the candy now?" Lucifer asked, getting Shania's attention.
"After you eat the good for you food," Shania told Lucifer "then you can have one piece ok?" she smiled at him.

Ebony smiled and hugged Lucifer's arm.
Lucifer seem to make a face, though he did lean in to Ebony, "Oh but Shania... we won't eat till we get back home and Sage cooks.... How about one right now... pleeassseee." He said.

Rhea couldn't help but laughed.
"Fine one piece," Shania chuckled and shook her head.

Kai laughed "that boy of yours is still such a child,"

"Yeah but I love him," Shania said
Lucifer smiled and picked out a peice of candy, though he split it with Ebony.

Rhea laughed and then looked to Rose, "Are you having fun at all?" She asked the girl.
"Oh yes!" she smiled "I got to see Sage look like a kid in a candy store and I got a really cute corset dress and this silly looking wand that lights up!" Rose smiled she had been playing with said wand.
"I did not act like a kid in a candy shop, Lucifer was the kid in the candy shop." Sage said. When Rhea looked up Sage was actually wearing girl clothing... She was wearing a light purple long sleeve shirt under a tank top and a pair of form fitting jeans. She was almost unrecognizable... She even seem to have a bit of lip gloss on that made her look pretty girly.

"S-Sage?" Rhea asked, wondering if that was even her.
"Oh my god.. it's a girl again!" Kai said with a smile.

Rose glomped Sage "you look super cute!" she said.

"Sage... are you ok?" Shania asked her raising an eyebrow,
"Of course I am ok, I just wanted to see your faces." She said when Rose tackled her. "I have not dressed like this in years." She said, though she gently pat Rose on the head.

"You're really... pretty." Rhea said smiling at Sage.
"Agree'd totally date able," Kai said.

Rose smiled "I like it," she said "but you look super handsome in a tie and dress clothes too,"
"Thank you Rose, and Dateable? What is that supposed to mean! I swear I have more women lined to date me then you..." Sage said brushing her hands through her hair with a smirk.

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