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Wild Cards

Kai grabbed the monkey then slammed her with his shoulder as hard as he could he hopped that would be enough.

Rose struggled against Sage her razor freather's ready and she was indeed trying to use them.

The boy threw two more at the hunters.
"Ah! Brother!" The girl said when Kai slammed into her, "He took our toy! give it back!" She said when the Monkey left her hand.

Brock kept his shield up as he charged the boy once more.

Sage tried her best to pull Rose to the ground a pin Rose on the ground, though she tried to avoid her feathers, she would cut herself if it meant keeping the girl down.
Rose called upon plants to try and get sage off.

Kai took the monkey and simply shielded it with his body as he curled around it. "Ok little one I got you," he cooed to it though he knew full well he was completely vulnerable.
Sage took a deep breath and told the plants to leave, Rose is sick.. she needs help or she will get herself killed. She looked up to see Kai, but it was not long till she saw the women from easier run through the door and slashed at the little girl who looked like she was about to impale Kai with a jagged needle like thing like her brothers.

The little girl flew back as she was assaulted by the terra with the twin blades.

The Monkey shook a bit and closed its eyes once more.

Paul also game into the room and shoot at the boy with his cross bow.
he dodged "Sister let us go I do not think they are playing fair," The boy said.

Kai held the monkey and pet it gently. Ignoring the goings on behind him.

Rose was crying "this isn't fair," she said though her body still fought against Sage.
Sage kept her pinned, "Shh... its ok, fight your body.." She told the girl quietly, she stayed on Rose and tried to keep the plants at bay.

The girl flew over to her brother and hid behind him, "But big brother they have our toy..." she told him. though she took out a wand looking thing.

"Come back here you two. You have nowhere to run." Terra warned.
"We will get it back but right now we must play chase lets see if we cant go kill a few humans to rile them up,"

Rose tried to fight but she was not doing too well.
The girl made a face before opening a portal. Sage's eyes went wide.... enemies that open portals? This is not good...

"Ok.." She said, "But i'll get my toy back, mark my words Blue haired freaks!" The demon girl spat at them.
Kai waited for them to leave before he uncurled from his protective ball.

Rose eventually got ahold of herself and was sobbing softly. "How is birdy?" Kai asked.
"Hysterical... You almost got yourself hurt Kai... why didn't you roll or run?" She asked him, pulling Rose to her as she cried.

The group of hunters seem to gather around each other, Lisa walking into the room again rubbing her head.
"because if I had this little guy would be hurt," Kai said "come now you are safe," he soothingly said to the creature "I am bad at handling animals... now if you were a shapely woman I'd know how to treat you," he told the monkey.

Rose clung to Sage still crying she was now scared. "sh...should I call daddy?" she asked,
"No no no... Don't call Daddy... Everything is fine now Rose.... I am here, I kept you safe didn't I?" Sage cooed to her.

The Monkey opened its eyes and looked at Kai abut then closed them again. It was obviously tired and beaten.

"Are you guys Ok?" Brock asked after their group seem to be done talking.

"We are fine...this would have gone a lot better if we had the whole group here... Thanks... for your help." Sage told them.
"I need to get this little guy to our mother wolf," Kai said "it's hurt and well... she's the gentle caring one," he stated "as for all you my address 135 Cresant view terrace," he told them "stat you are a guest of Kai shiro Sohma they'll let you in,"

Rose nodded into Sage's chest she was upset and scared and she half wanted to go home and cry to daddy so he could send her to bed with warm rosemilk.
"Come on Rose.... Everything is fine... I'll stay over and you can sleep with me.. does that sound ok? " She asked her.

"No. Don't worry about us. We have a place to stay already, however, here is our contact number." He said, handing Kai a paper with a number on it.

Lisa seem to bend down to Kai, "Can I see it?" She asked quietly, "Maybe I can help... I usually work the medical stuff in the group." She told him.
"Our priestess is not here so perhaps you are a good choice but if it is demon... I'd rather not risk it hurt," Kai said.

Rose hugged Sage tightly "I could have hurt you,"
"Hey now, but you didn't, and I didn't have to hurt you either. I told you, I will protect you. Now stop those tears, and tell the plants you are ok, they are worried about you." She told Rose softly.

Lisa gently stroked the forehead of the little monkey, "It looks like a Lion monkey. It is a demon for sure. I think it might just be of exhaustion... but with all the fur I wound not be able to see any underlying bruising... it might have broken bones with how rough it looked like it was being treated..."
"our mother wolf will care for it she's as good at breaking bones as she is mending them," Kai said "you all would do well to meet our group we have a larger one,"

Rose reached out to the plants to sooth them as she calmed down/
Sage sighed and picked Rose up but adjusted her on her back, "Should we call princess? She would know better...." Sage asked walking over to Kai. "I should probably call Kat.."

"Sure Kai. I think we would love to meet them... I think we would love to know more about this city... there is a lot of demon activity here." Brock said. Paul looked indifferent... Lisa and Terra smiled a little though.
"you are telling us... but as I said we have a refugee camp of demons here and they are under my protection not that they need it," Kai said. He gave them his number "Yes Death call Kat tell him the situation," Kai craddled the monkey "see you later,"
"Alright... best get out of here before the humans wake." Brock told him, before they all seem to leave.

Sage dialed the number and put it to her ear, "Like... everything... or just lie... Tell him about demons?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow.
"lie, demons might be against Kat's way of thinking," Kai said petting the monkey.

"Yo death you are alive I was about to come back out to see if I could help!" Kat's always cheerful voice met her.
"Yeah I am alive, and Kai and I manage to clear this place out. I think we need people to come secure some baddies to take to holding before they regain conscious." Demons should all evaporate by then... Sage thought to herself, "I thought you got the crap beat out of you? How would you help like that?" She asked laughing.
"hey not my fault I got caved in on," Kat whined "and I'm ok a few broken fingers and a couple small cuts hell I'm fit as a wild cat,"
Sage chuckled, "Well go home and go to bed after you order some men over here for seizing this place... Kai and I won't be sticking around, so tell them not to expect us." She told him, though she started walking out of the place. Holding Rose and her phone was hard...

The monkey seemed fast asleep at this point.
"Will do Death," Kat said "beat up kai a bit for all us guys down here," he said before hanging up.

"Where we going your house or Shania's?" Kai asked holding the creature gently.

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