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Wild Cards

Sage sighed and looked at the clock.... 2pm... 6hours of sleep.... 8 for Kai. Ehe... its enough. "Oh well... I am up now." Sage said and got off the bed. Poor Rose was probably tired out too... "Guess I should hold off on food and eat when we get over to the group... we should probably give those other hunters introductions to our city and meet them there."
"Yes Death dear I saved the number in my cell be a doll and call them tell them to meet us at ... the park at 6pm, do you think that's long enough to inform the team and run from Shania?" Kai asked
Sage chuckled, "Perhaps. I have a feeling Roen might be there too... Shania and them are probably at school." Though she reached for his phone and she also checked hers for text from Shania.
Sage chuckled, "We are in so much trouble.." She said. Thought she did dial the phone number of the hunters, "Did you want... like an actual public park? Or were you saying our city?" She asked.
"public park I don't want them at our city unless we know we can trust them," Kai said thinking clearly now unlike last night.
"Its going to be cold..." She said with a sigh as she answered the phone. She started off with the conversation of asking how they were and a few other things before telling them where to meet them and what time. When she was done, she hung up and then tossed Kai's phone onto the bed. Then she pushed Rose off the bed. "They said OK. See us then."
"You're thanking me too much. Its weird. Who wants some brunch?" Sage asked moving to get changed. She just slept in her cloths last night and needed new ones.

The girl stirred a bit and opened her eyes. They were a golden amber color. She sat up and looked around, Sage personal froze when she sat up, waiting to see what her first move would be. She looked a bit scared and was not sure what to do, though when she saw Rose she look as if she was conflicted with reaching out to her or being scared of her.
The girl smiled a bit and nodded at Rose. She was a demon... she believed her... she'd wronged the humans...

The girl got out of bed and then seem to bow to all of them, though Sage moved to catch her a bit because she looked like she could barely stand. "Gezz... if you still can't get up, don't..." She said, sitting the girl back on the bed. "Are you hungry?" She asked her.

The girl looked to Sage and nodded vigorously. Sage couldn't help but laugh, "Ok.. let me go cook some brunch... I am leaving her up to you two."
"geez I think we can handle it," Kai said "Come on little one lets sit own you were in bad shape... does anything hurt?" he asked her though when talking to her he spoke softly trying to keep her calm as if she were still the little monkey.
"Ok lay down, can you not talk?" he asked her as he made her lay down with gentle coaxing. Rose watched amused at the gentle Kai.
The girl shook her head and then touched her throat, though she reached to touch Kai's forehead, but then took her head back before she actually touched him. She did lay down however.
"It's ok," Kai told her "I'm going to feel your ribs to see if there's anything broken stay still but nod or take my hand if I hurt you," he told her an began to gently press and feel her ribs.
"Ok... i think they are bruised maybe cracked I want to keep them from being fractured if I can, is your head fuzzy? your thoughts muddled or anything?" he asked her.
"Kai only looks scary, but he wont hurt you if you don't hurt us," Rose said still talking demon.

Kai nodded and sat up "ok can you stay in bed for me?" he asked the girl
I am sorry for yesterday... Let me break the daze... Rose could hear a voice say in her head. Then she felt something break. It was the entrance she had put of Rose yesterday... it was just sleeping in her head, waiting to be awoken again, but it was broken now and she no longer had control over Rose if she wanted. My name is Momo... I am sorry for yesterday...
"it's ok Momo... the two kids forced you too," Rose said and looked at Kai "her names Momo,"

"Pleasure to meet you the names Kai," Kai told momo.
She reached a hand to Kai, but would not talk to him in less he reached for her in return... she did not want to scare him.

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