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Wild Cards

Rhea nodded and blushed a bit more, "W-We are... G-Girlfriends now?" She asked quietly, looking for confirmation. Though Rhea had started itching out of the kitchen, more out of hiding behind the kitchen doorway from embarrassment.
"N-no! I want that!" Rhea said, though it came out a bit louder than she usually talked. "I would... like that... a lot." She said quietly. She did not think her face could get any more red.
Rhea nodded and smiled, she wanted to be together too... with Shania. "So we are Girlfriends now?" She asked, though this time it sounded more happy when she asked. She just wanted to make sure... She liked the sound of it.
"Ok. Thank you." Rhea said quietly, taking the plate and leaving to go sit in the living room, gently she poked Rose to wake her for breakfast. "Time to wake up sleepy." She said happily. She was in a good mood now, pretty happy.
Rhea Did not know this...so when Rose did not respond Rhea looked worried and placed her head on the demoness chest to find a heartbeat.
"B-B-Because you weren't moving!" Rhea said shooting up from where she was. "I-I thought you were dead!" She said, obviously stressed a bit.
"W-wait... Rose... its breakfast... time..." Rhea said... but the girl was already asleep. "Thats... weird.." She mumbled.
Rhea smiled at Shania, "I've never seen anyone sleep so hard before... everyone is usually a light sleeper, well everyone I've known." She said sitting down and taking a few bites of food. Though she ate a bit more then Shania's body wanted which made her feel a bit sick.
Lucifer sat up at the call of Shania and yawned, stretching. "Lets go." He said quietly to Ebony with a smile.

Roen also walked in quietly, though he looked a bit tired. "Roen!" Rhea said happily and ran to greet him, she hugged him tightly. "This is a tad weird... but I guess I was warned about this..." He said, softly hugged Rhea back.
Rhea looked up at Roen and laughed some, "I'm tall." She said simply. That made Roen actually smile as he leaned down to ruffle Rhea's/Shania's hair. "I haven't eaten yet, any extra for me?" He asked when Rhea let go of him.

Lucifer quietly walked out into living room yawning, Ebony in toe, "Good morning Shania." he said, greeting her like it was a normal morning.
"Thank you." Roen said taking a seat on the couch. "So... how are you guys going to fix this?" He asked taking a bit and putting it on his place.

"The hard part is done." Rhea said simply, curling up on the couch. "We just need to let Raffer and Broren rest a bit before they can move us again."

"I see... I am glad you guys are back... though the Shania from the other world was way less hostile to me.." Roen said taking a bite.

Lucifer huffed, "I like this Shania better anyway."
"I am not hostile!... ok maybe a little when it comes to my family," Shania admitted "but I never want to go there again,"

Rose looked at Roen "You're a doctor right? so tell me since you are smart why can't sage 'knock me up?'"
Roen coughed suddenly, "What?!" He said, he was still coughing and Rhea had to rub his back, though he had a small blush on his face... slightly less colored than Rhea's.
Shania face palmed "she thinks Sage can and will ... make her bare little ones... though I think the turm Knock up is such a vile one,"
"R-Rose hasn't.... Sage already.... explained why?" She said pressing her hands to her face.

Roen had to put his plate down and he got up and picked up a few pieces of paper.

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