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Wild Cards

"Ok, ok thats fine... where did you last see him?" Sage asked, though she walked to the kitchen and pulled out another knife and tossed it Kai. She had a few of them everywhere in her house... that way she was never caught in a room unarmed, though she had her scythe with her 24/7... swinging it in her apartment was hard.

She then went into her room and go a pillow and another blanket and tossed it on her couch.
"I saw him about four miles out," Kai said "i'm almost positive I lost him... I might have blinded him with shadows... Thanks death,"
"No problem..." She said, though she finally took off her mask, she looks a bit flushed, "I thought you were staying at Shanias..." She said, leaning against the door. She was trying to keep herself even breathed, just that little spurt of energy made her tired.. She wanted to kick Kai out, he showed up at the worst of times, but she would not do that to the guy.
"I thought they needed time to relax... unfortunately the hitman found me before I could get home," Kai was examining Sage by now he knew something was wrong
"You call me the careless one, you should have stayed put." Sage said with a sigh, "You should have known I was a light sleeper too... Ok look... just sleep here tonight, or at least till hit man is taken care of, which I guess means as long as you want... also sleep on your side because Smore will lay on you if you sleep on your back..." She said, moving to go back to bed.
"Sage," he grabbed her arm he was oly going to thank her again but he felt she was hot all her body was hot he took off her mask an felt her head "I am going to murder you," he said but he didn't raise his voice at all.
"I almost murdered you earlier." Sage said sarcastically, gently pushing Kai's hand off her forehead and taking her mask back.
"Hey hey hey... Don't go in there... I don't even want you looking at my kitchen." Sage said following Kai. "Seriously... you go to bed, and I will too..." She was afraid Kai will burn down her house... or worse.... and she had no idea what was worse than losing her kitchen.
"I was in bed until you broke into my house..." Sage grumbled spinning on her heals and leaving to go into the bedroom. Quickly she put the knife she was holding under her pillow and then got back in the blankets. She almost got away with this.... why does this keep happening to her? Freakin Kai...
Kai walked in with her set the water on her nightstand and he made sure she was well covered "I will stay with you and I'll decide on telling the team or not this afternoon,"
"I hate you...." She mumbled, but she then sat up and pulled Kai down onto the bed with her, She made him lay down next to her "Ok you, listen here... do you have the slightest clue why I am sick with a fever like this?" She whispered to him.
"Emotional I'll bet you're too much a hard @ss for it to be anything else," Kai said rather unfazed by being pulled onto the bed. "Look you are sick as a dog you need rest and care, fevers can kill I've seen it happen," he pressed his forehead to hers.
"Yeah I am not dumb..." She mumbled, "Emotion is a good answer... but that is all the more reason to not say anything... I rather them think I hate them.... and god if Rose finds out.... She would fly here herself to try and take care of me. I need rest, and everyone trying to take care of me is going to make it worse.... I think it would be ok with you here... but for the love of everything good don't tell the group." She said. She felt pretty hot when he pressed his forehead to hers.
"Alright," Kai said "It'll just be me here," he promised "as for Rose what do you think of the girl?" he asked and actually pulled Sage to his body, it came natural to him because his sisters liked him to do this when they were sick.
Sage groaned, she was not sure if it was the question or Kai being touchy again. "Shes a good girl, she is funny to tease and her dad and I have already had a small talk about our future...." She mumbled. She ran a hand through her hair letting herself just relax some for once.
"I see though you are still in love with the little dancer of ours," Kai stated softly "we'll work it all out I'll be right here for you to beat up when you need me,"
"Do you know how many times i've tried to trap Rose and tell her I am in love with someone else? A lot. Do you know how many times i've told her I don't want her? A lot.... yet she still persists... Evil little bugger..." Sage said rolling onto her back. "What about you huh?"
"Me... I've lost and I will live," he said "It is obvious Shania won Rhea's heart and I'm relieved, Shania will keep her happy that's enough for me to know," Kai smiled he sounded like a sap but he was being honest.
"Hmmm." Sage said quietly, though she made a huff sound when Smore had jumped on the bed and laid across her chest, "You seem like a better person than me when it comes to this... I still get mad when ever I think of Lucy and Ebony together. Though I did bring that on myself..." She inhaled a sharp breath, "You seem to be taking the heartbreak better then I would any day."
"Only because I know my life would hurt her... that pained me more then knowing she is safe and happy with Shania," he said and pet Smores
Smore purred and pressed his head to Kai's hand whenever he stroke him.

"I can see that... I guess I live that life now too... though slightly more in secret... I guess I should start thinking of those kinds of things too.." Sage said, though she closed her eyes she kept talking. "I guess if you need to mope you can always come to me..." Sage started to laugh, "I was so right... but so wrong... Most of my life, I am still not sure I actually like caring about people."

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