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Wild Cards

Sage sighed and rolled her eyes, then proceed to show Broren how to use the phone, and also what to do when it makes a sound.

It was not long till a portal opened and Tannis had stepped out of it.
Shania looked at the Mantacore "Tannis I owe you an apology," She said in demon. "For my brash and reackless actions I want to thank you for your aid to me as well as the other me..." Shania did not bow to Tannis but she was being respectful.
"It is fine Shania. I hold no grudge..." Though he did however ever give her a respectful bow before turning to look at the group. "I have left Dasuke stranded back at home... though I have a feeling if he really wants to go, he'll find his way to the temple before we even get there..." he said, though with a bit of humor. "Are we ready to leave?" He asked.

Broren yelled out to Raffer and the demon seem to scramble a run over to the group and into the tent where he retrieved the artifact and a stick that looked slightly like Brorens... but much smaller to fit his size. "Sorry Broren, I have the spell ready.." He said in demon, though he was a bit out of breath running over.

"I am ready as ever..." Sage said. Lucifer nodded and let himself take his demon form.
Shania looked at Tannis such a powerful demon and he still struck her more as a fatherly figure then a truthful power figure.

"Daddy is tricky like that," Rose smiled.

"I am ready as well," Kai said "we are going to set things right,"
And with that Tannis opened the portal and walked through it. When everyone followed, Raffer included, they ended up in the room that Rhea and Shania awoke in.

Sage pulled out her pen and let it transform, Raffer on the other hand was rather wide eye. The demon that had done the dammage's corpse was still on the ground, and Raffer immediately went to go exame in.
Shanai tensed up "I don't like this place," she said in demon it seemed she was avoiding speaking common.

Ebony didn't transform her weapon but she stayed alert.

Kai looked around "ok do we know if these demons are unfriendly?"
"Theres are old demons friend... Guardian demons. They have aura's around them that are... I don't know how to explain." Raffer said, standing up.

Tannis transformed himself into his human form, though he kept his wings. He kept a close eye around the area, they might have a harder time with the next demon this time around without Dasuke's flute.

"Most likely unfriendly to trespassers. I may be able to speak to it..." Raffer said.

Sage nodded, "Well where do we go from here?" She asked.

Rhea drew her sword, a little creeped out, but kept close to Shania.

"We back track some." Tannis said simply, turning to lead the ground where they came from.
Shania gave Rhea a reassuring pat on her shoulder "I am here," she said in elvish.

"I do indeed wish Dasuke was here that flute of his is nifty," Kai said.

"Daddy needs to rest," Rose said.
Rhea gave her a weak smile and followed quietly.

"Yes he does need rest." Tannis said. When they got to the broken bridge this is when Tannis lit himself on Fire and then jumped off the side of the cliff instead of moving to cross the gap like the did last time.

"Oh that was different..." Sage said watching him leave.
"Guess we follow," Fearlessly Shania pulled Rhea to her and lept down if anything happened Rhea was safe.

"Reckless the girl is reckless as hell!" Kai said
Though Tannis looked up, and caught Shania and with two large flaps of his large wings gave her a look, kind of a did you look where you were jumping? "Seems you are as reckless as my student, I guess I should have specified that you were to stay put." He said, though he flew down lower. There was water at the bottom but a ledge with another opening "This is what I was looking for..." He said, before tossing Shania and Rhea onto the ledge, "Now this time... stay put." he said, before flying back up. It was dark and hard to see, and when Tannis light left, it was pitch black.

"I-I can't believe...." Rhea said, clasping onto Shania like she was going to die.

Sage nearly had a heart attack, Lucifer mostly just looked over the side until he flew down himself, but moment later came back up with Tannis. "What happened?" Sage nearly demanded.

"I caught her... and I found another tunnel as I thought. there is a few unfinished parts... we might find a beast or two... let us hurry down though." Tannis said.
"I would have protected you," Shania said sounding slightly offended.

"That girl.. is a danger to herself in every world," Kai said "she nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Rose grabbed Sage and smiled "I'll fly you down."
"Me too! She even took Rhea with her! and... Just... don't drop me..." Sage said warily as Rose took her.

Tannis picked up Kai in one arm and Raffer in the other, then jumped off the cliff. Lucifer picked up Ebony and quickly followed. Landing gently Tannis put Raffer down and then Kai, Luicfer gently putting Ebony on her feet before he landed.

"I thank you Tannis." Raffer said, before looking into the darkness.
Rose flew Sage down carefully and set her on the ledge. Shania seemed unfazed by the leap into the hole.

Ebony held onto Lucifer she was just hoping she wouldn't mess things up.
"Please do us the courtesy of not killing our friends bodies!" Sage said walking past Shania and Rhea, ruffling her hair wildly.

Tannis shook his head, "Shania, it is dark, please use your fire to aid with the light."

Raffer also tapped his staff on the ground twice and a small purple glow illuminated from the top of the stick.

A few hours went by and there was no sign of one of the demons... Tannis found a second tunnel, and again, no demon. A third tunnel was found, though this one was different... there were several taps around the area... though most were old and did not work when stepped on.

"Ok look... just let me take the lead from here." Sage said putting her hand up, though Raffer handed her his stick so she could actually see as she walked ahead.
Shania shrugged and her fire lit in her hand "I was safe enough," She said softly.

"Safe enough...." Kia muttered then started speacking french so nobody else would understand him.

Ebony hugged close to Lucifer though shania's light helped illuminate the area.

"Aren't we suposed to find... something ... anything?" Shania asked
"Yeah we are find things alright." Sage said, though she felt another pressure plate under her foot. She froze and listened, but again nothing happened. "Most these traps are bogus... but then again I thought the last one was too.." She said moving forward again.

"Traps mean a good thing... we are looking for a trap that may hold a monster similar to the first one." Tannis explained, "So in essence... we are as Sage says... found things."

Lucifer kept Ebony behind him, though he made sure his arms were free so he could spring into action if needed.

It was finally that Sage stepped on a plate that did do something, a pit opened under her suddenly, "Whoa!" There was a small clinked sound as Sage's Sythe hooked blade way across the edge of the ledge, holding her well above a long dark drop. "Oh wow..."

Tannis had sprung forward, and flew over the pit to look and was relieved to see how Sage has caught herself.
"maybe I should lead...." Shania said.

"Death... you guys are going to kill me!" Kai said and babged his head against the wall as Rose helped Sage back up out of the hole.
"No way, are you kidding!" Sage said laughing, "I am leading because I can do stuff like this... I have the best reflexes here... Ah Kai get over here." Sage said patting him on the back. "That was no worse than getting shot at!" Sage said.

Lucifer let out a long breath of relief and so did Rhea.

Raffer laughed nervously, "You are quick... but best be more careful... reckless you all are."

"Oh come on, even Kai tells me I have the most sense." Sage said, hopping across the pit.

Tannis let out a long, but slightly content sigh. it was not long till the group found themselves at a door similar to the one they had been at when the original trap happened.
"Please be careful opening the d@mn door," KAi said dryly his nerves had had it.

"Is the door significant?" Shania asked.

"Stay." Kai ordered Shania
"We hope the door is significant..." Sage said pushing the doors open, and as per last time, the clicking began. "Jackpot!" Sage said loudly, handing Raffer back his stick. The room slowly lit up and the clicking continued, as if things were turning and being set off.

Tannis and Raffer moved into the room quickly and Sage took a quick few steps back, "Lets not hurt it right off the bat this time yes?" Sage asked Kai.
It was not long after Shania said that the clicking stopped and a large stone slab hit the ground, making Rhea jumped.

"Stay behind me..." Tannis ordered, and he let himself take Manticore form, though he crouched low to the ground.

"No just.. stand still and be quiet.." Sage told Shania, Lucifer growled but stood still.

When the slab opened the creature seemed to slowly come out of it, oozing over the stone, its one large eye surveying the room.

Raffer took a few steps up and started to speak to it in demon, "Hello great guardian of this hidden temple."
Shania listened closely she had pushed Rhea behind her and she herself was crouched down.

Kai watched though he really with he spoke demon. he examined the demon closely.

Ebony stood stock still as she waited.
"Speak quickly..." It said in response.

"Guardian... we have made a grave mistake... and now we seek redemption. You have an eye... you can see no?" Raffer asked it.

The eye darted between everyone again and then back to Raffer, "It will come to a price.... something was stolen from this temple long ago... you return that which was stolen, and that in your hand which was also stolen... and I will return what is right."

This is when Tannis spoke, "What is it you are missing?" He asked loudly.

"A sword! A Sword is what we are missing!" the Guardian said, raising its voice, though Tannis voice was just naturally loud.

Lucifer quickly translated to the group what was being said.

"A freakin sword... where the..." Sage said a little pissed.

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