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Wild Cards

"Rose has always slept like a rock..." Kai said "and i'll get her some new kitchen stuff later... you use the kitchen the most I'll have you come pick it all out."

"Ready?" she asked in a half sleepy daze.
Rhea smiled, "Yes, for today, or do you want to try and sleep more?"

Sage nodded, "I'll try and make you come coffee.. I think she had some stuff around somewhere." Sage said, opening a few cubits up and rummaged around in it.
"Yeah... you get use to the extra 120 pounds on you after a while." Sage said chuckling.

Rhea smiled, at least they hoped they will be going home today...
"She weighs that much? don't birds have hollow bones or something?" Kai asked.

Shania stretched "you know this sleeping in beds thing... I like it,"
"50 of that is probably my cat." Sage said grinning.

Rhea smiled, "I much better like sleeping near Roen, though the occasional bed if good as well."
"Well... I mean if feels like 50 with improved demon strength and all..." Sage said rolling her eyes. To think the cat was original rather small and skinny and kind of mean... now it was fat, lazy and rather in love with Sage.

Rhea smiled and sat up stretching. She move to change into some new cloths, though the only ones she found were a little big on her. Though they did say this was Shania's room. Lastly she attached her sword to her side, she was ready to get out of here...
Shania hopped out of bed "I also am getting too used to a healthy body... I may have to work harder on fixing mine,"

Kai laughed "I still remember when you got that cat, we need to do another picnic when Shania and Rhea come home,"
"Maybe another bonfire till the weather gets warmer." Sage said, She remembered that day too... that was the day she got busted about her mom. A very... painful day for her.

Rhea smiled, "We can try and do that together." She said, "If I can help in any way... please let me ok?"
Shania hugged Rhea "will do," she said.

Kai smirked "you just want to do truth or dare again you never did get me to blush,"
Sage snapped her fingers, "Holy crap you're right... I completely forgot... you distracted me with the story about Amy..." Sage said suddenly.

Rhea smiled and opened the door walking out into the living room.
Kai laughed "yes yes I did," he asked

Shania followed her "have you noticed how sturdy these pants are?" she asked rhea tugging at the jeans.
"Yeah... this world has a lot of strange things... comfortable things as well." Rhea said smiling.

Sage paused when she heard the voices in the living room, knowing the two were awake. "Say... what are we going to do if we don't find another one of those creatures there?" Sage asked.
Sage let out a long sigh and ran her hand through her hair slowly. Today was going to be a long day...

When breakfast was done and everyone was feed and awake, Sage wasted no time getting everyone to get into he van. It was not long till Kai got a text asking where everyone was because he was at the house... they just had to explain that they would not be back till later in the day... hopefully with a right Rhea and Shania....

When they arrived at the farm, there were a lot of demons already up and about doing things. Raffer was even among them helping with crops. Broren was out with the cattle, though he looked like he was just standing around instead of helping.
Shania looked around not as un-trusting as the other day. She looked at Bronen and then the cows "I lived on a farm for a few weeks once... I can milk cows and corral horses,"

Kai chuckled "I've never done farm work much to delicate," he smirked.
Broren looked over his shoulder when a few demons pointed out that the guardians where there. With that he took a few large steps over the fence that held their cattle and walked to them.

Sage waved at him pleasantly, and Rhea as well offered a small smile.

"Pleasant Morning Guardians." Broren greeted when he arrived there.
"Merry meet," Shania said softly in demon though she said it slow enough for Rhea to pick up on it easily.

"How are you today?" Kai asked.
"Confident all will be set right." Broren said, but then his face shrunk a bit, "But Kai... I wish to give you a warning.... There is ill aura around you today... specifically Shania and Rhea.... Things will be getting harder from here for you two." He said switching to demon for Shania, "I can only wish you luck and give you my hope for your future, for when you cross worlds I can no long read your own auras."

"Fantastic news, just want I wanted to hear." Sage said with a sigh when she heard about them having 'ill auras'.

Rhea shrunk, catching only bits of pieces of what Broren said, but still she knew enough to understand it was no good...
"I thank you for the warning," Shania said and put her fist over her chest before bowing.

"Yes ... it's reassuring... though Bronen your help is very much appreciated," Kai said.
Broren nodded, "Thus the way of the Shaman.... I can only tell you what I see... and control little to change that. However... Raffer and I have completed all the necessary spells for you... all will go well with the crossing.." He said.

Rhea quickly imitated What Shania did, trying to be polite. Sage though it was a bit funny, but then her herself turned to Broren, "We are actually very thankful for your help... I hope we can continue to help you in return." Sage said with a smile.
"Of course if you ever are in need or want all you need do is ask," Kai said.

Shania smiled at Rhea and in elvish told her "the bow with your fist over your chest is in honesty dwarven it is a sign of respect because the heart and hand meat in the bow,"
Rhea made an 'oh' face and blushed a bit for not knowing.

"In want... I will not, in need, I will not hesitate to call on you." Broren said.

"Oh yeah, speaking of call... we need to teach you how to properly use a phone..." Sage said, pointing at Kai.
"I'm very bad at things like that... Death be a doll?" he asked.

Shania pat Rhea's shoulder "perhaps there are things I can teach you," she smiled

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