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Wild Cards

Sage grinned and pulled Rose onto the ground with her and Kai, being careful to avoid her wings and kissed her to calm her down. "Relax, we are only teasing you because we are nervous ok?" She told the girl quietly with a smirk, "Lets not actually maim Kai."

Lucifer nodded, "Yeah... Thing like this always happen, especially when Shania is not here to keep Kai and Sage under control." Lucifer said.

Rhea smiled, "Funny... usually I am the one keeping the peace between Shania and other people..."
"I am not... good with people," Shania said "I don't much care for them I'll stick with animals much more agreeable,"

Kai chuckled "Yeah though Sage you do kiss pretty well,"

Rose hugged Sage to her tightly "mine!"
"Of course I kiss well, you insult me you think any other way." Sage said smoothly, almost like a purr, though she let Rose continue to have her way with her.

Rhea giggles and continue to pet Shania's hair slowly while the group continued to get riled. The air seemed light hearted.. but if she did not know any better it was rather tense.

Lucifer pulled Ebony back into this lap after everything had settled down and smiled at her, "You're not Shania but that was pretty good... You'll be a good mom."
Ebony blushed "I want to have lots of kids," she said hugging Lucifer "as many as I can,"

Shania relaxed as she was pet she even purred slightly.

Kai chuckled "Well now how was I supposed to know you would be so dominant in a kiss it was actually quite the turn on,"
"How many times have we made out Kai? 4? Besides like I said before, I never plan on being topped." Sage said, though she slid a teasing hand under Rose's shirt on her back.

Rhea just watched everyone, it was kind of fun to be here but she was will Shania, she wanted to go home.

Luifer grinned at Ebony, he was happy and he will fulfill her wish for her. He hugged her tight, though he blushed a little too.
Ebony kissed Lucifer and smiled.

Kai chuckled "each make out session is different though,"

Rose purred at the feel of Sage's hand against her skin.
Sage laughed a bit, "Perhaps we should sleep soon... Tomorrow can not get here any sooner." Sage said with a long sigh as she leaned back on the couch. "Ebony are you sleeping over? If you are... you and Lucy have to sleep out here..." She said.
Ebony blushed "Kai gave us the talk already!" she hugged close to Lucifer.

Kai laughed "gave them more then the talk... just in case,"

"Huh?" Rose asked
Sage snickered and then waved her hand, " Ok you bunch. lets... get some rest... tomorrow is going to be a very... unkown day."
Ebony took Lucy's hand "lets go to bed," she said with a smile

"I think Shania is ahead of you," Kai said as he looked to the girl sleeping her head in Rhea's lap.
Lucifer smiled and left with Ebony, sticking his tongue at Sage as they left.

Sage frowned at the gesture, "He's such a brat..." Then Sage proceed to pout, crossing her arms and glaring at Lucy's door.

Rhea smiled, "She's not use to a human body... It needs more rest than her own body."
"Sage I don't think you need to worry I did give him the talk complete with demonstration and you have a cute little angel that wants to cuddle" Kai chuckled. "I'll take the sleeping bag in Shania's spare room "Night Rhea," he smiled and went off.

Rose hugged Sage "if you feel left out I'll let you mate me,"
"Good night Kai." Rhea said in return, offering a smile to him. He seemed like a nice guy... but Shania says this Kai is the same... but different. "Shania." Rhea called gently, she did not want to startle Shania into attacking.

Sage sighed as Kai left, beside the fact she was still in love with Ebony... "Come on Rose. Go to bed, no mating tonight." She said ruffling Rose's hair.

Lucifer pulled Ebony down into the bed with him and kissed her. After that he hugged her tight, pressing his ear to her heart. He also took his demon form because he knew Ebony liked him better in it then his human disguise. Lucifer however was worried sick about Shania and Rhea.
Ebony smiled and stroked Lucifers hair as he listened to her heart beat. She was worried about him and if this is how he would calm down then she'd let him lay on her all night.

Shania jumped as she was woken. "is it morning?" she asked softly.

"Sage... will you let me sleep with you?" Rose asked "I'll be good," she promised.
Rhea smiled and shook her head, "You've only slept for a few minutes, come lets go to bed so you can get some sleep." She told Shania and she sat up, gently taking Shania's hand. "Good night Sage... please wake us when it is time to leave."

"Yeah no problem, night Rhea, Shania." Sage said waving the two girls off. When they disappeared into the bed room she looked at Rose, "Ok... you can sleep with me, you just have to share with Smores..."

"I love you Ebony." Lucifer mumbled to her heart. He liked her touching his hair, she soothed him when he was mad or upset. Though he was still worried... Ebony made it better..
"And I love you," Ebony said still stroking Lucifer's hair. She was happy to help him calm down and tomorrow when he had Shania back home he would be even calmer and happier and that would make her very happy as well.

"Alright," Shania said "night," she told Sage. e

"Oh I will I like Smores he is fluffy and warm!" Rose said happily.
Sage yawned and sat up and then laid on the couch and pulled Rose on top of her to lay on her. Sage knew it was only a matter of time till her cat wandered from some part of the house to lay on her... he always did.

Rhea quietly close the door behind them and let out a small sigh, "I hope tomorrow everything works out.."
"as do I I wish to be home... these lands are too strange for me," Shania said.

Rose happily snuggled with Sage as she fell asleep.
Rhea offered a small smiled to Shania and sat down on the bed and looked at her arm, "This is quite the scar, though I feel a lot of magic in it... I think this is the medium for the healing magic I keep hearing about. You think we will fight tomorrow at all?"
"honestly? I hope so," Shania said "I am tiered of all this waiting," she sat down with Rhea "I'll protect you and you me," she pulled the girl into her lap and laid down.
Rhea smiled and nodded, letting Shania pull her close. The girl seem to like to keep Rhea close, and she was ok with this. Shania will keep her safe and she was also warm and pleasant. Though this Shania's body did not have the same flame as her original body, so the warmth was a bit different, she did not mind. Quietly she let her mind drift into a deep sleep, tired from the lack of sleep the previous night.
Shania held Rhea to her it made her feel less nervous. Rhea was like a rock calm cool and always in control Shania found herself admiring the girl with those thoughts she drifted into a rather deep sleep.
The Morning came like every other, Sage got up and did her daily chores, including cooking breakfast and several other things.

Rhea was up just as early, she was eager to get going.... eager to go home to Soki.

Lucifer's own habit of getting up early was completely destroyed with Ebony with him this particular morning. Instead... he just snuggled close to her, wishing to wake up with her every morning. He decided he no longer liked waking up without her.
Ebony snuggled into Lucifer he was warm and his hold was strong and inviting it kept her safe and she loved him so much that se almost wished they never had to wake up.

Kai drug himself into the kitchen "Does this house have coffee... hell does Shania wn a coffee pot?"

Shania woke a bit after Rhea for some odd reason she was really tiered.
"No... and the teapot is on its last leg since Rhea set it on fire.... somehow.. Maybe you should go out and buy a new one of both..." Sage said yawning, "I can try and make you coffee without the machine. Rose sleeps like a rock too..."

"Are you ready?" Rhea asked with a smile.

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