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Wild Cards

"You're not going to die if kai spends the night are you Shania? With him just staying here it will be quicker to leave in the morning." Sgae explained.

Rhea gently rubbed Shania's arms, she was stressing out and human bodies don't respond well to emotional stress.
"Why should I care?" Shania asked "he does as he likes anyway,"

Kai chuckled it was true he would have just camped out in his van if she said she wouldn't take him.
"Ah good. I say an early bed today then... and an early start tomorrow.... Though a small warning Shania, Rhea. Tomorrow we will be going to the demon world during the daylight... you're going to feel human then... because we won't have out powers. Hopefully Dasuke will be back and running, and Lucy, Tannis and Rose will be at full power." Sage said, trying to prepare the two for tomorrow.

"Nothing new for me." Rhea said quietly.
"I feel pathetically weak as is I can't get much weaker I'm sure," Shania said "I will never curse my power again as soon as I am back in my body,"

"Daddy might be ok enough to come with us he looked pretty exhausted," Rose said.
"I hope hes ok... because we will need all the help we can get... if not I hope Sillia or Levi come. Come to think of it... I've never see Levi fight...." Sage said, the thought suddenly interesting her.

Rhea gave her a small sad smile, she guess she knew how she felt all the time.
Shania curled up lightly she was trying not to become sick but she felt horrible.

"Levi must be decent or he'd not be the family head," Kai said.

Rose shrugged "me and Luci can catch the demon ourselves anyway,"
Lucifer agreed, "Yeah, and Levi is head of family for a reason. Mostly because he can open portals.... but he is pretty strong himself... not Dasuke strong, but strong enough."

Rhea gently rubbed Shania's back. She felt bad for Shania... she was probably scared right now.
"Daddy is really strong." Rose said "he is our family's head... untill me and Sage have a son,"

Shania raised an eyebrow at this "I thought Sage was a girl," she muttered.
"Well you thought wrong." Sage said suddenly with a grin.

Rhea looked up at Sage too, at then at Kai and Rose.
"Kai wouldn't mate with Rose with a ten foot pole. Also I have a faint fear for my life Dasuke would kill me. Lastly, this world has laws about 'claiming' minors." Sage said rolling her eyes, though she glared at Kai.
"Your world has laws about sex?" Shania asked raising an eyebrow "She looks grown to me all her parts are matured."

KAi couldn't help but start laughing at how bluntly Shania stated these facts.

"See Sage I am all grown," Rose said
"Not in my book you're not~" Sage said in a sing song voice.

Rhea nodded, "I would have had children myself by now. But Roen and I have left... I will return eventually to my parents and marry though, like they wish of me. They really hate Roen, but now that Aria is around I think we will be ok to split up for a few years." Rhea said.
"I will not alow it," Shania said "unless you love the guy and don't care to leave Roen in misery of not being close to you," she spoke elvish to Rhea.

"Dad tried to arrange a marriage for me... she ran screaming after I showed her my collection of poisons and guns," Kai said
"Oh you know how to charm a woman, you should show me though, I am sure your collection of poisons interest me, you can even pick out what you want me to put in your next meal." Sage said with a grin.

Rhea gave Shania a wary smile and spoke back in Elven, "I need to... for my family's line sake.... you have to get married as well... and you told me not this morning that you would not break it because of your mother..."
"Yes but i will not leave my journey if I have to travel with a heavy belly I will," Shania said.

Kai looked at Shania "you do know you said that in common right?" he asked she just shrugged.
Rhea laughed, "Would Ario even allow you to do such a thing? Beside think of your children.... and as you've said many times before... humans are frail... I don't think I can slay things with child." Rhea said in return.

Sage rubbed her head, "Funny watching you guys say this with straight faces because usually only Kai and I say things like this without blushing."
"I am not so frail," Shania said "and if Aro tried to stop me he won't be the first god I've had to kill,"

"Scary," Kai said and looked at Sage
Rhea chuckled a bit, "I don't think your suppose to kill your husband Shania... but.. my point is... I am that frail... and Roen is not welcome in my home..." She said sadly.

Sage shrugged and laughed, "You're the god not me." She said with a chuckle.
Rhea blushed a bit, "Its ok... I am hoping Roen and Aria go nest on their own while I am nesting myself... I promise Shania Roen and I have talked about this many times.... we will be more defined when the time comes... which will be in a few years."

Sage covered her mouth and laughed some.

Lucifer blushed and covered Ebony's ears.
"And If I refuse to leave?" Shania asked "your parents sure as hell won't want the angel bathed in blood running around near their home,"

"I called Shania a bloody angel before..." Kai commented though Shania ignored him.
"I think they are in a heated debate right now." Sage whispered to Kai, though she poured herself some tea. She thought she got sick the last time she got free from these guys... She just hoped she held up enough to be sick after this is solved. She really hated these people.

Rhea smiled, "Then i'll give them the stipulation that you have to stay." She said giggling.
"but not Roen?" Shania asked "I find it unfair to him what if Aria wants to nest near your home?"

"Indeed," Kai said dryly "about children dragons marriage and threatened violence,"
Rhea sighed and looked at her hands, "Roen is sure going to love you when we get back... I certainly can not recreate a dragon nest so close to my home... I fear endangerment to the hatchlings...."

Sage laughed, most of what Kai was saying still being ignored.

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