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Wild Cards

Sage parked the car in front of Shania house and then leaned over to pick up her phone. "Hey Shania... do us a huge favor... when we pick this up... we need you to tell this device your secret password... It is 'hey sexy.'" Sage had to take a moment to ensure she would not laugh, "As soon as you put the password in we can get the information from in that you left us... ok?"
"Why do i feel this is a trap?" Shania asked Rhea in Elvish.

KAi was trying not to laugh as well Ebony was blushing deeply.

"Really her password is hey sexy? I guess it's a pretty safe one," Rose said seriously.

Shania nodded "ok," when they picked it up she said er password "hey sexy?"
"What?!" It was Roen's voice on the other end of it.

Sage couldn't hold it in anymore, she can't believe she just tricked Shania into doing that. Sage was laughing so hard she had tears coming form her eyes.

Rhea looked wide eye'd but then glared at kai and Sage as they laughed.

Lucifer took the phone from Shania, "You two, stop taking advantage of Shania... Hello?" Lucifer said to the phone.
"It's Roen... his voice has my message?" She asked cocking her head to the side before throwing fire at Kai who dodged and continued to laugh

"don't kill my van!" he said through laughter.
Sage had to get out of the car before Shania started to throw fireballs at her too. "God this is fantastic... I can't believe that worked." Sage said between laughs.

Luicfer tried to explain to Roen what had happened as they got out of the car.

Rhea was pouting, "I don't even understand what happened? What about Roen?" She said.
Ebony blushed as she explained Sage and Kai's prank to Rhea.

Shania was steaming she would have killed Kai had one she her normal power,
"Funny she is mad at you but I was the one that picked her, I love how I can always use you as a shield." Sage said as they all walked into the house.

Rhea gently rubbed Shania's back, trying to calm the girl a bit.

Lucifer sighed and hung up the phone, what happened to not pissing off this Shania?
Just then another Kai appeared with silver dust in his hair and robes of deep blue "Ah my champion is the same in both worlds," he said with amusement.

"Hey look it's another me," Kai said pointing at the him that just showed up.

"Oh goddess bless," Shania said.
"The hell... have I ever told you how much I hate you Kai?" Sage said, running her hand through her hair, "You know what... I am not even surprised anymore..." Sage said.

Lucifer looked a tad shocked to say the least and put Ebony behind him.

Rhea shrunk, great now they were playing between dimensions.
The god Kai laughed "oh yes you have mentioned it a few times but my dear Champion I came to see my auntie!" he turned and dodged an attack "Ah yes I've missed you too!" he said happily.

"I want to see you dead!" Shani slashed at him with the dager and was shocked as it transformed mid swing cutting through the god though there was no blood.

"Oh my had that been one of your swords this would really hurt," Kai chuckled.
"Champion? Really..." Sage said with a sigh, was she doomed to be Kai's dog in all worlds? "Ok enough you two!" Sage said, "You can fude in your world... but in this world your friends. So Sit! Kai what the hell are you doing here and how are you going to help us." Sage said clapping her hands to get the twos attention.
"Help? I only came to see me? Besides isn't Shania much better at fighting and she is no longer in pan thought you'd be happy to let her feel what it's like to be healthy... some friend," Kai chuckled but sat down anyway.

"I want back in my body Kai," Shania hissed at him.

"Spoil sport... I'm not all powerful here going between the worlds is about all I can do and Sage told me I was only alowed over for a little while," kai smiled
"Ok look... just do me... and my other self, who probably cursing your very soul right now, the favor of passing on the message to the other Rhea and Shania that we talk to Broren and tomorrow we are going to go track down another one of those demon in the temple with Raffer and try and reproduce what happened... Raffer has some kind of spell going or something .." Sage said, rubbing her head. She looked at Kai to see if there was anything he wanted to add.
Kai was staring at himself "I'm a chaotic god... cool... sparkles are a bit too much though,"

"I agree," God Kai said "not my choice but yep getting back... oh and Shania broke just so you know," he said before disappearing.

"What does that mean!" Shania yelled after him.
Lucifer growled, "What does that mean?" He said, more to Shania though, even though she just asked the same question.

Sage face palmed felt her chest tighten... what does that mean.... "Really? I thought the sparkles really added to you." Sage said grinning, but she was obviously worried.

Rhea made a face, "This can be very bad... Maybe we should just go today... can we go today?" Rhea asked.

"Broren has to prepare the spell. We can't leave till that is done." Sage said.
"If she pushed herself too far... she could be going into an energy drop phase... but could she stand the pain long enough to go into such a phase? She''s be coughing up blood but she won't die from it," Shania said "hopefully," she added in elvish.

Kai smirked though he too was worried "I'm a real @ss," he said
"Pfft... you think this is news to me? I deal with you nearly every day." Sage said laughing. " What's up with this champion crap? I feel like I am cursed to be your insignia to instill fear into others."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed at Shania as her and Rhea switched languages.

Rhea responded in elven her voice going low, "What is the energy drop phase? Will Kurama be able to help her recover from it?"
"Only if she doesn't push it farther the next step will make her pass out unexpectedly," Shania replied in elvish then switched to demon "Lucifer how stubborn is your Shania?"

Kai chuckled "and you do it very well," he said to sage.
"Pretty subrin... but Rhea is with her... and she usually can make our Shania do anything..." He replied almost immediately.

Sage sighed and made a worried face, the laughing fit over... that dumb @ss God Kai better deliver her message... but if her other self is anything like she was when she first got into this group... that might not go as she wanted...infact... help poor Shania and Rhea because they were only in for the worst..."I'm going to get some lunch started..." Sage said a bit in thought.
Kai sighed he saw the look hidden in Sage's eyes. He patted her shoulder "She will be fine it's Shania we are talking about,"

"Lets hope I don't want to die," Shania said in demon "nor do I want her to feel that pain any longer then unnecessary,"
"Lets hope you're right. I am starting to see we live in a soft world Kai." Sage said seriously as she left.

Luicfer nodded, though he squeeze Ebony's hand.

Rhea sighed, only catching a few words of Shania's demon speak.
"Has Shania ever lived softly? She knows how to fight and Rhea is there and from the sound of it at least two dragons," Kai pointed out though Sage had already left.

Ebony hugged Lucifer "we'll bring her home soon,"
It was a few hours later that Sage came out with a rather extravagant lunch. Obviously venting out all the fursitation of the situation, and her worry for Shania and Rhea against Kai and her self Before they changed even more so... Lunch was a main course of fish filets and stuffed crab with plenty of side dishes.

"Ok lunch is up!" Sage said, rather proud of herself.

Lucifer was the first like always, happily getting food for himself.

Rhea had been taking her time trying to teach Shania dragon once more.
Shania felt sick so much so she decided not to eat, the thought of the poor girl made her heart hurt this was somehow all her fault.

Rose smiled and took a plate happily "thank you,"

Ebony got her normal veggi only plate and ate sitting next to Lucifer.

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