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Wild Cards

"Sage call Dasuke he currently has it," Kai said giving her an order like he would on a mission though to other it sounded polite and natural.

"Hearing a dead guys name all the time is very confusing," Shania said.
Sage huffed, "Ok ok... one moment..." She said waving her hand. "If he doesn't answer we'll have to get Shania to do it.." But Sage closed her eyes and called to Dasuke, she was prepared for her to see a very tired Dasuke.. Or for him not to answer at all.
She ended up in his garden he looked about dead he was pale and covered in a cold sweat "no luck so far... I was taking a break before trying again," even his voice sounded weak. Dasuke was famous for trying too hard and not giving up even when it was for his own good.
"Sounds like you need more then a break..." Sage said, "Come one... you and Tannis get you butt over to the human world... or at least Tannis, you should go to bed or something. Broren says he may have an idea... but he needs to look at the artifact to figure out how to move souls through dementions."
Dasuke gave a nod I will get Tannis we will try to be there soon," Dasuke said "and I am not so weak I couldn't come to talk with Broren," he smiled and sent her back and went to get Tannis.
"God your dad is going to kill himself Rose..." Sage said suddenly.

Rhea looked surprised, not a single second passed.

"They said they will be here in a bit... not sure if Tannis is going to let him come." Sage said.
"Daddy gets that way he pours all himself into a project he wont die just pass out and wake up when he feels better," Rose said.

Kai sighed "things need to calm down." he said "for the sake of my sanity,"
Sage chuckled, "You an me both Kai... we can't seem to catch a break lately."

Broren shook his head and then got up, "They come... though I am afraid Tannis will not fit in my tent." He said, taking hold of the bowl and walking out. Tannis was standing there, though he pleaded to his friend to stay in the demon world and go rest.
Dasuke as always was stuborn and he came though he leaned rather heavily on Tannis. "I want to meet the Shaman too," was his argument.

Rose didn't takle her father knowing her was too weak he also had the artifact with him.
Tannis sat so that Dasuke could lean on his hunches. He was worried for the man.. "Shaman... I am please to meet you." Tannis said, he bowed his head.

"Tannis... Dasuke. I am please to meet you as well. We've meet before many many years ago. I am sure you don't remember though." Broren said taking a few steps to them both, "My name is Shaman Broren... this is Shaman Raffer, my student."

Raffer bowed in greeting to the two.

Sage quietly stood where she was, letting the demons talk amongst each other. Rhea stood close to Shania and looked at all the rather large creatures.
Dasuke gave a smile too tiered to bow "it's nice to meet you," he said.

"Dasuke dose look about dead," Kai said.

Shania looked at Dasuke Kai was right the guy had less color then snow exept under his eyes where it was black.
"Raffer, if you could." Broren said.

Raffer walked up to Dasuke and took the artifact from him, offering a small smile. Raffer actually took a good look at the Artifact himself before even looking at Broren. He smoothed his hands over it slowly feeling it. "It is weak... the demon you spook of took a lot of its power..." Raffer said before handing it to Broren.

Broren did a lot of what Raffer did, touching the artifact and looking at it.

Sage waiting patiently and could see Tannis was eagerly sitting there.

Rhea looked to Shania to see what she was reacting.
"They say you are a healer yet they do not ask you to bring strength to Dasuke," Shania said in elvish "do you not find it strange?"

Dasuke looked at Broren he had tried to bring the power back to the artifact but everything he tried was just a waist of time.
"Your right... I'll ask..." Rhea said in elven.

"Um... excuse me... you said I have powers of healing... can I help Dasuke?" She asked before taking a few steps foreword.
"No," Kai said "your power hurts demons," Kai said "you can only heal other humans and the other Rhea explained to me she couldn't heal exhaustion."

"Thank you for the thought but I am ok... I will be ok after a meal and a good rest," Dasuke chuckled.
"I see... so only physical injuries and humans..." She said, filing away the information.

Broren looked up at Dasuke, "fear not, your spells were not all useless... I can see what work you have done on it and it is a great deal... though insignificant to your feel... I see it in my own way... I can retrace how the artifact has done and where it has reached... what I need now... is a demon much like the one you fraught..."

Sage raised an eye brow, "Really? Maybe we should go back to the temple and see if we can find any more of them laying around..."
"Lovely idea," Kai sighed "are we really ready to go back there?"

Shania looked at the group of humans where these humans really slayers? she asked herself.

"If you do go today I will be no help," Dasuke said though hearing his work wasn't in vain was reassuring.
"Is there any way I can be of help?" Rhea offered herself up suddenly.

Sage smiled, "Yeah, just keeping you two here is help enough... and not killing us.. Ok look so if we don't go find strange unknown demons what else is there that we can do?" Sage asked.

Broren rubbed his chin slowly. "We could find a relative demon... or easier yet just try and produce the effect with somthing like Tanni's powers and Dasuke."

Raffer spoke up suddenly, "We can try speaking to it..."
"Speaking to it?" Shania asked "like Rhea spoke to the dragon I was about to slay... hell if it works,"

"Rhea talked down a dragon?" Kai asked.

"Different Rhea," Rose said as if that explained it.
Rhea looked up, "Its not that hard to talk a dragon to calm down..." She said looking at Kai.

"You know..." Sage said, "You did kind of tell Ebony shoot it out of no where...." Sage said rolling her eyes at Kai.

Tannis sighed, that why he told them not to shoot.. but it was to late.
"Well I guess if you take blame for this one I will for the whole memory loss thing.. Not the point.... maybe Raffer is right." Sage said shrugging.

Broren nodded, "Give me a day for Raffer and I to prepare a few things with this artifact.... come back tomorrow and we will have a spell ready... Raffer with come with you to the temples."

Raffer nodded, "I can do that. I will do my best." Raffer said.

Tannis sat up, "We can do down there immediately since i've marked the area as a place I can vistet... We will meet back here around this time once more. Does this sound acceptable?"

"Sounds good to me..." Sage said.

Lucifer nodded, "Yeah."
Kai chuckled he had indeed made a tad mistake telling Ebony to shoot, but the past is the past. "Yes thank you Broren it means alot to us,"

"another day," Shania said softly in elven "another day and we can maybe go home,"

Rose was examining her dad who was still relying on Tannis for support.
"Dont thank me just yet Kai..." Broren said walking away into his tent with the artifact.

Sage sighed and gently pushed Rose and come with her to see Dasuke. "Hello Daddy Dearest." Sage said with a sigh, "I think you have your daughter worried sick." She said.

Rhea nodded, "Yes... Can you teach me demon right now?"
"I can try," Shania said "perhaps in the metal box?" she asked.

Kai sighed and mussed up his hair slightly.

Dasuke smiled "I'm ok really, just tiered," he chucked "Tannis says I work too hard," he pat his friend softly.

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