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Wild Cards

Rose hugged Sage "I love you," she said to her as Kai walked in

"oh... so you two mated yet?" he asked.

Shania gave a small smile "it's ok really."
"Oh no but I hear you and her are very much married in their world." She said, though she felt her heart twist a bit at Rose's 'i love you'... She tried to ignore it. "Rose and Kai babies... i can see it now." Sage said happily. Her almost first reaction was to ask where the hell he had been, but that would be later.

Rhea frowned a bit, but nodded, looking up at Kai when he came in.
"Oh god no! I'd rather marry Shania and she'd stab me in my sleep!" Kai said completely shocked.

Shania couldn't help but chuckle at his misery "stabbing in his sleep... good suggestion,"
Sage was shaking she was laughing so hard, "Oh come on kai, tell me what you and Rose name your first kid!" She asked.

Rhea smiled a bit when Shania laughed.
"You death are one cruel woman," Kai said "I will have children but not with that spoiled child,"

"He actually hasn't had any yet... probably lacks the... unnecessary parts. After all he is wearing a dress," Shania said
Sage grinned, "Oh no, Hes just prude, I bet hes a prude in your world too!" Sage said, though she was still laughing.

Lucifer was just holding Ebony while all the commotion was going on... at least things seemed... semi normal.
Sage was laughed so hard at Kai's expense, she could hardly talk. This Shania did not hold back on bit... proububly because she hated his guts.

Rhea laughed a bit too, but she felt a bit awkward, they did not belong here.

When Sage was done she waved kai to come sit down, "Eat so we can go see Broren already... Tell me what you've been doing... " She said wipeing away her tears
"We had a rat problem," Kai said softly "they have been trapped and caged," Kai said as if he was talking about actual rodents.

Shania felt a bit better after putting down Kai she hugged Rhea but she missed her brother and wished to get home.
"Ah..." Sage said, she understood. She wished she could have helped, she was just as scary as Kai now, specially with the awesome rumors that flew around her. "Anyway... Rose said Dasuke might not be able to reverse the artifact... and/or is going to proububly kill himself trying unless Tannis makes him stop." She said.
"Daddy won't die he'll pass out and stay asleep till his body can move again." Rose said.

"Oh reassuring," Kai said dryly "I guess we just have to go see our Shaman friend." he said as he ate.
"Yes... that is slightly reassuring..." Sage said, gently face palming herself. "Ok... do you have any way of giving him a quick warning or do you think it would be best just to... drop in?"

Rhea's attention shifted to the TV again, she quietly watched it, listening to it.
"You guys have so many magical devices here..." Rhea said out loud.

There was no answer for Kai.

"Kai.. did you even teach them how to use a phone?" Sage asked, grinning at Rhea.
Rhea scowled, "It has to be..." she said in return, "If its not magic what is it?" She asked.

Sage leaned to Kai and whispered, "Whatch out Kai, this Rhea speaks her mind much more often then ours..."
"Electronic metals? Metals.... Radio signals..." Rhea muttered, "Sounds like magic to me. Its like a spell just needs materials to it... I am not sure what Radio signals are though."

Sage shook her head, "Come on... we can have this conversation in the car... I still think it is best for me to drive." She said, holding her hands out for Kai.
Kai rolled his eyes and dropped the keys into her hands "whatever you say Death,"

"This world is strange," Shania said "we should leave it at that,"
Sage grinned "Oh it is what I say Kai."

When they all manage to get in the car, Lucifer actually carried Ebony into the car and put her down on the mattress.

Rhea got inside of it timidly, but inside none the less. It was actually kind of roomy and nice for a large moving piece of metal.
Shania hopped in she would have felt better on the roof but that would probably be odd. She looked at Rhea and spoke Elven "what do you think the shaman will be human perhaps?"

Kai sat in the passanger seat "on we go Death you know the way.,"
"Yeah... Say Kai you wana try and convince Rose that I am a horrible person... because she does not believe me." Sage said, starting the car up.

"I don't know.." Rhea responded, "But I do know that the group seems to trust him. But the fact we are still in the human world tells me he might be human, in less we move over to the demon world again."
Shania sighed and laid back on the mattress it was soft too. "We will see," She said in common.

Kai chuckled "Sorry death I don't want to die yet,"
"She would never kill her husband!" Sage said with a smirk.

Rhea gave a small smile, Shania really missed her brother. She wondered how the Shania over there was dealing with everything...

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