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Wild Cards

Rhea smiled, "I guess this is a lesson on how I feel all the time... is it really that bad?" Rhea asked, opening the door and walking out into the living room.

Sage looked up when the door opened, "Oh, good morning you two... please sit down, have some breakfast. You slept well I trust?" Sage asked.

Lucifer looked up from his food for a moment to acknowledge Shania and Rhea, he noticed Rhea had her sword.
Shania nodded "thanks," Shania looked more relaxed now not nearly as threatening with a bad case of bedhead and droopy eyes. "And this being human thing is... different I am too used to my own body," she spoke in demon without realizing it.
Lucifer laughed and responded in such, "That's how Rose and I feel during the day in this world. Its ridiculous. You get use to it though."

Sage sighed, this whole not understand thing was worse with Shania and Rhea talking amongst themselves.. then Shania talking amongst Rose and Lucifer.

"Thank you for the food." Rhea said quietly. "You don't eat anything?" Rhea asked when she noticed Sage had no food of her own.

Sage glanced up at her, "I am to nervous to eat right now. Kai and I are the same, though Kai tends to eat better then I when the stress and nerves hit you. Which reminds me... Shania, I don't know what you two's beef is with Kai in your world. but I really appreciate if you have the decency not to hurt this world Kai because he is our Ally.."
"Kai is a force of chaos and destruction in our world his father made him that way your kai has very little difference," Shania said and sat down "he will pull you into hell,"

Rose stuck out her tongue "Kai's a jerk but he is not that bad,"
Sage chuckled, "I am the only one in the group who can actually stand Kai. However, Kai's dad is always the driving force for the way he is in our world as well. Oh and for the record... I willingly stepped into Kai's hell, and I have a feeling I would do it again." Sage said laughing.

Lucifer disengaged himself from the conversation like he usually did and laid on the floor, rolling over and eating.
Ebony walked in "hello everyone good morning," she said softly.

Shania looked at the timid girl had she been this timid the night before? She was trying to digest Sage's words as well so she was quiet.
"Rose... if you ever tell Kai I said that... i won't mate with you every." She told Rose with a smile, taking a sip of tea. "Morning Ebony. Your Omelet is right there."

Lucifer immediately held his arms out for Ebony, "Good morning." He told her softly.

Rhea took a few bites slowly. She never meet their world Kai... So she was not sure how heavy Sage's words really were for Shania.
Shania sat back and watched the timid girl glomp Lucifer then turn to Sage "thank you Sage," she said softly.

Rose hugged onto Sage with a smile "does that mean we can mate now!?"
"Only if you father says we can...." Sage said rolling her eyes. "Also... at the age you can mate is when we can... which at 16 right?" Sage said grinning.

Lucifer began to pet Ebony's hair slowly, "Are you hungry?" He asked her.

"Are you ok Shania?" Rhea asked the girl in Elven.
"I can mate now! 16 is just a guideline," Rose whined. "besides you are of age so it's fine,"

"A little," Ebony said softly.

"I'm fine Rhea, I'm cautious and for good reason if Kai is like he is in our world he is more deadly then I ever was," Shania said also in elven.
"But... it sounds like in this world he would not hurt us..." She said in return.

Sage laughed, "You would have to ask your dad..." Sage said reverting her gaze a bit. "Look anyway.. Shania... I am just asking you to give this Kai the benefit of the doubt. The guy is not going to do anything that won't benefit us. We want... and NEED our Shania and Rhea back..."

Lucifer smiled and handed Ebony her plate, "We can sleep after this... you look tired."
"In the other world he would not hurt us that doesn't mean he is not deadly," Shania said with a sigh "you'd have to know him to find out. " she told Rhea in elven then looked at Sage "I wont harm him but I will not tolerate his chaos,"

"A little sleepy," Ebony admitted before taking a bite and complementing Sage.
Luicfer smile at Ebony and kissed her forehead, "Ok." He said quietly to her.

Sage laughed bitterly "You and Rhea have caused the most Chaos... kai and I are the ones trying to keep the balance... its sad... usually its you keeping the balance while Kai and I go mess it up... but both of us won't let the group fall to far. We are missing out peace keeper and mother." Sage said pointing at Shania, "And one of our most level headed healer and portal closer." She said again pointing to Rhea.

Rhea looked up for a moment... she was pretty level headed... most the time.

"So today's plan is to go see a Shaman... Rhea, I heard you hit it off with the Shaman's apprentice... so don't be alarmed when he starts talking to you. You were actually just learning demon from him. So Kai told me. Anyway... Broren helped get your memmorys back when you lost it... so you and Kai are closest to the group." Sage told them, trying to inform them about what would be happening. "If you have any questions, just ask anyone and we will answer the best we can."

"Also... if it puts you at any ease Shania, Kai here is actually in love with the Rhea here. He won't harm her." Sage said with a smirk. Rhea blushed and coughed, mid bite into her food, "Uh... sorry." She breathed.
"In our world... Kai was married off to Rose," Shania admitted.

Rose made a face "ew no way!" she said and clung to Sage.

"It's true," Shania said "and I am no mother I lack the tender touchy feely part of females we have when we think of having kids,"
Rhea grinned and then poked Shania, "Thats lie, you take care of Soki like a mommy." She said happily.

Sage laughed, "Oh I can't wait to tell Kai!" Sage said happily, "Also Rhea, you are a lot more confident then out Rhea..."
"Soki is a cute little baby dragon he doesn't count," Shania laughed. "Why should Rhea not be confident she can use a sword heal and pick locks since I've met her she caused a slave ship rebellion stole horses talked a dragon out of killing us sailed on a dangerous mass of water and infiltrated a mercenary fortresses,"
Rhea blushed a frowned a bit, "Some of that is a bit construed.... for the record Shania and Roen did all the work with the fortress... and the dragon was not really all that hard to do... Shania and Kurama are really the awesome ones."

Sage laughed, "Oooh humble Rhea is humble here too." Sage took out her phone and then text Kai, telling him she knew something really awesome about his godlyness in the other world and he would love to hear it too.
Kai texted her telling her he was finishing up a job and would be over in about half an hour...

"She really is humble She half carried me off the slave ship after picking my lock to free me and helped me leap off the ship onto the stolen horses," Shania said
Sage made a 'tch' sound and frowned at her phone, ignoring Shania for the moment, text Kai and telling him not to do anything dumb because Rhea does know how to use her power.

"Ok Kai will be here soon, as soon as he is we can leave when I finish feeding him." Sage said closing her phone again.

Rhea smiled at Shania and turned to finish her food.

Lucifer how ever turned around and turned the TV on. Like usual the new was on it.
"Are you sure you are not his mother?" Shania asked Sage though she pulled Rhea to her and into her lap to hold.

Kai didnt text back after that.
Rhea was more staring at the TV, rather amazed.

Sage smiled a bit, "I actually rather the term best friend, I am just a bit concerned because he is proububly doing something dangerous and i am not there to back him up. You can call it our hell."
"your hell... the fact you follow that guy makes you either brave or stupid," Shania said.

Rose pouted "Sage is not stupid you are halfbreed,"

Shania looked like she had been slapped.
Sage hit Rose over the head, "Ok you now... hush. I am proububly just stupid, I have no idea what I follow Kai around. In fact, I have no idea what I even care about you people, and I hate it every day." She said, seeing Shania's reaction. That obviously hit a nerve.

Rhea squeezed Shania tightly.
Shania let Rhea's presence calm her but the way Rose spit out half breed was a bit too much like how everyone looked at her back home. She hugged Rhea and gave her a reassuring smile "I am fine," she said in elven "used to it by now,"

"You hate careing about us?" Rose asked rubbing her head.
Sage sighed, "How many times do I have to tell you Rose... give up, I am a horrible person."

"If you were use to it, you wouldn't react the way you do." Rhea told her back in elven.

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