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Wild Cards

"My thoughts are only of worry for you and your other self.. Roen will take care of my other self." Rhea said back in Elven when Shania asked.

Sage shrugged, "Oh Kai... I can't help it... I just find that... rather hilarious." She said snickering. "They don't even know me in their world."
"Kurama will care for me he always does," Shania said.

"Who knows you might be a follower of the trickster god!" Kai said and smirked
Sage laughed, "Maybe. Or maybe I could be the person who takes your wife under your nose." Sage said laughing.

Rhea smiled at Shania, happy when the car stopped moving.

Lucifer looked out the window to take note they were at the farm area, gently he shook Ebony to wake her, "Ebony.." he called quietly.
"Hum?" Ebony asked as she woke up "are we there Luci?"

"Ok to meet a shaman," Shania said and hopped out of the van.

Rose jumped out as well "Sage can I spread my wings?" she asked
"Yeah sure, just don't go to far." Sage told Rose. "Come check with me every now and again." Sage said, also hopping out of the car.

Rhea followed behind and looked around the area. It looked like a farm land, there was crops around and creatures that looked much like the common Goblin. a lot of them were gathering around the van talking. Shania could understand a lot of them were happy about the return of the guardians. She could hear a lot of them saying to go get Broren and Raffer.

"Yeah.." Luifer said, "Broren should have some answer, did you get a good nap?" He asked, helping her up.
"I always sleep good with you holding me," Ebony smiled.

Shania spoke in demon "Perhaps you can take us to Broren?" she asked a bit anxious to get home.
Lucifer smiled and held her hand as they walked, hearing Shania ask about Broren.

Sage laughed, "Geeze Kai... its been like a week? Look at this... they work fast." Sage said. She was impressed that was for sure.

"Broren will come to you... Raffer may get here first if Broren is busy..." One of the demons answered. It was not long till a taller looking demon approched them, though he spoke in common. "Hello... Pristest... Warrior. I can see you are not each other... there is a strange disturbance around it... My name Raffer." He said approaching Shania and Rhea.

The demons started to mutter with each other, Strange disturbance? Not each other?
"I am Shania." she replied and looked over Raffer she stood like a warrior looked like a warrior and if pushed would fight like one but she was to be diplomatic right now so she held out a hand for Raffer to shake.
Raffer smiled at her and gently took her hand. If Shania had anything to compare Raffer's stance, it would be much like a priest, not ready to fight at all... a peaceful person. "Please to meet you Shania."

Sage came up as soon as she saw Raffer, "Raffer... nice to see you."

"Death, Joker. My english has improved once more. I learn more and more, it is first priority since dealing with you humans." he said happily.
"humans are such odd creatures," Shania said in demon.

Rose was in the sky flying around.

Ebony smiled "you really do talk better,"
Raffer shook his head at Shania, not even surpised at her suddenly speaking demon, "Humans are no stranger then anything else in the world." He told her, "I know of many strange things."

Raffer then switched to common, "I can see why you are here already..." He said with a smile.

"Oh fantastic, then we don't have to explain?" Sage said laughing.

Raffer smiled, "we might actually still need that..." Raffer said laughing.
"What is there to explain I wish to go home," Shania said "this Shania is in danger of killing us both," she said in demon quiet enough so Lucifer couldn't hear her.
Raffer nodded and began to move into the farm, "We will try out best... though I think we should wait for the long winded explanations for when we reach Broren."

Sage gently jabbed Kai, "Hey you ok?" She asked, following Raffer.
"trying to figure out what Shania is saying.. also thinking up an apology for the business meeting instead of a pleasant one," Kai said,

Shania followed Raffer though she held Rheas hand to keep her close.
"Maybe asked Lucy to watch her... dunno...." Sage said, "And I don't know if Broren will mind... just chill out a little." He told him. Though she was pretty on edge like him.

"Sorry, I don't know what is going on..." Rhea told Shania in Elven.

They stopped out a large tent made out of a few wooden posts, some hides and mud, it was outside an even larger house and plantation. Raffer called in demon, "Broren.. Guardians are here and they bring... much trouble."

There was no sound in return, but Raffer turned at the group, "He'll be out in a bit."
"I feel bad that we come with trouble ... he has done alot for us already," Kai said.

Rose landed next to Sage and smiled "oh the skys are great today,"

Shania smiled "I have your back, and I trust you with mine,"
"I have a sword so I feel I can keep that word." Rhea said back.

Raffer smiled, "You've done much for us Kai, our safety and tribe property is all because of you and the guardians." Raffer said happily.
"I admit I am happy to see you adjusting so well," Kai said "Has there been any problems with the wells or anything?" he asked making sure he did the upkeep well.

Shania examined Kai he seemed to genuinely care about these demons perhaps this one wasn't all bad.
"No not at all, we have had little problems." Raffer said.

Sage patted Kai on the back, and if was then the large Ogre had come out of the tent.

"Kai... Death. Rose and Lucifer." Broren said greeting the four. A couple of Goblins came out of the tent and Broren wave to them.

"Hello Boren, nice to see you again." Sage said waving. Lucifer waved at him.
Kai gave a soft polite bow "How are you?" Kai asked him.

Shania tensed at his size she felt weak as it was.

Rose smiled "you guys have made this place so beutiful in such a short time!" she said happily
Broren nodded at Kai and laughed a little, "Yes. We work well with lands like these." he said to Rose. Sage gently pet Rose on the head at her being so happy.

Broren nodded and eye'd Shania and Rhea, "Greeting you two." He said to them, he was leaning on his staff. "I have a feeling we are in for a long talk... come with me, inside. we will sit and talk."

He turned and open the flap of the tent to let them in. Sage smiled and walked in first. Rhea waited for Shania to go first.
Shania was uncomfortable about being in a small place she was a open style fighter she wanted to be able to defend if she had to but she pushed her insecurities back and with head held high she went into the tent.

Kai smiled "So death is this going well?" he asked
"Dunno, Broren and Raffer seem to have this strange sense... they knew just by looking at them... they knew looking at Rhea when she had memory loss too. Lucy is right they are... different." Sage said laughing.

The tent was small and there was not really a lot of room, but Broren sat in a corner of it trying not to take too much room. "Lets start from the beginning .." He said urging someone to tell him whats happened, when everyone was sitting. Raffer sat off to the side with Broren. The large bowl Kai saw last time was sitting in the middle of it.
Kai took a deep breath and explained about the demon and the relic and Dasuke's planned spell he was probably working on this very second.

Shania never let her eyes leave Broren she was on edge her hand on her dagger through the material of her shirt on her side
Broren looked a bit surprised, "I can feel that they don't belong her... their very souls being moved... I can move it... but where I move souls are very limited... we would need someone who could recreate the ability this creature did... do we know what kind of demon it was?" He asked.

Sage shrugged, "If anyone would know it would have been Lucy, Rose, or Rhea... and none actually knew..."

"Sorry... I have never seen a demon like that..." Lucifer said.

"This is a bit troublesome... but I think it would be best if I got a hold of this relic myself to see it..." Broren suggested.

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