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Wild Cards

"He looks better as a dragon," Shania commented in common for his benefit.

"Thanks for coming Roen... I failed to get Rhea away in time... again I am really bad at this protecting thing," Kai said with a sigh.
"Well she's alive... and pardon.. dragon?" Roen said raising an eye brow.

"Ehe don't worry about it Roen... both come from another world. Kai is a god apparently." Sage said, putting down some tea and serving everyone a cup. "Here you two, this will calm your nerves... everyone is drinking some. except Lucy because he seems to hate tea."

"I don't hate it... its just bitter..." Lucy whinnied a bit.

Rhea thanked Sage and sat back down, then gently took a sip of the tea.

"Ok so... you guys come form a diffrent world.... and... how are we fixing it this time?" Roen said, trying hard not to step on any mines.'

"I am not sure.. but I think Roen is still the same..." Rhea said in Elven.
"That's a good thing... I feel so pathetically weak... Ill go mad," Shania said "I can't hear or see as well as I could and all I can still feel is my inner fire," she summoned a flame so she could play with the familiar warmth.

"Yes I am a god the god of Tricks it seems... ha it suits me!" Kai said and flipped his hair

"Kai is still kai," Shania said dryly in elvish she took a sip of the tea and decided she liked it quiet a bit.
"God please don't let it go to your head..." Sage said rolling her eyes. "My name is Sage by the way... I am assuming you guys never meet me.. which is fine... I am going to go get something to eat for everyone."

Rhea gently rubbed Shania's arm and gave her a small smile.
"We'll be ok I think." Rhea told her back in elvish. She felt a lot of pain still and it made her tired, she felt weaker in this world as well, but not because she had a loss for senses... but without Roen. But at the same time she was stronger as well.

"Ok so... what are you guys going to do?" Roen said, sitting down on the couch. "Rhea are you ok?" Roen asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Oh yes... I guess you can tell when I am in pain or not... I am fine, it something they will fix itself in time. I worry for Roen who I was ripped form more..." Rhea said quietly.

"We are going to go talk to Broren... hes the only person I can think of to talk too... Dasuke and Tannis are on there way to do what they can as well." Sage said coming back out of the kitchen. She had started up a classroll.
"Kurama... he will go to Numair or to our Kai... pray to all the gods you have he doesn't call on Kai," Shania said "Pray for rain that guy will make clouds of candy that rains sweet milk." Shania held Rhea close to her still protecting her. "If anyone makes a move I find threatening I will attack," she warned though Roen was safe Rhea needed him.

Kai chuckled "Ah you already recognize me as a god, I am touched dear death but I will not let it effect my head... too much,"
"I am going to beat you.. " Sage said, though she was grinning, "I am going to beat what ever godness you feel right now."

Roen rolled his eyes at Kai and Sage, "Shania you have as much tact as you had when you were our Shania..." Roen said bluntly.

Rhea smiled, "You are just as blunt as our Roen.." She said happily for something familial. Rhea held on to Shania and just listened.
Shania didn't know what to do with herself no pain no deafening noise no talking inside her mind "I feel... strange what's the feeling when you aren't in pain?" she asked. Sad as it was to ask such a question and it was odd that she missed the pain.

"But Death I am important and glamerous! Oh I bet I am the most flamboyant god ever!" Kai said "I turn you into a shapely girl.... drat didn't work,"
Sage burst out laughing, she was holding her sides, "As if! If I was got powers I would actually turn you into a women, much more appeal that way. Then I think I would turn you into my slave...." Sage said standing up and thinking. "Hey Kai what kind of God do you think I would make? I bet I would be god of food...." Sage said.

Rhea smiled at Shania,
"I guess for now... enjoy it." She told the girl.
"I pity the girl in my body right now," Shania said "if the pain doesn't drive her insane all the noise will," she spoke in common for Lucifers benefit so he would know what his sister was going through.

"More like a sin my dear Incubus," Kai said.
"Shania is no so weak..." Lucifer said, looking up at 'Shania'. Shania could see that Lucifer had a strong loyalty to the other Shania.

Rhea moved closer to Shania, pressing against the other girl's side. She was starting to feel a bit nervous.

Roen frowned a bit, "Lucy chill out... You guys will figure this out."

Sage snickered, "Oh come on... I love my food way more then sex..." Sage said waving Kai off as she walked to the kitchen to get what was cooking.
Kai shook his head "gluttony's a sin," he said but stayed out of her kitchen.

"Neither am I and I lost all traces of sanity long ago. She will need rest when we get her back to you and if she is anything like me you may have to chain her to the bed having a steady heartbeat is uncomfortable," Shania hugged Rhea to her.
Rhea pushed away from Shania a bit when she heard that, "A steady heart beat? What do you mean? Whats wrong with your heart?" Rhea asked Shania.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes also, his attention was garbed.
"Rhea... it's nothing you could help with... I'm slowly dieing my power is too much and it is tearing my body apart faster then I can heal; my heart was considerably weakened by this... don't look so worried I'll find a way to survive I always do," Shania said rubbing her head "My pulse is...very slow and weak,"
"You told me you were living for a long time... thats why you've set out with me... Shania... is your pulse slow now? Are you ok now?" She asked, taking Shania's arms. This Rhea was slightly more forceful then their Rhea.
"I am fine Rhea I won't let my own power kill me," She promised. "All I have to do is learn to control and channel it, I've cheated death too many times not to do it at least one more time,"
"But the other Shania doesn't know that.... How badly is this going to harm your body back home? With someone not able to control your powers the way you do...?" At this point Rhea had turned to Elven, unsure if the others should even know about this part.

Sage finally came out with some food, "there they go talking in that weird language again..."

"So wait a minute... your saying our Shania is dying right now?" Lucifer said, though he moved to stand up.
Shania looked up at Lucifer "yes," Shania said simply "but if I could handle it perhaps she can too," she switched to Elven to talk to Rhea "I'll be fine it takes months to fully degenerate to the point to where I would die outright my body heals very quickly. She may find herself fainting on occasion or the pain getting more severe when she is not in motion,"
Lucifer looked pretty alarmed at this point, "W-What if she dies there? Will we be able to bring her back... or will she be stuck there?" Lucifer asked, though he looked to Kai and Sage. Sage just made a face, "Look Lucy calm down... Ebony go take him else ware... calm him down or something.." Sage said.

Rhea watched Lucifer and let out a sigh,
"Then let us hope we are here no longer then that." Rhea said back in Elven.
"You just told me she was not that weak?" Shania said in demon "so calm yourself and sit down my brother is with her he is a world class healer his pure power will hurt like the blazes of d@mnation itself but he won't let her die besides are you planning on keeping us for months?"

Ebony hugged Lucifer "lets go sit and talk," she said softly.
Lucifer growled and spoke back in demon, "We did not even bring you here on purpose.. she is not weak.." He said though he did leave with Ebony when she hugged him.

When they where gone Sage shivered,
"Is it just me... or is Lucy getting Shania's attitude more and more?"
"She is contagious," Kai said with a sigh "this shania seems a bit like she expects us to stab her in the back or something did you Knowtice how she fights she is purely offence but she has such a well developed offence it has become a defence, that is a style only someone who had to fight repetitively could have ever learned," he stated in a more serious tone.

Shania pulled Rhea back to her "please stay close, I feel off and I need you," she said in ELven.
Sage lowered her voice a bit. returning just as serious.. it was almost as if they were on a mission the current moment. "I noticed as well... to be honest it was scary and we need to steer clear and stay on her good side... I wounder if Rhea has such a fighting ability too.. them coming from the same world and all... We need to watch our own backs just in case they get sick of waiting for us to figure out what is happening... But lucky for us, she has the similar attach meant to Rhea as here... and she seems to listen to her as well... Rhea also still seems to be the sensible of the two and the most willing to listen... Shania also seems less tense around Roen then normal..." Sage said, pointing out everything she had taken note of so far.

Rhea too Shania arm and nodded,
"You have me close... We will get out of this together Shania, we'll get home."
"We have to... this poor girl... I wasn't lying when I said I would not wish my life on anyone," Shania held onto Rhea.

"I actually think these two are closer then our two, and Shania is much more... controlled. She seems older then our Shania though I couldn't tell how much." Kai sighed deeply "Sage we are going to have a time she is the most deadly creature we have ever faced and I couldn't muster the ability to kill her if I tried... I've grown to attached to our team,"
"You've grown attached? You sounds worse off then me." Sage said with a smirk. "Come on... lets eat some. You go home and try and rest... Ill stay the night. You... proububly shouldn't and I know you might want to... but it would make Shania much more comfortable if you weren't actually in the house when she sleeps, IF she even sleeps. We'll go to Broren tomorrow... Thats... all we can do on our side..." Sage said rubbing the back of her head, "Also, here is my key, don't forget my cat or I really will kiss you and Rose will kill you for me." She told him.

Rhea nodded and held Shania back tightly,
"The food smells good... but I am not sure what it is.."
Shania sniffed the air much like a dog "It does smell good," she admitted. "I wonder if they eat the same things we do?" she asked more to herself then Rhea.

"I won't forget your very 'happy' cat," Kai rolled his eyes "but feed me first I can't eat other peoples food anymore you spoiled me,"

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