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Wild Cards

"We can try... but lets not attempt on out own friend... we should leave this place." Tannis said.

Lucifer was surprised when she looked at him,
"Roen is in the human world... Shania... in this world your brother is dead..."

Rhea looked shocked,
"Kurama is dead?" She said stunned.

Sage looked up, half expecting Shania to go nuts.
Shania was good at controlling herself if she didn't many would die. She took a deep breath "do you know how my brother died?" she asked her eyes closed.

Dasuke nodded, "lets leave this place," he said. "we can talk safer outside this place."
"We should return to the human world..." Tannis handed Dasuke back what was left over of the artifact and then opened the portal.

"Look Shania.. We'll talk more when we get home... but its not safe here." Lucifer said, gently he tugged Ebony closer to him and move to walk to the portal.

Rhea looked to Shania and then followed behind the group, a little scared but she would show trust that Shania will not.... its worked for them so far.
Shania never Let Rhea out of her protective hold even as they walked she did not trust so easily and she was in pain the mere thought of her brother dieing hurt her deeply.

Kai stayed close to Tannis for protection Shania seemed to not like him in the slightest.

Dasuke wrapped the artifact in a cloth to carry it safely.
Rhea took Shania's hand and squeezed it, but when the came out she looked around the area... there were building. But they all looked broken and old... nothing stable.

"This is the human world.." Lucifer said quietly.

Sage looked over the demon and nodded,
"We... proububly should talk to Broren.... should we call Roen now? Hes going to be pissed." Sage said rubbing her head. "Why does this always happen to Rhea and Shania?"

"Things always tend to happen to me I suppose both me's are the same, Your shania now has to deal with the pain and power I have had to deal with. She is in sevear pain we should try to set this right quickly," Shania said. "Oh and this worlds a bit... trashed has it been through a war?"

Dasuke tensed Shania was rash and highly emotional he hoped she could last till they fixed this.
"This is not our world.... welll it is a bit... come on... lets go home... we'll sleep and then go see Broren tomorrow..." Sage said putting her hands on her hips.

"We don't even know if our Shania is in your body... for all we know their souls are somewhere else." Tannis said, "We will be back soon... Dasuke will contact you Death when we know something... call him if you guys find out anything in return.."

"Alright... don't work your selves too hard again..."
Sage said a bit worried.

Rhea looked to Shania and spoke in Elven,
"Will you be ok?" She asked her, she gently touched her arm and gave her a worried look.
"I will be ok," Shania said "I worry more for Roen and the others in our world and you... do you need me to carry you?" she asked in elven.

"We will try our best Death but we will not be able to alow ourselves to wear out," Dasuke said and pat her shoulder.

Kai looked at Sage "you ok Death?" he asked quietly.
"Yeah I am fine... My name is Sage by the way, Dasuke. You can call me Sage. We'll see you guys later though." She said.

Tannis nodded and opened another portal.

Rhea smiled at Shania and shook her head,
"No I am fine physical... my body seems to continue to rapidly heal itself... I can feel it moving. Its just my soul, it aches now. For now we should follow them, it is the only clue... but we should stay ready... that is Kai? Your nephew?"
"Yeah that's him but not him," Shania said softly. She calmed considerably when she knew Rhea was safe.

"Thank you Sage, for trusting me with your name at last," Dasuke smiled then left with Tannis.
"Ok.. lets go home... Kai you should proububly let me drive..." Sage said rubbing her neck, "I'll stay the night.. but I am leaving Roen to you because I want nothing to do with him." Sage said holding her hands up and walking away.

"What is wrong with Roen?" Rhea asked a bit worried.

"Nothing is wrong with him... just him and Kai don't really get a long..." Lucifer said, trying to keep the both of them calm. "My name is Lucifer .. most of you guys call me Lucy... This is my mate Ebony..." He said introducing himself to them.
Shania looked at Lucifer "Lucy is a girls name... you are aware of that right?" She looked over the van "what is that?" she asked.

Kai dialed Roen "it's a van," Kai said "Luci help them in,"
"What? A-a girls name?" Lucifer asked blinking...

Sage grinned, "What? It was meant as an insult in the beginning.. but it kind of grew on you..." She said laughing, though she got into the driver seat. Her driving might be better then Kai since Shania had this mistrust of her.

"Here... we usually all sit in the back, it will be ok." He said to them, he opened the door and helped Ebony inside the Van, but he also fell into his human disguise.

Rhea took Shania's hand and took the lead, Lucifer sounded like a trustworthy guy... but she'll keep and eye on Kai.. Sage looked close to him so it might be a good idea to keep an eye on her too.

"The fact you are calling me makes me thinks something had gone wrong..." Kai heard Roen answer.
"Sorry to say it has Rhea is not Rhea but she is Rhea... our Rhea switched with another worlds Rhea Shania was attacked and seems to be the same if you come to see Rhea do not move in any threatening way this Shania will not wait for you to tell her you aren't going to hurt Rhea." Kai said he sounded tiered and aged as he spoke all this happening was taking it's toll on the boy.

"He does realize he is talking to a rectangle....?" Shania asked Rhea in Elvish
"Yeah... maybe is magic?" Rhea asked back in Elven.

The was a long sigh...Roen spoke again,
"Look just tell me if I should come over or not... I am worried but if I am going to be in a way just... tell me... thank you for telling me anyway..."

Sage started up the car once everyone was in, and started to drive. Rhea held to Shania tighter.
"You can ... you probably should this Rhea misses her Roen maybe you can get her to talk more... we may need you," Kai admitted.

"Perhaps," Shania said she looked to Lucifer and in demon spoke "what is our relation? How did my brother die and why is your appearance so drastically changed?"
"I was not here when you brother died.... and you never talked about him much.. I just know he died the day you got your powers... when Levi saved all your lives.... Umm... I am like your little brother here..." He answer back in demon. "I disguised myself in human form so I don't startle people..."

Rhea looked between Shania and Lucifer. She did not understand, but she could understand Kai and Sage.

"Ok ill be over soon..." Roen said quietly and hung up.

"Oh well that sounded like it went well." Sage said, they were almost back.
"He'll probably be at Shania's house shortly after us." Kai said "Rhea Roen will come to see you try not to let Shania kill him,"

Shania glared at Kai "As if I'd be so stupid," she muttered in elven then turned back to Lucifer. "You are my little brother then? I see... the disguise... is unnecessary or should be I think,"
"If Shania were to kill Roen... I would die. But... perhaps not so in this world... I don't think we are connected... But Shania would not kill Roen..." Rhea told Kai,

"It is necessary... not for you or anyone else in this group, but for other humans who are not apart of the demon world." He told Shania. "We are not really related... you just kind of adopted me and I you. I feel like this is the third time i've let you down... first Hiro... then the memory loss and now this.." Lucifer said, looking down and Ebony then squeezing her.

"I guess you need to pull Shania and Rhea out of school again.... Best Keep Ebony going though... we parents are too on Edge."
Sage said, parking the car in front of the house.
"Yeah," Kai said and sighed rubbing his head "this is becoming a pain,"

"Let me down? you are a child I should be protecting you young demon," Shania responded.
Lucifer huffed, "We are almost the same age... We look out for each other... but you've never failed me like I have you."

"Sorry... I wish I could help but I really have no knowledge as to what is happening right now... I am not even sure what we are in..." Rhea said.

"Doesn't matter now, everyone out." Sage said, opening the door. "I'll make something to eat... I know its late but it will be better to get some food and tea in our stomachs. Kai... when you leave tonight can you do me a favor and get my cat... I have a feeling Ill be sleeping here the next little while..."

Lucifer got out of the car and kiss Ebony gently on the forehead,
"Are you spending the night or do you need to go home?" He asked her quietly.
"I have to go home mom and dad are really nervious and Shania needs you right now," Ebony kissed Lucifer "I'll stay for a little while though,"

"Sure thing Sage I'll get your fat spoiled cat," Kai said slightly happy to hear Sage say she was going to cook.
"Aww come on hes not that fat... hes happy... fattness is happness..." Sage said with a grin and they walked into the house. She tossed Kai his keys and left to the kitchen.

Rhea walked in with Shania and looked around the area... everything here was so... different..

Lucifer smiled and pulled Ebony with him,
"You guys can sit here... on the couch, you usually do."
"It is odd to be in shelter other then a temple... this place looks so...odd," Shania said but sat down none the less.

Kai chuckled "ok well he is very very happy then,"

Ebony smiled at lucifer and followed him happily
It was not till a very familre voice hit Rhea's ears, "What is going on now...?" Roen asked, walking into the door.

Rhea sat up and pointed at him wide eyed,
"Roen? Oh man... Your... your human... your a human!"

Roen raised an eye brow,
"Yes... I am human.." He said, gently rubbing his hair.

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