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Wild Cards

Kai pulled Rhea away from the fightcareful not to get alot of the mucus on himself but he tried to make sure she was ok.

Ebony put her bow away she had the absolute worst luck with making mistakes. Dasuke kept playing to make sure all was well before he dared stop.

Rose flew to get Shania out of harms way.
The creature burned slowly as it had stopped moving, Tannis panted a little still ready to fight. He was a bit wide eyed. when he was sure it was dead he looked over everyone. "Is everyone ok?" He asked.

Lucifer gently put Shania down with Rose,
"Yeah I think we are ok... Shania... Shania are you ok?" Lucifer asked.

Sage sighed and watched the demon burn slowly, bubbling from the fire... it was like a marshmallow... but burnt and black.. gross.

Rhea sat up, she clutched her chest suddenly, tears started to run down her cheeks. She couldn't breath... she couldn't speak... There was so much pain... Where... where was Roen? Rhea soon was hyper ventilating, her body was shaking, completely rejecting the soul that had just entered her body.
Shania acted differently she instantly attacked Lucifer she was in full fight mode she didn't know how she got here or who this creature was but she could Tell Rhea was in pain where was Roen and Soki her brother and even Aria and Sahra! Rose pulled Shania away before her attack could land on the unsuspecting demon.

"Shania calm down," Kai said.

"You... you little meddling brat you can't just leave me alone now you do this you are like your father you a$$," Shania went after Kai to kill him her dagger out as it was the only weapon she had on her,
Lucifer backed away completely shocked, "Shania! Whats happening? Please calm down!"

"Shania? Shania it hurts... Roen... hes gone..."
Rhea called, her voice cracked with pain.

Sage immediately jumped into action, coming to Save Kai's sorry butt, she had no idea what was going on, but she jumped in front of Shania, Her Scythe ready,
"Shania we need you to calm down... I don't know why you are mad at Kai, but you see to talk to us..."

Tannis exchanged glances with Dasuke, his face was shocked none the less, what was happening? What did that creature just do?
Shania ignored the others and Pulled Rhea to her before actually growling deeply "if any of you take one step I will make you wish I killed you," Shania was acting like a feral cornered demon.

Kai fell onto his butt Shania was going to kill him... that was new.

"What have you done with Roen! TELL ME NOW!" Shania ordered.
Sage was in shock, "You know where Roen is... he is back in the human world, right where we left him... we all know he wanted to come with us, but he would die if he did..." Sage tried to say.

Rhea shook her head, her chest hurt so bad, her mind was so empty. She latched onto Shania, "What is going on.." Rhea's body was still shaking rather violently... but she was starting to feel a light healing sensation in her body quickly mending... was it mending her soul or was it mending the aches and shock of her body?

Lucifer looked a little desperate, "Shania?" He asked quietly.

"Dasuke... can...can you decern anything?" Tannis whisper when thing seem to get slightly under control.
"It's... not them... but it is them... the Shania in front of us... is acting like a war hardened demon.... the Rhea is latching to her our Rhea would not act like this," Dasuke said.

Shania stopped "my power... who bound me?! better answer me and fast where is Roen no more lies!" Shania now also noticed she was in no pain.
"This could get dangerous... Have my back friend... I have a feeling I might have to sedate her again..." He told Dasuke as he slowly approached her.

Sage sighed,
"Look I just told you the truth... and what do you mean bounded? Your fine as far as I can tell, you just acting nuts."

"Death, stand away from her." Tannis said, moving into Shania's view.

Sage looked at Tannis and then walked to Kai, offering him a hand to get up.
"Shania... who are you? I need you to tell me so I can help you find who you are looking for."

Rhea had finally stopped shaking, and her breathing evened, but her soul still pained her.
"You used my name who other then me should I be not another step!" She growled pushing Rhea bhind her protecting the girl if this man made one more move she would attack she could still feel her inner fire so not all was bound. Her senses were dulled "What have you done with my brother! if he is so much as ruffled wrong I will rip you a new hole to breath from," she had a feral stance making her look more animalistic.

Kai was still in shock even as Sage helped him up Shania had not seen Dasuke move she was focused on Tannis at the moment.
Tannis did not seem to flinch, "Shania... you are not our Shania... you.... come from some where else... So does Rhea there."

Rhea was now standing up, she was looking around. She reached for her weapon and noticed she had none, in fact... she had on different cloths.

"What do you mean?" Rhea asked, she still sounded pained, but less so.

"I mean... you are you.. but your concusses.. they have seem to come from some where else...." Tannis said, "Even I am unsure as to what had just happened..." he said.
Shania's eyes narrowed her body tense she never stopped watching Tannis and she sure as hell fire didn't trust him. "Where is my brother," she growled out in demon reverting to her natural language in her anger though Tannis could see her control over the fire was perfect even this upset.

Kai sighed "Shania... if I try to calm her I may add fuel to the fire," he said to sage.

Tanis did not stop his movements so Shania did as she warned she attacked leaping at him with skills learned from countless battles for her life.
Tannis was surprised when she moved to speak in demon, though when she jumped to attacked him, he immediately took flight into the air. This was no Shania of this world... this Shania would surely hurt him. When he was far enough away, he let himself transform back into this mantacore form, so he was at full power, "Shania... calm yourself..." He tried one more time.

Sage went wide eyed, "Where... where did she learn to fight like that?" She asked suddenly.
Shania used her momentum to launch herself into the air her base fight or flight instincts were on hyper-drive and with Rhea to protect flight was not an option "I gave you warning," she said and she went to attack her nails were filed and it irked her these captors were thorough.

Kai shook his head "I ... I don't know."
"I am sorry then Shania." Tannis said, and wish that he unsheathed his claws and with one hard motion aimed to whack Shania mid air.

Rhea seem to look around for an improvised weapon, everyone seemed to be distracted, she was a bit frantic to help Shania. There was nothing... Magic, she will resort in magic.
Shania twisted in midair to dodge after fighting as long as she has she knew how to avoid pain but when his paw pasted her she grabbed his fur and used him as a step so she could place a hard kick on his head. Her style was well practiced and had developed over years she felt slower and weaker but she knew where to hit.

"Rhea..." Rose said softly "Rhea try to get Shania to calm down her and Tannis will hurt each other.... we aren't your enemies," the archangel said.
Tannis growled when she climbed on him and moved to roll over her, if she tried to use her fire on him she would find out that it did not work.

Rhea looked at Rose and then back at Shania,
"Shania... Shania please calm down!" Rhea tired to say, though she was not sure how she could go about calming her.
Shania jumped back to the ground and growled but at Rhea's voice she untensed "Are you ok?" she asked Rhea. Shania was worried for Rhea and the girl was her first priority.
"I am fine... I just think... we should listen to them..." She said, she was surprised when Shania had come to her when she called. regardless she ran to meet with Shania, gently taking a hold of the taller girl's arm.

Tannis sat up, a long hiss came from him but he moved to where the dead demon laid and kicked out the remains of a dead artifact.

"What the hell is happening right now?" Sage finally asked. Lucifer had taken to holding Ebony close to him, protecting her.
Shania growled in response to Tannis's hiss and in demon she said "I have fought many battles against beings stronger then me I will fight you again," her words were a warning, she switched to common "Ok Rhea, but if they attack I'm not going to sit still for it," she glared at Kai.
"I am not your enemy..." He said in return in demon, "The Shania in this world is my student... I care deeply for her... But your rashness matches her own."

"Boy... she really hates you for some reason Kai... did you actually do that thing with the banana with Lucy?" Sage said as a joke, but it sounded a bit tense.

Rhea looked up at them,
"They speak demon... I recognize but I still don't understand.." Rhea suddenly switched to Elven, "Does anyone speak Elven?" She asked, she waited and when no one seem to answer she looked at Shania and continued to speak Elven, "It looks like we can talk like this and no one will know what we say, I hope anyway... Lets try talking to them... see if we can find some answers... if we feel in danger we can leave on our own.."
"Alright Rhea... I'll leave the talking to you I'm to tense to be of any diplomatic use," Shania said in elvish the switched to demon "I had no teacher your worlds Shania is lucky to not be thrown into battle untaught," Shania was still in a protective stance she pulled Rhea to her.

"Not yet... I just taught him about birth control," Kai said rubbing his hair "but yeah she hates me quite a bit it seems,"
"I hurt... a lot. My very soul pains me right now... but my body has healed itself..." She told Shania before switching to Common Rhea let Shania keep her close... but it helped her feel a bit more protected, "What is happening right now? Where are we?"

"That is a good question and I am not sure I am the one to answer it... but you are currently in the demon world... you guardians are here to help retrieve an artifact... but... something had gone wrong... Dasuke come help me please."
Tannis asked.

"Shania Rhea in theary... I think the artifact was used to open a dimensional portal and took the two souls of our Rhea and Shania with you both," Dasuke said.

"Lord Dasuke? You are dead in our world the battle with your brother left you both dead," Shania said seeing a dead man walk was very discerning. "Also Kai... he is not the chaotic god of Tricks here?" she asked.

Dasuke looked at her "seems I am known in your world as well,"
"I would laugh at Kai, but I am a bit concerned about what is going on right now.... look in here we are demon slayers... You, Kai, Ebony there, Rhea and Myself are demon slayers... we guard human kind... " Sage said, letting her scythe disappear.

Lucifer spoke up,
"I killed Hiro.... He almost killed you... well Shania... and Ebony... but anyway... what are we going to do?"

"Dasuke and I are going to take the artifact... or what is left of it anyway... an figure out what we can do... most of its magic is gone... I don't even know if we can recreate what happened." Tannis said, shifting through the demon's corps.
"I can try to revert the magic... it will take a long while," Dasuke said "and it is not garrenteed to work," he said gripping his flute.

"I'm a half breed in one world a slayer in the next, where is my brother? And where is Rhea's Roen.... this Rhea's Roen," Shania felt tiered but she would not relax untill she knew Rhea was safe. Shania was looking to Lucifer for the answers.

"I'm a god in another world... awesome," Kai said

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