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Wild Cards

Kai opened the door to a shed inside was seeds and materials for farming "I wasn't sure what would grow the best so I got seeds for as much as I could under such short notice," he smiled still quite happy with his work. "in the pasture the black and white animals are cows you have 150 head of cattle 50 head of sheep they are the white and black fluffy things and 30 goats wandering around."
"I see... I trust you provided me with some kind of... lore for care taking of such animals?" He asked, following Kai elsewhere. Rhea was trying to keep up but she felt like they were walking fast.
"there are books for you if you need them cows are good for milk and meat they also make fertilizer that helps crops grow, sheep make wool that can be in turn made into clothes and goats are good for milk and meat as well, I have stocked you with enough feed for the animals to last up to three months, if needed I will resupply you," he lead him to a pen "you have 5 pigs," he said pointing to the animals "these are primarily food animals but you should breed them and raise the offspring first,"
"Easy enough, or should be." Broren commented, he seemed to be a lot like Rhea, absorbing information like a sponge. "Is this all? This will be plenty for us to live off of. the only concern is Shelter and water."
Kai smiled "there are five rich wells on the property water will be no issue there is also a stream over to the west of here past those trees, as for shelter follow me," Kai walked a little ways and Broren saw an old but sturdy and well kept plantation home it was big enough to hold the tribe untill they could do their own building and the area was rich with trees for wood. "Will this do?"
"Yes... this will be fine. I and Raffer will sleep else where. It is considered bad manners and sometimes bad luck, to sleep in the same space as a Shaman, but we should have a shelter for us soon, it will be an easy process. Thank you Kai, we are pleased and happy with this area, it is already an improvement to where we were earlier." Broren said nodding and looking around the area, "I would ask though that you give me some way to get a hold of you... other then that you have met above and beyond my quorum."

Rhea beamed, happy everything worked out for the best.
"I have an extra cell phone, if you need me hold down the one button... or have Raffer do it... " Kai said pulling out his extra phone. "I'm glad it's satisfactory had I known about Shamans sleeping separate I'd have made prerporations,"
"Its fine. I would not expect you to know such things. Your kindness is already exceeded far beyond my imagining. Raffer and I will have no problems. Again if you guardians need anything please do not hesitate to come to me... I will help the best I can." Broren assure Kai.

Rhea smiled,
"Thank you Broren... and Thank you for the help in the return of my memories." She told him, cirtising to him.

Broren smiled and then nodded at Kai, leaving to proceed to help his people settle in.
"Lets let them settle in peace, we'll come visit them and check on them soon," Kai smiled after Broren dismissed himself, by now Shania should be pulling the van into the farms road.
Rhea nodded to Kai and followed him up the road a ways, and like he said, Shania was just pulling up. Rhea did not really waste very much time getting into the back of the Van, Lucifer and Ebony where there rather attached like always. She couldn't help but smile, too bad Sage was not here, it was not an noise with her, Kai or Sage alone tend to not be as funny as when they are together.
Kai took Shania's place in the drivere seat "Now shall we head off?" he asked "maybe go get something to eat?"

Shania shrugged "doesn't matter to me,"
"Its ok, I should proububly go home." Rhea said quietly, "I've missed.... so much school. I need to study." She said again sighing.
"Yeah... me too actually," Kai said with a small chuckle "Ok to your house first because it's the closest,"

Shania shrugged she wasn't too worried about school Ebony on the other hand had been stressing about it,
Rhea honestly did not have to worry about school, she could easily pass without study... but she liked to keep her place as head of school.

Lucifer and the other hand... just did not care about it, he was failing most his classes anyway.

Sage however did not reappear till Tuesday at school, saying she finally felt a tingle of missing everyone in her chest and it was the only reason she came back.

It wasn't until Thursday night when Tannis had called Shania to him and told her that he and Levi have a very special mission that the guardians can help and to prepare for a long talk Friday night about it... then they can deiced if they wish to help them.

With that... Friday night had come about not slower and they were on their way now to go speak with Tannis at their broken city.
"Wonder why Tannis was so criptic instead of just telling us," Kai commented on the way to the normal spot he was glad to have his right hand back he missed her dearly... not that he would ever admit that.

Shania caught up on her work quickly enough though she would rather not be at school she would rather be training or trying to stop Kai from teaching Lucifer about contraception. The call from Tannis worried and exited her.

Ebony was attached to Lucifer he was the only thing that drove her fears away and he was soft and warm and she loved him more every day. She worried about Tannis's mission but she never told Luci.
"When is any demon straight with us?" Sage said shrugging, "Besides I am sure we are about to find." Calm as ever, though she was curious.

Rhea smiled,
"I am sure it is with good reason that he would want to explain it in person." She told them, trying to reassure everyone.

Lucifer smiled and hugged Ebony tighter, he was so excited to hear about what was to come.
"Well everyone get out of my van and lets go talk to Tannis, I'm curious and it is killing me!" Kai said

Shania chuckled "what happened to your famous calm demeanor?"

"It flew out the window a few mile's back," Kai smirked.

Ebony squeezed Lucifer "Exited?" she asked.

Rose hopped up front and into Sage's lap "Why aren't you more curious?" she asked Sage.
Looked a bit surprised when she did then grinned, "Well Rose, it is simply because I actually have no emotions. You can't tell but I am actually not capable of feeling anything. That is why I am such a good liar." She told Rose simply. "Also Kai... its could outside... I rather sit in here... in the warmth." She said.

Rhea laughed a bit as they waited for Tannis to appear, Tannis had told Shania it would not be too long.

Lucifer smile at Ebony,
"yeah, are you?"
"A bit scared... I hope I do well," Ebony said.

Shania looked at Rhea "you exited princess?" she asked softly.

Rose pouted and kissed Sage's neck before snuggling into her lap.

"Be careful Death the birdy might force mate you," Kai said
Sage tensed a little and then rolled her eyes, "She would have to top me to do that..." She said looking at Kai, though she did not really push the girl away from her, but she did not really hold her either. Sage was still fighting herself over Rose.

Rhea shook her head,
"No, curious.. but not excited. I have a feeling this will be dangerous... "

"Don't be scared... I'll be here I promise..." He told her softly. He did not want her to be scared.
Ebony smiled "I know and I'll watch out for you too," she said and kissed his neck.

Rose was content to just rest against Sage she was almost purring.

"Ah she'll find a way to force you to mate her then," Kai said

Shania smiled "I'll be beside you to protect you,"
Rhea smiled, "I think we will all be there for each other." She told Shania.

Sage rolled her eyes at Kai again.

It was not long will till the portal opened and Tannis reappeared, making Sage open the door and drop Rose off her lap outside,
"Alright guys, lets go brave the cold..." Sage said.

Tannis had brought Levi with him surprisingly.
"Hello Guardians." Levi just gave a lazy waved instead of greeting them like Tannis.
Shania bowed to Tannis "Hello master tannis," then she looked at Levi "hi," she greeted him.

Kai smiled "We are all presant Tannis please please tel me what's up I'm so curious!"

Rose huffed at being dumped on the groung but she would get Sage back soon.
Tannis bowed back, but it was Levi who spoke. "We have found something that will take the danger from Rhea closing the portal.... Fredrick had it, though... he did not even know he had it. The temple he had found actually had several lower levels to it... containing and artifact that could very well give any demon, or human the power to open or close portals at will. With such an instrument... we think it would benefit you guardians to have it... but we also need a bit of help retrieving it..."

Rhea looked surprise,
"Why? You guys are so powerful..."

This is when Tannis spoke,
"But we are also very few... we do not have a lot of followers yet since we have yet to announce the demon we are fighting to put on the thrown... that time will come soon. I will be coming with you... Dasuke may or may not... and Sillia also may be coming as well. Levi is busy dealing with other things I have him doing for me... we can get it... but it would be at out latest convenance... Are you interested?"

"I am!" Sage said raising her hand with a grin.

"Is it dangerous " Rhea asked quietly.

"It can be... we are not sure what to expect." Tannis said in return.

Lucifer nodded,
"I am willing to go get this... if it will help out the group."
"If it helps Rhea count me in," Shania said

"I agree," Kai said and smiled "pluse I like that temple it looked neat."

Shania felt a twinge in her heart but she pushed it to the side.

"What do you have daddy doing Tannis?" Rose asked.

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