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Wild Cards

"Alright come with me." He said and begin to walk away, though he did grab a rather large looking bowl from the pile before walking into one of the abandon buildings.

When they got there he put the bowl down and then spoke again, "Put something of you in the bowl... nothing you won't miss." The Shaman said.
"perfectly fine..." Broren planted his stick in the ground and plucked a few herbs from it and then took the bones and threw them into the bowl. "Think of your question and put your hand on the rim here and here." He told Kai and waited for him to do it. When he did, he mumbled a few things and everything in the bowl seem to transform. Like it was melting... then taking form.. then melting again. It seem to do it several time till all that was left where the bones.
Kai thought hos question about shania but as the bones and herbs moved he became rather interested and slightly amazed. His eyes widened as he watched.
"All is well after the war ends... It will end while you are all alive. With you I see Death the most, she stays close. I think Lucifer stay in the human world... his mate bares children, strong children. Shania, or Warrior, stays close with the Healer. The Priestess keeps all healthy. This is what I see around your own future after the war... but since you do not wish to hear that, I will keep it to myself. I can not give you further details though in less your friends themselves let me see." Broren said, slowly pulling the bones out of the bowl and putting them back onto his staff.
"Strong children... I can see that," he chuckled "I'm as close as Death has to a brother I suppose, Thank you Broren," Kai said "you have set my mind at ease,"
Broren nodded, and picked up his bowl, "I've done nothing... I don't wish for any kind of thank you. I should be thanking you with the area you will be sending us to. We will prosper long enough till we return." Broren said. "By then, Raffer will be a full trained Shaman."
"Broren you set my mind and heart at ease a farm land and some safety is the least I can do," he smiled "I do hope you prosper well even Tannis helped to make the land ready for you and your people," Kai smiled and he seemed to be in a much better mood.
"I hear and see that name more often. Tannis's roll in ours and human's history will be large." He said as they walked out of the building, setting bowl down near the growing pile of stuff.
Broren gave Kai a knowing smile, he already saw and knew how the war was ending, but that was for him to know. He spoke a few words to his people when he came close to them and he seem to get a report. "Well Kai, my people are ready. This is everything we have... which is not much."
"You will have more when we get to the farmlands," Kai promised. Shania was watching the cargo plane land in a clearing near them when the noise quieted Kai looked to Broren "The human driving is being paid for his silence and paid well he thinks you are all in a disguise," Kai told him "Please tell everyone to load the plane and get inside I will ride with you to assure your safety Shania will drive my van and follow us, if you want someone else to ride as well tell me now,"
Broren eyed the plane and a lot of his people began to rather around it, some even dared to get on it. "Give them a few moment to look over the flying.. thing... your plane. But you don't have to ride with us... the offer is appreciated, though high acceptable." He paused for a moment before he started to yell down to the demons looking at the plane. They all looked up then scattered to start loading the planes.

"Will you.. Ride with us Priestess?" Raffer asked Rhea when he heard Kai's offer, Rhea had not let go of Shania's hand while talking to Raffer, but looked to her as if she was asking permission.
"Be safe," Shania said "I have to drive Kai's junky van," she smiled at Rhea "Raffer take care of our little priestess,"

"I would like to ride with you, the flight will not be long a few minutes and we will be at your new home," Kai said

Ebony hugged Luci "Did you want to fly?"
Lucifer looked at Ebony, "I fly all the time. I can take you some time." He told her with a smile.

Rhea smiled at Shania,
"Drive safe, i'll see you in a little bit." She told her, and followed Raffer to Broren and Kai.

Raffer continue to speak to Rhea, both actually learning quiet a bit with each other.
"Prisstess will come with us." Raffer said to Broren. "Very well. I think we are ready then." Broren told Kai, as he himself got on the plane the last out of all his people.
Kai borded and sat down "Sorry it isn't glamorous," He appologized for the plain looking interior.

Shania hopped into the van and waited on Ebony and Lucifer as rose had already jumped in.

"I'd like that," Ebony smiled.
Broren laughed, he liked Kai. "My people think otherwise." he said.

Rhea at next to Kai and Raffer next to her, though Rhea had already started speaking a few words in demon, picking up a lot of it quietly. Raffer was a quick teacher, and Rhea in return.

"You two pick things up quickly... I am impressed. It is why I choose Raffer as my Apprentice in the first place." Brorn said holding onto his staff.

Lucifer took Ebony hand and ran to go get into the van with Shaina, he seemed less concerned of the demons now then he was a while back.
Ebony chuckled and chased Rhea. The plane door closed but the inside was lit up so it wasn't dark "I'm glad i left this option open then," Kai said. He looked over the reactions of the demons in the plane he might not be able to understand their speech but he could read their body language.

The plane lifted off the ground and the feeling of going higher in the air like when riding an elivater was all that they felt before it leveled out and began to fly the sound of the engine was cut off by the metal of the plane's walls.
Most of the demons were wide eye or looking out the windows, in fact the majority of the demons crowded the windows. Some demons seeked Raffer and Broren's reassurance. Rhea smiled, she was enjoying everything that was happening right now... She looked to Kai when Raffer was busy talking with others.
Kai was relaxed he had Broren's future in his mind and he quite liked it's reassurance.

The area under them held cars and people for a few minutes before Kai smiled "All this under us now, it's all yours and your peoples," He told Broren as they went over the first part of the farm.
Broren quickly translated to his people loudly and the Goblins all broke out is happy mummers and gasps.

"Most are thankful, they are pleased and are reassure of a pleasant environment. They will be happy here." Broren said.

Rhea smiled,
"We are glad, we hope to see everyone grow well here."
"Yes, I have a few things on the property to show you," Kai said and smiled "we are getting ready to land you might feel a bit weird at the pressure change," he warned.

The plane landed smoothly and opened the door.
Broren nodded and when the doors opened, a lot of the Goblins jumped off and out of the plane and into the area. Broren seem to growl and few orders and most started to come back and pick up the things and take it out of the plane, but the ogre was smiling at the happiness.

"Raffer, see to the tribe... I will leave with Kai to have a look around the area, make sure they don't get into trouble." Broren said laughing.

Raffer nodded then looked at Rhea,
"I need to... attend to my people now, good bye Presistess."

Rhea waved at Raffer before leaning close to Kai, "Your doing a really good things Kai." Rhea whispered watching a lot of the smaller demons with a smile.

"I'm not all bad.. don't tell Sage," he chuckled and hugged her softly before turning to Broren "The area that is all your peoples and yours is fenced in see the wooden fence in the distance that is the start of all the farm the other end of the fence is out of sight, please follow me I'm pretty proud of my work so forgive me if I seem to eager or to egotistic,"
"I see, so you wish us not to pass the fence? Understood." Broren said, and followed Kai, he was making metal notes for the tribe meeting later. He will have to set ground rules, houses... he had much to do to help settle his new tribe.

Rhea followed behind Kai quietly, though she was happy.

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