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Wild Cards

"Dasuke is currently my partner in this moment and often does things in my absence .. and even when I am present he is helping me a lot. I don't know what I would do with out your father young Rose, he is my prized friend and most trusted." Tannis said proudly, "he will be choosing if he wishes to come with me or not."

Rhea sighed, she did not want to go do something dangerous just for her sake,
"Its ok... I am ok with the way I have been closing portals... I don't want to do something dangerous... but if you guys all do go... I won't stay behind because I have to come heal you when you get hurt." She said smiling a bit. She knew it was futile to fight it.. once these guys made up their mind...

Sage laughed, "
Naaah, is will be find princess, we are going to get that artifact no problem!" Sage mused.
"Exactly come on we have high powered demons with us as well it's not like we are going in alone," Kai said

"We will be cautious and smart about it we will all come out better then we went in," Shania said confidently.

Rose swelled with pride at Tannis's praise for her father "I hope he does I want to show daddy how much I've grown,"
Sage laughed and ruffled Rose's hair, "I am sure your dad is already proud of you."

"Well then, when you are ready, we can leave. Do you need a day or should we leave now?"
Tannis said.

"let me call my brother... one moment." Rhea said, pulling out her cell phone.

"How long will we be gone?"
Sage asked.

"Hopefully it will only take the night... we will be there during the night so your powers are full." Tannis said. Levi nodded.
"Then we should go now," Shania said "it makes sense to go now,"

Kai smiled "it does indeed, as soon as Princess tells her brother she's going to another world we can set off,"

Rose hugged Sage and smiled brightly Sage had said a complement weather she meant to or not,.
When Rhea was done she gave them all a thumbs up, her brother just demanding to know the moment she was back.

Tannis nodded and Levi opened his own portal, "i'll let Dasuke know we are moving tonight. Ill open a portal to you if he chooses to come..." He said before walking into the portal.

With that, Tannis opened his own portal, and then looked at the guardians before walking through it. Rhea, Sage and Lucifer followed behind, and before they knew it, they were in the middle of the temple where Shania had woken.

Rhea was looking around wide eyed, Sage also was in awe, both seeing it for the first time in their own eyes.
Shania went through and looked around, "I hate feeling at home in places I don't know," she said gripping her dagger.

"It's ok Warrior," Kai said. "So Tannis where do we go?" as he asked that he was startled by the presance of Dasuke.

"I was waiting," Dasuke chuckled.

Rose as always pounced Dasuke "daddy," she smiled.
"You got here rather quickly..." Tannis said chuckling loudly, "I did not know you were this eager to come."

"hello Daddy dearest." Sage said waving at Dasuke.

Rhea gently took Shania's hand and gave her a smile, trying to help put her mind at ease. The memmorys that Rose flashed through her.

"The entrance is this way... though some of the ways are too small for me... so I might need to take my human disguise " Tannis said padding across the temple to a broken wall that was not there before.
"You have a human disguise!" Rose asked shocked

"Of course he does," Dasuke laughed "do take it dear friend,"

Shania was curious to see it though she was squeezing Rhea's hand,
"Oh how I don't care much for walking on two legs..." Tannis said, though none the less he took a human disguise and in that form he was a rather tall man, he has long red/brown hair that looked like a mane more then anything. His eyes were still a deep yellow as well, though he was rather very handsome despite he large messy hair, which suited him. He was wearing black pants and a red jacket that had a long coat tail. He was only part human though, his dragon wings still present and he claws long. His skin was a dark tan color.

Rhea blinked and stared for a bit, amazed that such a huge creature like Tannis could look.. kind of human.

Sage whistled,
"Nice." She said with a grin.
"Shania your teacher looks good human," Kai said thinking of all the ways he could dress Tannis.

"You do look handsome master Tannis," Shania chuckled.

"Ebony hugged Lucifer her Luci was much more handsome.

"Ok do you know what way to go?" Kai asked Tannis breaking away from his musings.
"Yes, I do." Tannis said, smiling. Rhea blinked, it was strange seeing Tannis make facial expressions.... when in human form you can actually see him, and his voice was not as loud either. It was surprising to see, but Tannis was actually a rather expressive person. "This way.. lets not move to quickly, I fear there might be traps." Tannis warned as they walking through the broken walls.

Lucifer let himself transform into his demon form and gave Ebony a smile before letting go of her a taking the lead in front of Ebony, his demon hunting mind set coming into play.

Rhea followed behind the group like usual, taking her place beside Ebony. She liked watching the group take a natural ready for anything stance... it shows how far they had come since they had started demon hunting.
Shania was up front wit Lucifer Kai in between the leaders and the little girls of the group. Dasuke took a position neer Tannis and smiled he was ready to do something useful for the guardians.

Shania twirled her dagger nervously but other then that she looked calm.

"How far in do you think we need to go into this place... it gives me the creeps," Kai said.
"The creeps is right..." Sage said, her hands in her pockets as they walked.

Tannis chuckled,
"We went pretty deep ourselves, but stopped after a long moment and we figured out what was down here.. we have yet to go through the dangerous portions yet. Though we should remain on guard, we may not have found all the traps around here."

Lucifer was keeping an eye out as they walked, though nothing really strikes him and dangerous And lucky for them they did get rather deep inside, it was dark and Tannis actually set himself on fire as a walking torch, it was not a bright light, just a soft glow.

When they stopped at a large pit that extended a ways to a ledge,
"This is where we stopped .. the bridge is broken, and we can all fly you over, but from here on out is unexplored. Come Shania, Ill take you over." Tannis said.

Lucifer came over to Ebony and picked her up, he was going to fly her over, Someone would have to make an extra trip to get the last person.
Ebony giggled softly despite the situation and hugged Lucifer Rose grabbed Sage "I'll fly you over,"

Dasuke took Rhea's hand "do you mind me flying you?" he asked. This would leave Shania and Kai but they could take care of themselves.
Rhea smiled and shook her head, and took Dasuke's hand.

Tannis nodded,
"We'll wait for Dasuke to come back so no one is alone at one time."

When everyone was on the other side, Tannis taking Shania and Dasuke coming back and taking Kai. They wondered a bit further into the area. it was not long until they got into a large area. Lights appeared as soon as they entered, startling everyone suddenly.
"Magic is a foot here." Tannis warned, though he let his own flame die.

There was not a rather large hallway that they were leading to some double doors
. "Strange... I did not think we would get here so soon..." Tannis said.

Rhea took a timid step back,
"I am getting a bad feeling..."

"My skin's crawling too," Shania said softly.

"I think I have cobwebs in my hair," Kai stated looking around.

Rose didn't seem to have any bad feelings at all she looked around rather interested in her surroundings.

"I'm going to try and detect any traps," Dasuke said and pulled out his flute playing a few tunes if there were traps he could locate they would glow red.
The door itself glowed bright red, that seemed to be the only think trapped around them.... but it was the only way to the artifact they needed...

"Good thinking Dasuke... though I am not sure what to do about it.." Tannis said.

Sage laughed, "I could go set it off, Last time I set a trap off I lost my memories... I am willing to go do it again. Besides my reflex is the best in the groups."

"I rather you not...." Rhea mumbled.
"Well you know what, we aren't getting anywhere debating on who to go through," Shania said "behind that door is something we need,"

"Don't you dare," Kai said to Shania "you are reckless as hell,"
"Shes right, like I said I'll go." Sage said shrugging, she walked past everyone to the door.

Tannis was not sure if he should stop her... but in this from his power was decreased by a lot and dodging traps was not easy like this.

Rhea held her breath as Sage reached to push the door open. As she did there was a click and sever consecutive clicks after that, lights lit up in the room... it was circular in shape, like a dome... sitting in the middle of the room was a statue that looked like a demon holding a sword.

"Oh see... no traps at all. It just turned the lights on." Sage said laughing, taking a few more steps into the room. Everyone else seem to follow behind them.

"Don't move any further then where you are on." Tannis said, moving quickly to get behind her.
Shania looked around and Dasuke was tense his detections are never wrong.

"Master Tannis what is it?" Shania asked.

Ebony looked around as well afraid for Sage Rose had the same fearful look.
Tannis moved into the room, alert and looking around for any signs of danger... what did they just set off?

Soon the clicking around the room stopped... it was quiet. The a large stone coffin looking slab fell from the ceiling and landed on the ground, cracking the floor under it.

"What in the name of--"
Tannis began to say.

The coffin cracked open and a creature of a gross slime shadow seem to crawl out of it. Sage took a fee steps back, taking out her scythe alert.

When the creature sat up it had one massive eye that seemed to dart between persons.

Lucifer was alert and growling at the new... demon?
"Ebony aim for the eye," Kai said.

"Oh...ok," Ebony drew her bow and aimed for the eye, "Everyone... I'm loosing an arrow watch out," she let go sending the arrow flying,
"Wait!" Tannis tried to say, but the arrow was already let lose. It landed straight in the demons eye. The demon made a loud frightened screech, it seem to mold back words, and into the alter with the statue. Its body slowly molding with is. Blood seeped from the eye but it did not close it.

"Dasuke... what did that thing just do with the artifact?" Tannis said, though he lit a flame in his hand ready to throw it at the demon. Tannis could tell the demon was using sound waves and Dasuke could match it.

The creature slowly started to absorb the statue... taking its power into its own body. Its body was making compulsive jerks. When it stopped moving it screeched again. It was blind and now was using sound to find what it was attacking. When the screech was done, it launched two long black tentacles at Ebony, but it missed and hit Rhea, thinking it was her... his other one latched onto Shania being closes to him.

Rhea gasped in surprise and tried to struggle away. Sage immediately leapt into action and cut the long tentacle, but it had pulled Shania and Rhea to it too quickly.
Shania instantly lit her inner fire in shock. Dasuke began to play his flute to further blind the creatures senses.

"Shania! Princess," Kai tried to sever a tentacle.
(A side note for those actually reading Wild Cards RP. InsaneTruth and I have decided to take Shania and Rhea and switch them with Shania and Rhea from Odd Encounters, our other 1x1 RP. It is just a small cross over idea we have come up with for a short time. Please start on page 148 of Odd Encounters to continue with their side of the story...)

The fire scared the creature and it let out a long shriek, it no long understood what was going on. There was a large flash across the room... everyone felt... a shift... a disturbance .. something near unexplainable.

When everything seemed to settle again, Lucifer immediately jumped up and severed the tentacle holding Shania, catching her easily and landing on the ground. Kai's axe easily cut through Rhea's own tentacle and she fell. A thick black mucus covered Rhea and Shania.

Tannis took flight immediately and jumped onto the demon, it was still flailing, completely blinded by Dasuke's playing. Tannis took on breath and then lit the entire beast on fire. Both of them let in a large ball of fire, the heat around them incredible.

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