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Wild Cards

Lucifer hugged Shania tighter, "Its ok, you had good reason too, Sillia knocked you good and made everyone leave while Tannis and her stayed. I don't blame anything... I just wanted to know that we would have been ok if things did not work out the way they did..."
Lucifer smiled and nodded, "yeah I would like that." He said happily, glad that his mind was put at ease some. Shania seem to always know what to say.

Rhea and Roen arrived a little later, Rhea looked actually well rested and Roen a bunch more relaxed then he had been the last few times he had been over.
Shania smiled Lucifer had helped her make sausage egg and cheese biscuits.

Rose let them in as she rubbed sleep from her eyes "is he allowed to come... this is a demon political job... oh well come in Lucy and Shania are cooking,"
"I certainly hope I am aloud to come..." Roen said, putting his hands on his hips. "That Tannis guy said I was welcome here."

Rhea smiled at Roen,
"Yeah... but the Shaman is a different demon... he might not like a human coming..." Said trying to reason with her brother, "Good morning Rose." She said brightly.

"morning... I guess you can come but... try not to be so mean we worry cause you are not as strong as us," Rose told Roen "Ebony has nightmares because of what we fought and the danger she and Shania faced at the hands of my uncle,"
Roen smiled at Rose, "Thanks for the worry... I'll try my best to just stay out of the way.... Maybe Ill just not go today." Roen said, putting a hand on Rhea's head. Rhea knew he was sad, he wanted to be apart of this with her, but he really cant. "I'll see you later Rhea, call me if you need anything." He said quietly, kissing her forehead and then quietly leaving.

Rhea frowned a bit, Rose really hit a soft spot for him, but she was glad... it would be better for him to stay out of it..
"Did I do something wrong?" Rose asked.

Ebony walked in and ran straight to lucifer and hugged him her nightmares plagued her all night and her parents barely let her out of the house.
Rhea smiled at Rose and went to go sit next to her, "No, Roen is actually a big softy. He is just worried about me and knows he would do best away. He just wants to be apart of this world." She watched Ebony come in, though she went straight for Lucy. Now all they were missing where Kai and Sage.

Though Sage had text Kai to tell him she was not coming, to sick of seeing their face and going to stay in bed and sleep all day.

Lucifer did not really see Ebony until she almost tackled him while he was helping Shania, "E-Ebony... are you ok?" He asked her, though he pulled her into his arms and hugged her close to his chest.
"I'm ok now," she said softly her eyes were still red from crying though she had tried to wash her face and get back to normal Ebony felt much safer with Lucifer's arms around her.

"Roen seems like a good brother," Rose said "maybe he can come to the Saturday fun days?"

Kai trudged in "Sage is staying home too sick of our faces," he said "morning everyone,"
Rhea smiled at Rose and nodded, "Yeah." When Kai came in she greeted him the same way, "Good morning. Sage is missing out of demons? Thats wired. But I guess I am not exhausted as you guys... I've forgotten being here..."

Lucifer gave Shania a worried look while he rubbed Ebony's back slowly.
"Alright well lets get food into everyone, Luce make sure Ebony eats I have fresh fruits and extra biscuits if she will eat one with jelly on it," Shania knew Lucifer would like to care for Ebony.

Kai plopped onto the couch "I'm surprised Roen isn't here to torment me,"

Ebony clung to Lucifer she didn't even realize Shania was talking
"Roen will most likely not come in less we need his help from now on..." Rhea said, though she was sad about. "So he won't bother you anymore... I know you two don't really get a long all the well. Roen can be hard to get a long with." Rhea said, "Are you doing ok Kai? You look like you have been stressing out more then usual... you've been taking care of yourself while I wasn't watching you right?" Rhea asked a bit worried.

"Yeah ok... Thanks Shania." He told her, and gently lead Ebony out into the living room with a plate of fruit, he'll eat after he got Ebony calm down a bit.
"I had alot to do... not much time to do it in," Kai said "I'm alright just exhausted, and still sore from yesterdays work."

Shania gave Lucifer some juice fro Ebony as well the girl really did need Lucifer close after all that has appened it looked like he was the only one she could go to for a sense of safety.

"And it's not that i dislike Roen he's your brother you care about him and him for you i respect that, he just stuck his nose into the wrong business. I had to be harsh and he snapped so i bit back," Kai said
Rhea made a face at Kai, something a long the lines of pouting and being stern, "You bite anything that isn't us.... and you have to admit that when I am involved it is his business since I am his dependent..."

Lucifer smiled at Ebony and then kissed her,
"Good morning, time to eat. Shania cut you some fruits, want some?" he asked quietly.
Ebony smiled at Lucifer "ok," she said and hugged him "missed you,"

"not my fault he decided to annoy the hell out of me," Kai muttered
Rhea giggled, "Kai you pout a lot when you are cranky, its cute. Do you want to nap before we leave?" She asked Kai quietly.

Luifer hugged her back and gently kissed her puffy eyes,
"missed you too, here say Ah." Lucifer said, and put a piece of fruit by her mouth. He was obviously enjoying this.
Rhea beamed, this was the first time she ever teased Kai, "You do too, you mumble and you make this frowny face and kind of puff your cheeks up sometimes." She told him laughing a bit while pointing at his cheeks.

Lucifer then put the fruit in her mouth and he seemed rather pleased about it, "I saw them do that on TV once!" he said.
Ebony giggled and kissed Lucifer her lips still had a bit of fruit juice on them. "silly luci,"

Kai puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms play pouting now.
Rhea laughed at Kai, he was obviously faking, but she found it funny anyway.

Lucifer smiled and then kissed her lips back slowly, sucking on her lower lip gently, "You taste like fruit" he told her, "You usually taste sweet though." He whispered to her.
Lucifer blushed a bit in return and then smiled at Ebony, then picked up another piece of fruit, "Say Ah!" He said again happily. With Shania and Ebony and all his new family at his side... he cared a little less about what side he was picking... He just wanted to protect them.

Rhea smiled at Kai in return, she felt like she lightened his mood a little and he did not seem as stressed. It could be just her but it was ok, Kai seemed happy right now. When breakfast was done they will leave and Rhea can see Broren ,this Shaman. She was excited to meet him to say the least, he helped get her memory back.
Ebony happily let Lucifer feed her till she took a piece and held it "Say ah," she told him with a smile.

"So team, today we move a bunch of demons to a safe place... when did we get diplomatic?" Kai asked. "You'll like Broren he was a pretty interesting guy... big guy but interesting,"

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