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Wild Cards

Rhea opened her eye's when she heard Shania tell her it was ok, "There... the demon, he was reaching to grab me..." She said. She looked around her surroundings, while standing up and speaking. Her mind was not able to quite comprehend what was happening. Several familiar demons where around... she made a quick mental count of everyone. Kai, Shania, Sage, Ebony, Lucifer, Rose. Everyone was here, no one was hurt, in fact they looked happy. That means nothing is immediately wrong.... Wait was that Roen? That can't be Roen...

"Ah.. Ah.... R-Roen..." Rhea said pointing at her brother.

Roen realized now why the demon did not want him to be seen, but it was to late now. She was confused and trying to figure things out.

"This is a dream... or am I dead?" Rhea then pinched herself, mostly ignoring everyone around her. "A freak dream... like the luna month... I must be in a dream state... I need to get up..." Rhea said, closing her eyes and putting a hand on her forehead.

Sage shook her head, "She is over thinking the whole situation..." Sage said putting her hands on her hips.
Shania sighed "Rhea the demon you saw took your memories... we just now got them back you've been... memoryless for a long while now Fredrick is dead the demon that stole your memory took mine and Sages but we got ours back. Kai told Roen the truth not thinking he'd believe him and thus your brother knows... everything. I promise this is no trick I was just as confused when i got my memories back," Shania explained.

Kai smiled "and unfortunately my princess me and Roen do not get along."

"And you missed a strip poker game!" Rose announced.

"A what game?" Dasuke asked eyeing Sage.
"Strip poker..." Roen said pausing to think about it.

"S-strip poker?" Rhea said her eyes a bit wide.

Sage had to stop herself from face palming after Rose said that and kept a straight face.
"About that.... That reminds me..." Walking closer to Dasuke, Sage wrapped on of her arms around his neck and leaned in to whisper to him, "By the way.. have you ever given Rose the where babies come from talk? Because she seems to think that I can actually impregnate her."

"Strip... poker aside..." Rhea rubbed her head, shaking it and then moved over to Shania and put her hand on her heart, using her healing powers on Shania without a word or warning.
Shania tensed up "I'm... not injured..." she said.

Kai raised an eyebrow "gonna heal a half broken heart princess?"

"We have...tried." Dasuke said "Rose is a stubborn sort she believes what she likes.

Rose danced to Roen "it was fun Rhea's undies were really cute!"
"No... just... if this was a dream... Shania would have burned up at my touch... Your real... So.. I lost my memmorys? How long has it been... what has happened? You said Fredrick is dead?" Rhea said, she took her hand back and gave a small apologetic look. She hoped Shania was not hurt at the slight mistrust... The dreams they had last time, they said anything to get you to stay and not fight the dream... The fact that her healing did not hurt Shania meant she was more or likely safe and just needed a long conversation on what had happened to her.

"Your kidding? Gah what have I done to myself! Dasuke, I can't do this, Look I hit a realization that if she actually mates with me she is basically spending the first... I don't know... 80 years, if I even live that long, or her life happy then the rest of it alone.... I know she stubron but are you even ok with this? Please don't hurt me because I am actually being really honest right now..." Sage said a bit desperaitly.

Roen watched Rose jump around him, "They... ok I need to just stay calm..." He said, for hsi confused sisters sake he needed to stay calm..
"Rose is a big girl now she know's humans don't have long life spans and she knows you have a high chance of not lasting out the war if it doesn't end soon. I am more worried if you are ok," Dasuke said.

Shania smiled and explained everything to Rhea even her supposed love with Fredrick and his death. Though she did it in her short to the point way that left questions to be answered.
"What? Why would you be worried about me?" She asked raising an eye brow.

Rhea nodded, though she felt a bit of jealousy rise inside of her, she did not like a lot of what she heard.
"I've missed so much... " She said rubbing her head gently, "I still have so many question... but I think they can wait for a little bit... So we are.. helping a Shaman to live here?" She asked.

Roen seem to slowly hover over to Rhea though he stayed quiet, more so listening.
"Yeah... we better get to work Kai has already started as we talked." Shania said motioning to kai how was taking down the old wood fencing.

"I'm worried because you seem to be taking this harder then me and I am her father," Dasuke said.
Sage seem to just stare at Dasuke for a long moment, like he had said something completely unplausible. After that she spoke, "I've been crowded in a house with people I actually like for more then two weeks without much air for myself. I am emotionally unstable right now. I'll get back to you on this." She told him and then moved to go walk away.

Rhea nodded and then hugged her brother as soon as she approached her,
"I am sorry... I'll explain everything when we get home.. well parts you don't know.."

Roen nodded in return and hugged her tighter,
"Its ok, I am just glad to have you back.."

"Hold up! I am not sticking around to help cater a Shaman to the human world... I am here to give Rhea her power...." Levi said taking a few steps to Rhea.

Rhea stopped and looked up to Levi as she watched him go around between all the guardians, including Rose and took a small bit of power from them. To Sage it did not feel like he really took anything at all... just felt like he reached in her head and moved stuff aside for a moment... After he was done he touched Rhea's forehead and then put everyone's energy inside her and a bright light illuminated from Rhea. When the light died down, Rhea was wide eye'd a bit a bit shocked looked, not really expecting Levi to move so fast.

"There it is done..." Levi said, crossing his arms.

Rhea felt light... on the inside, she felt like she was glowing inside as well. She could feel her own pulse in her hands right now.

"Levi you are a horrible baby sitter," Shania said as she lowered her hands she had covered her eyes ant the light.

Kai sighed "You know Levi you are a joy to be around... is Luci really related to you?" Kai set aside some of the old wood as he spoke.

Rose hissed at Levi softly a reaction of having a piece of her energy taken without consent no matter how small.

Dasuke took Sage's arm "It is not weakness to care in fact it can be your greatest strength."

Ebony just squeezed Lucifers hand as Levi passed and shielded her eyes at Rhea's light
"Yes yes..." Sage said, "I already hear enough of this between Shania and Kai... just let me come to this on my own terms." Sage said laughing, "just... trust me... I've chanced a lot in the last half year... and I am not done changing." She told him, reassuring him quietly.

"I wish I wasn't..." Levi said in a mumble. Tannis chuckled, "I think I am willing to stay and help a little... A small break, would be nice... I wounder if I can afford the small break.." Tannis seem to think out loud.

"I can cover for you you need the break, Lord Axesort seems to be underestimating me of late," Dasuke smiled at Tannis "you my dear friend are only one person legendary or not,"

Shania smiled "Maybe I should join the lines with you, might be of some help,"

Kai laughed at Levi and got back to work and Rose went to start helping him.
Tannis let out a long breath... he did not want to leave Dasuke alone to face him, "I guess we should return... Pass to the Shaman our thanks... but I think it is time we leave..."

Levi turned to Tannis and sighed, "Tannis... Dasuke. After much thought and talk with the family... As head of family I am announcing to you, speaking for Sillia as well, we support you." He said suddenly.

Tannis's eyes lit up in happiness. "Levi.. You have no idea how happy it is to hear you say that.."

Lucifer looked up, "What are you talking about?" He said.
Dasuke smiled at Lucifer "I'm not sure if you would like to know I'll leave it up to Levi, also Tannis; I will tie you down if I must you are staying and taking a break," Dasuke said his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as he waited to see if he had to follow through with said threat.

Shania smiled already in on the whole thing though she did worry about Lucifers reaction she really didn't want to be against him.

Kai stared at the group of demons "I'm ... not too sure I want to know,"
"Wise of you Dasuke... we left Lucifer out of this for many reason. But now it is time to tell him. I assume your've told your daughter? No matter, it is not my business Lucifer Mokii, Sillia... lets go have a talk about family.." Levi said, and lead them a ways.

Lucifer started to follow, but then took Ebony's hand. She was his mate, mated or not, and his mother and father already given their blessing... she was family now. Gently he pulled her with him. Tannis looked at Shania,
"Mokii would proububly want you to go too... but I am not sure how Levi would feel with you already knowing." Tannis said, ignoring Dasuke, he would deal with him friend in a moment, "Kai you might want to know... We are denouncing Axeort... and fighting in the name of a new demon lord... we have yet to even choose one though.. but there will be a meeting in a few days to choose or find one.." Tannis said.

"And where does that put us...?" Sage said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well... no where, because you guys work outside out politics... though you have been thrown into them through rumors..." Tannis said.
"As is how this circle of blood shed and chaos works," Kai stated "You get one power destroyed two or more rise to take place the power goes to their heads and people begin to die the power leaders become corrupt and hungry for power then you realize the fight will never end so a new party comes up to end the tyranny and another cycle begins... am I wrong?"

Shania sighed "Kai you are so pessimistic,"

Ebony was very happy Lucifer chose to take her along with him she held his hand and followed trying not to look happy about news that could be grave.
"As it is Kai..." Tannis said sadly. "I hope to rise a new hope and fix this... but nothing is for curtain..."

"Will this make the war longer or shorter?"
Rheas asked.

"We don't know..." Tannis said again.

When they were a bit away, Levi and Mokii explained to Lucifer and Ebony what was happening and what they had done. Lucifer was not sure how to react... he had been fighting for this demon his entire life... and now they were just abandoning him off some talk of corruption? Lucifer looked down at the ground, he was a tad pissed no one told him about this either... he took his right of passage and had every right to be apart of this. Mokii sighed, knowing he would take this badly.
Ebony hugged him softly "Luci?" she asked softly asking him if he was ok with her eyes rather then words.

Rose looked at Dasuke and huffed "why didn't I know this?" she asked

"Because you are too much like your mother," Dasuke said shaking his head.
"Oh I want to know about her mother." Sage said laughing

"I am fine... I won't defie the family. But if you think for one moment I am perfectly ok with you guys making this choice without me I think you should think again!" Lucifer said, though it sounded more like a yell.

"Lucy... it was for you and Shania's sake that we did not tell you..." Mokii tried to say.

"I am an adult... I think Shania and I could handle it between ourselves!" He growled.

Levi crossed him arms,
"Well I am head of family so if you going to be mad at some let it be me, leave your mother and Sillia out of this. I made the finally decision as I always do. You may be in line for next head in less I have an offspring myself... but that does not make you head now. We are going home now, continue your hunting as usual .." Levi said, before opening a portal and walking through it. Sillia gave Lucifer a sad smile and then followed. Mokii came up and gave both Ebony and lucy a kiss on the forehead and then left as well.
"I'm sorry Luci," Ebony said him yelling scared her a bit but then again all yelling scared her.

"Imagine a hurricane... now imagine being trapped in it," Dasuke laughed. "Now Tannis you stay here but open me a way home,"
Tannis seem to laugh and then randomly jumped to his paws like he was about to attack Dasuke, but Dasuke could obviously see it was a very relaxed and if not even, playful stance, "I will leave you stranded here with me or I will be going home." He said before jumping at Dasuke with seethed paws.

Rhea was a bit surprised at Tannis's sudden behavior, she had never seen the demon look so playful before.

Lucy smiled sadly at Ebony and rubbed the back of his neck gently,
"Yeah... a little cross with Levi right now.. but I'll get over it.." He said.
She hugged him tightly "I don't blame you," she said softly.

"Stranded huh how cruel of you," Dasuke laughed and hopped away Tannis and Dasuke looked like a cat and a mouse.
Every time Dasuke hopped away, Tannis would hop again, trying to pin Dasuke under him, though he was laughing just as much as his friend was, "Yes, I am very cruel, you need rest as much as me!" He said.

Rhea smiled and poked Shania in the side, "Even your teacher seems to need to play sometimes."

Sage laughed and shook her head and turned to go help Kai work.

Lucifer hugged Ebony back and took a deep breath, "Just give me a few minutes of like this to cool down... You make calm Ebony."
"Oh are you saying i don't play?" Shania asked and grinned at Rhea.

Kai chuckled was he the only one working? he didn't mind he needed to get this done as fast as he could the others needed to rest up and recharge.

Dasuke was nearly pinned "you are getting fast or perhaps I'm just getting old," Dasuke laughed.

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