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Wild Cards

"W-what? How?" Rhea asked a bit horrified.

"Well you are doing a pretty bad job at it." Sage said laughing. That was a lie... she was actually doing a really good job... the bird kept catching her off guard but she would never admit that.
Sage shivered a bit, "What... Can you not molest me while I am cooking?" Sage asked suddenly, trying desperately not to let the Arch Angel know she was making Sage feel good. For once she needed saving... she can barely fight Rose back, half the time she can't because she knew her dad would kill her if she did.......

Thank you Kai... Sage said silently, ignoring Rose's question. Food was almost done, she was just mixing the cream needed to make the crapes insides. "I'll be just a moment longer..."

Thought there was a knock on the door.
Shania went to answer it expecting Roen she swore she would be on her best behavior.

Rose walked out to see who was at the door Kai... stayed in the kitchen.
Roen was at the door, though he looked a lot calmer, "Good morning." He said quietly.

Rhea peaked from the couch to get a good look.

Sage let out a long sigh,
"Man... What did I do to myself...."
"Good morning please come in Sage is finishing making breakfast as we speak," Shania said politely. "and I suppose you have questions?"

Kai smiled "you have an arch angel in love with you,"
"Doesn't change anything..." Sage said bluntly. "Come one... help me set up everything done."

Roen sighed,
"No... I just... think I am going to try and go with the flow from now on." He said, though he sounded a bit tired. "Hey Rhea are you doing ok?" He asked quietly.

Rhea smiled and nodded, making a slight guess who he was.
"It's ok we'll get your memory back soon maybe tonight or tomorrow," Shania said to Rhea and put a hand on her shoulder.

"doesn't change she's a 14 year old demoness?" Kai asked
Sage sighed, "There is actually a large list there then you proububly know..." Sage said rubbing the back of her neck gently.

Rhea smiled at Shania, Roen sat next to her.
"Hey Rhea... I was told you lost your memory again... So I am going tell you I am your brother Roen."

Rhea nodded,
"I know... Shania says you worry... Don't worry too much, I am safe right now." She told him quietly.

Roen gave her a soft smile,
"Yeah I know you are." He turned to Shania, "You really think her memory will be back soon?"
"Yes, we met a Shaman he had to reset he memory but he was able to make the search fro her memories alot easier for our demon friends in the demon world, both my and Sage's sponsors are working hard," Shania said "I have faith that soon everything will be right again,"

Kai smiled "Is Dasuke the reason or are you starting to like the little gixie?"
Sage let out a really long sigh at Kai's persistence, usually when she orders food to be served he just goes and does it, "Check, Check, Check..." Sage said for three of Kai's guesses. "Oh, but wait, the list goes on: shes a demon, I am human, I am female, she is the last of her line, I am not a good person so that's a big one, I am still in love with someone else, though I thought myself not really capable... I have the ugly impulse to be mean to people I care about and even more of an impulse to lie...The biggest facter of all... Once I die, she is alone for the rest of her life." Sage said in one rather large breath. "Its better to push her away before she really is in love with me and vise versa. Not that I am planing on falling in love in the first place, but I didn't plan for it the first time... For the record, you of all people I don't want advice on love, in fact I don't want advice at all... in less your going to give it to me anyway because your worried about my well being or something along those lines." Sage said, waving a hand at Kai in a rather nonchalant mater. Sage put her hands to her hip after she finished with her rant, she hand ended up turning around to face Kai in the process. Sage was a bit stressed, emotional stuff is not in her 'things she is good at' list and being cramped in Shania's house for almost a month has driven her mind in a corner.

Roen gave a small slime and then pat Rhea on the head gently. Rhea smiled at him again. She did not feeling any kind of closeness to anyone besides the slight tug in her chest every now and again. But she will try and keep happy appearances for a little while longer until her memory is back.
"So you guys are helping the Shaman now?" He asked.
"Yes we have land for him and his people to take refuge in." Shania said "we are cleaning it today,"

Kai pulled Sage to him "it's fine Death don't stress life flows on weather you worry or not,"
"I knew you would do that.... let go of me!" Sage said pushing Kai away from her, trying to anyway. Kai was being that freaking affectionate best friend right now, she liked it... but hated it at the same time... the worst part was he knew she hated when he did crap like this.

"I see... I would like to help." Roen said calmly.
"You want to help do farm work?" Shania said.

Kai held firm to Sage "I'm not letting go," he stated firmly "I like feeling you pressed to me,"
"Of course you do...." Sage said, though she was still flailing to get out of his grip, "Why are you tormenting me right now....?"

"Yeah... I can do that. I am not really as frail as I look.." Roen said raising his eye brows. "I may not be super powered like you guys... but I am a full grown man in my prime."
"Because I care," Kai said softly "and if i tick you off enough to hit me you might feel better,"

"I didn't mean it like that just... its farmwork... not many doctors know how to work a farm," Shania said
Roen chuckled, "No, but I can learn... and Rhea here doesn't either, memories or not... I am not sure about the rest of you."

"I don't want to hit you..."
She mumbled, though she was getting slightly irritated, "Can you please... let go of me? My food is getting cold..." She had a feeling Kai was going to say no. Though she did finally stop flailing and just let Kai hug her. Awkwardly.. for Sage anyway....
Kai smiled and kissed her forehead before letting go "i thought you wanted to be treated like Rhea bat your eyelashes and have me on my knees?"

Shania shrugged "I know a little about fixing things... all the repair work done on the house is my handy work," Shania said "could never afford a repair man... fighting demons isn't a paying job. Luce works for Kai to keep us fed and under a roof,"
"I hate you... I hate you so much right now..." Sage said crossing her arms, "I will kill you with poison today... slow and painful.."

"I see... I worked most my way through college. I knew what I wanted to be, but I worked hard, two jobs and a full time student. If you ever need anything, feel free to ask... you guys have my number... well Kai does anyway." Roen said leaning back and pulling Rhea into a hug.
"Kai takes good care of us." Shania said in admittance. "He pays for everything we let him, and I know he has us under protection. You might not like him Roen but he tries to protect us and wears himself out doing it,"

Kai chuckled "just don't kill me." he said
"Whatever! Get out of here, and take this with you! I'll be out with tea in a moment." Sage said, handing Kai a plate of the crapes and literally kicking him out of the kitchen.

Roen smiled but did not really answer, though he did try not to glare at Kai when he came out of the kitchen.

Lucifer looked up, "Food! And Sweets!"
"Its breakfast," Kai said "Sage is mad at me now though," he chuckled and set the plate down. "Hello Roen,"

Shania rolled her eyes and took a crape .
"Hello Kai... do I have to asked for your godlyness if I can help out today? Shania already explained to me what is happening." Though Roen got a plate and served Rhea some food and handed it to her with a smile. She thanked him quietly.

Sage came out a few minutes later with tea and cups.

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