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Wild Cards

Broren turned his back to guardians and made an announcement to his people, giving them the choices. There was soon a rather loud verbal fight among them as most of them started to discuss the options.

Broren turned to look at the guardians again while they yelling continued,
"They will come to a decision in a bit... they always do." He said, though he has a trace of a smile for the first time since the arrival of the two children demons. Suddenly he started to speak in human tongue, "Forgive me rudeness. My name is Broren, Shaman of the 7 Tooth tribe. I apologize for keeping my ability of human lounge a secret... I had to make sure there were not utter motives behind your actions. Specialty when the human with a nickname of jokester offers you safety."

Sage chuckled, Broren did not have that great of a porker face so she had a feeling he spoke when he seem to visibly keep up with the conversation.
Kai laughed "Ah I can see your point.I assure you though Broren I am offering you this because I know war a bit too well. I think it is honorable to try and protect your people,"

Shania raised an eyebrow "Broren since you introduced yourself I feel rube not doing the same, I am know as the warrior as I am the sword wielder my teacher is Lord Tannis," She bowed again politely after giving her introduction.

"Forgive us for not using our real names, it's a safety issue on our parts," Kai said "it isn't that we don't trust you."
"I understand, it is for safety that I use my real name." Broren said, "In return for our safety we will continue to live here. We will return to the demon world when our land is no longer under siege. Tannis is a powerful demon, so is Dasuke. I have less respect for Levi however, he is not known for his kindness like the other two are. I have meet Tannis and Dasuke once in my life time, very very long ago when we were still at peace and under the gentle hands of our previous demon king."

The yelling behind them seemed to die down a bit but the discussion was still seeming to be held, Lucifer and Rose could hear that it was between the farm lands and the forests.

"In return I will give you my Shaman services to you Guardians.... if you ask me I may be able to help you." Broren said.

"Oooh what kind of services?" Sage said smiling.

"It would be to much for me to give you all the details... but if you ask I can try within my power." Broren said, "Specially for young Rose, so ready to help. You are welcome here, as is Lucifer who tried to find a better option." He said, praising the two younger demons.
Rose smiled brightly she had just done what her father would have. "Thank you so much," she said.

"I hate to ask this but... our Priestess has... had her memories stollen Dasuke and Tannis are looking but is there anyway you can find it but still stay in safty?" Kai asked
"I saw this request miles away." Broren said. "She has a large part of her missing, and you wish for me to help return what she had lost. This is within my power. I can find what is missing." Broren stretched a large hand to Rhea. "I will just take what she will lose anyway, to make something to help the others track her memmorys without problem. This is the help I can offer you."

"Take what she will lose?" Sage asked, not really liking the sound of that.

Broren smiled,
"Her current memory. She will just be reset again."

If that was all.. Rhea was thinking it would be worth it... she would get her memmorys back faster.
"It's up to you princess," Kai said softly.

Shania gave a breath of relief Rhea with her memories back would be amazing and everyone can move out of her house.

Rose looked amazed it was amazing she was in awe at the Shaman.
Rhea nodded and reached out for Broren's hand. It was large and her hand clasped on the top of his finger. "Come now." He told her and began to walk away before he turned to his people, speaking demon again, "Where is Raffer? Bring him here to deal with the Guardians while I am performing." He said as he walked away. Rhea looked back at everyone before continuing to follow him.

It was not long till a rather slinky looking Goblin came out among the tribe. He has back dreadlocks along his head and a lot of feathers much like the Shaman had. "Hello." He greeted them in human, though it sounded rough and unpracticed, "I Raffer. Shaman apprentice. Tribe decided.... farm lands."

"Fantastic, wanabe Shamans." Sage said with a smirk.
"I can have it arranged and get you all there within two days," Kai said "it is not too far from here do you need cattle pigs any livestock?" Kai asked "oh forgive me I got business on the brain I am Trickster,"

"Be nice Death," Rose said "Shaman's are really rare,"
"Cattle and pigs? Livestock good.... get our own through... farming we do best. Foraging we do good. Hunting we do little." Raffer then switched to demon, "My human is bad... I am still learning it. But I am a lack of words how to best explain how we work. Broren has only just recently started to teach me since we have moved on here." He said to Lucifer and Rose. "We do best farming... we live off the land... we do use live stock... but I don't know what livestock he is offering us... but if he is will to give us something without cost... we will take it gladly."
"It is human livestock not as sturdy as ours but it is a good start," Rose told him "I'm sure he can get you tools as well or I can have daddy bring some,"

Kai waited he could tell Raffer was not as fluent in English as Broren.
Lucifer nodded, "Not as sturdy but good. I am pretty sure if you ask we can get it... if it is within Joksters power..."

"Ok that sounds good... we don't need tools, we have things that we brought when we moved here... also we might need seeds for crops." Raffer said quietly.

Lucifer quickly translated to Kai.

Sage leaned close to Shania and whispered,
"Am I the only one slightly worried about a demon we just meet run off with Princess? Then again i am not the most trusting person in the world..." She said.
"What kinds of crops like corn and weat?" Kai asked "I'm not sure what you demons grow,"

Rose was bouncing up and down in exitment she had done something right! she pounced Sage and kissed her.
Sage was pounced on... again and kissed her back more out of surprise. "Ok ok.... get off me."

Lucifer translated to make sure there was nothing lost in Reffer's poor english.

"Anything he can provide for us... we will learn. We moved here with the idea of us adapting." He said with a smile.

Lucifer nodded,
"He said... what ever you can spare on them and they will learn."
"I'll do my best," Kai promised.

Shania laughed at Sage and Rose.

Rose pouted "I like being ontop of you!" she whined.

Kai heard that and bust out laughing.
"Oh no... that will never happen." Sage said, pushing Rose down on the ground and sitting on top of her. "You... I am going to have to teach you your place." Sage said with a smirk.

Reffer seem to panic a bit,
"W-what is happening?"

Lucifer waved his hands,
"Nothing... this is normal..."
Rose pouted "at least kiss me if you're gonna do this,"

Shania shook her head those two were such children.

"What will you do Death? our Birdy is so demanding," Kai chuckled
Sage smiled, "I gladly will give you want you ask me for... if your a good girl." Sage said leaning close to Rose before gently kissing her.

Reffer blushed and so did Lucifer.
"You... err.. you guys are... umm... "
"Those two are playing around Rose is the only serious one," Shania said.

Ebony hid her face in Lucifer's arm holding onto him as she blushed.
The group probably waited around for a few more hours before Broren even came back. There were two of his Goblins following holding a rather large orb. Broren was holding Rhea 's hand and she was following him , she just looked very confused, but not perceptually scared.

"Ok, so this is the orb. You can give it to someone who is looking. They just smash it and from there it should lead you to her memory... I should give it to one of your faster moving demon friends.... And here is your friend." he said moving her in front of him. She looked a bit reluctant to let go of the only thing she knew to be friendly.
"Princess," Kai held out his hand and smiled at her "We'll get you home. Thank you Broren I will be back after tomorrow it'll take that long to get the seed and livestock I'll go to the farm lands with you so you can tell me what you need or what isn't satisfactory," Kai said to Broren. "Deth call Dasuke he can contact Tannis," Kai told her he was buisness like though still smiling to Rhea
"Sure sure, Ill do that after we get home." Sage said yawning. "Well I guess I can do it now...." Sage said, pulling her necklace out. "Though I see more benefit in Shanai calling Tannis." She mumbled as she concentration on the necklace.

Rhea was gently pushed to Kai by Broren, so she took his hand and quietly walked to him.

"Alright... I will expect to see you Jokster... and no one else." Broren said quietly.
"I will here as soon as I can keep well and safe," Kai said holding Rhea to him softly.

Sage was pulled into Dasuke's garden again "Please tell me you didn't loose your memories again," Dasuke said and walked up with a soft smile though he looked a bit worn down.
"I wouldn't do that to you daddy dearest, but we did meet this really nifty Shaman and he gave us something to help you guys." She said in a rather chipper voice. "Though I think you have your daughter and Kai to thank for that more then anyone else."
"Ah yes thank you, have you played with your plants any yet?" he asked her "I guess not... I want you to train ask Rose she knows what to do," Dasuke kissed the gem on her forehead and sent her back as he went to get Tannis.

"Come on death in the van before you fall over," Kai said "you ok princess?" he asked Rhea softly
"What? Do I look like I am going to fall over?" Sage asked rubbing her forehead.

Rhea did not seem to respond at first, but then she realized he was calling her name,
"I think so..." She said quietly.


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