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Wild Cards

Sage burst out laugh, getting off of Rose, "You won't have to worry about Kai. He wouldn't sleep with me." She said stranding up and stretching. "Though I think I almost tried one time." Sage said thinking. She just wanted to egg Rose on, there was very much a lot of potential for fun in this.

"When are we leaving?" Rhea asked Shania quietly. "For hunting I mean."

"Towards nightfall," Shania said "when Lucifer and Rose are the strongest. I don't like them fighting when they aren;t at full because you can't heal them,"

Rose pouted and the feathers on her wings puffed up "If he tries again my threat still stands," she warned.
Sage laughed again, "Are you going to try and top me Kai?" She said, winking at Kai, teasing Rose seem to be all Sage did, her reactions to everything was so good.

"Ok... what do we usually do before then?" Rhea asked.
"We hang out together," Shania said "though I think we've had enough of each other in my small house,"

Rose growled and glared at Kai "I don't much want to be a pin cushion lets do the whole wrestling match before mating when she is asleep,"
Sage was laughing finding if funny that Rose's anger seem to be directed at the person she flirted with, not herself who did the flirting.

"I see... I think everyone is getting a bit tired tooo..." Rhea said, she had been observes everyone. Sage just seem to be mean as a person.. though Lucifer seemed... Continent...
"I... must say I miss the occational solitude I need time to simply think in quiet occasionally Though I know now never to leave Luce alone with Ebony, I could care less what Sage or Kai do their parents won't kill me,"

Kai held up his hands in surrender as Rose puffed up and glared at him.
"I have... a feeling of overwhelmingness all the time. I am always confused or shocked... I feel tired always, everything new wares on my mind... I am not sure how to deal with a lot that is happening... but everything is going by rather fast.." Rhea whispered to Shania.

Sage snickered at Kai and Rose. Not an ounce of sorry for her best friend.
Shania held Rhea "Let's get you in bed away from all this chaos then," she sounded worried.

Rose latched onto Sage "I look much better then he does! he looks like an old fashion dead woman!"

"I find offence in that!" Kai said
"Would that be ok?" She asked.

"You are very cute Rose, but Kai has a curtain... maturity to him..." Sage said, obviously still pushing Rose's buttons.
"I'm 17," He huffed.

Shania took Rhea to her room and tucked her into the bed softly. "Rest up Rhea "I'll make sure you aren't bothered."
"I just need my memmorys back... so I know what I am doing... so I know everything I did before. Everything is scary, I just feel a bit like a burden without my memmorys too." She told Shania, all o her pent up thoughts and emotions for the last week were coming out..

Sage chuckled, "Your older then both Rose and I. I am 16, though i'll be 17 in December."
Shania got into bed with Rhea and huged her close "It'll be ok Rhea "I'm here for you with or without your memories. I'll help as much as I can,"

"It's not my fault... I spent so often in hospitals I had a tendency to not make it to school," Kai sighed
"Sorry Kai, I kind of think that is your fault. Though with Rhea around you don't spend nearly enough time in the hospital I am sure." Sage said with a smirk.

"I know... everyone has been really supportive .. but the fact is I just... don't know is hard... I know no one expects anything of me while I am like this... but I am constantly worried I am going to mess something up for myself..." Rhea said, hugging Shania back tightly.

Rhea let the quiet sooth her, and Shania herself calm her nerves. This was the quiet the girl need and she could feel herself start to relax under the quiet.
The evening came by slowly and Rhea spent most the day staying near Shania.

When it was time to leave to go talk with the demons, Sage was ready to get out of the house again.

"So basically Rose and I are going to try and talk to them first?" Lucifer asked.
"That;s the plan if theres trouble you tell us and we rush in to help you," Kai said hooking on his mic.

Shania put Rhea;s on for her before putting on her own mic. "hopefully this will be a quietly resolved issue.
Rhea let Shania hook on the mic for her quietly listening to everyone talk.

"Easy enough I am sure Rose and I can do it..." Lucifer said with a bit of confidence.
Lucifer nodded and hugged Shania back.

When they got to the area, Lucifer hopped out of the car his full demon form and began to walk where the other demons were, stopping long enough for Rose to catch up, He spoke to her in demon, "You've done diplomatic missions before right?"
"Oh well... i've never done one either...." Lucifer said shrugging as they walked further into the demon's 'territory.' it was not long until the goblin looking demon's stopped to look at Lucifer and Rose. The probably had not attacked yet because they they did not look ready for battle.

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