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Wild Cards

"Why? Your not from our tribe." One of them spat.

Lucifer growled a bit,
"Yeah well your not in your world either."

"Neither are you!"
it said in return.

"Yeah well I am actually suppose to be here!" Lucifer retorted again.

Sage laughed,
"doesn't sound like we are off to a good start..."
"Lucifer calm down," Rose said then smiled at the demon "Take me to your leader to speak or I'll make your corpse into a lovely flower pot," she sounded so cheerfull it was rather frightening.

Shania gripped her dagger tight.
"Your telling me to calm down?" Lucifer said, raising an eye brow.

"Your threatening me? Do you want to take on the whole tribe?" the Goblin said, crossing his arms. A few of them started to gather.

"No... we just want to talk to your leader..." Lucifer said with a sigh.

"I wish we could understand them..." Rhea said quietly.
They all seemed to mumbled amongst each other for a long moment before a few of them broke out in yelling about weither they should taken them or not. After a few long painful minutes of them fighting, they agreed to take them to their leader.

"Ok fine... we'll take you, then you will leave when you business is done." He said.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and followed Rose, whispering under his breath in human,
"They are taking us to their tribe leader now..."
Lucifer followed behind Rose, though stood in front of her in a bit of protectiveness when the came face to face with a rather large ogre.

"Who are you two and why are you here?" He said with a growl.

Lucifer tried not to snort or show his usual aggression,
"We should be asking you why you are in the human world... you don't belong her and we are here to send you back." Lucifer said.
"Manners," Rose chided luci "I am Rose Daughter of lord Dasuke and the late Lady Deta," she smiled "Why is it you've come to the human world... I don't think you've given me your name,"
Lucifer huffed, "I am Lucifer... Nephew of Lord Levi and Son of his twin...." He said.

"Nephew of Lord Levi and Daughter of Lord Dasuke... I am Shaman of the 7 Tooth, Broren." He said. Lucifer glanced at Rose. Both of them new Shamans were rare to come by in Demon society now a days and was a practice rarely still alive. Often associated with future telling. They were usually revered leaders that stayed well out of the social rakes of other demons and remained one and close with nature. Shamans actually stood for peace... most of the time.

"I am here because my people were dying in the cross fire's of the war... I stumbled across a portal by complete accident... and moved my people here into these peaceful lands." Broren started to explain.
"Well the problem is these peaceful lands aren't good places for us the inhabitants are frail but they have champions, if you harm a human these warriors will find you and try to kill you and they have not failed to defeat a foe yet," Rose said "I... am sorry to hear of the war effecting you so gravely perhaps," Rose said
"We have not touched the inhabitants of the human world. I have no wish too... and as far as I know my people have not touched any either. I will not return to the demon world so long as my people will continue to die in a petty war we want nothing to do with." Broren said, picking up a staff that had several feathers, demon bones and herbs on it. Broren stood up, though he did not look like he was attacking, just walking out of the building he had been sitting in.

Lucifer followed behind,
"Wait... Is there some way we can get you to go back... we really appreciate you not touching the human population... but you guys should not be here... it is bad for the humans."

Broren turned and looked at the two children demons,
"Demons lived among humans for thousands of years before the time now... we can still do it."
"Please do me one favor though, let me help you stay hidden... I'm no shaman but I can get the plants to ward people away... it isn't right to send them to get slaughtered Lucifer," Rose told him crossing her arms.
Lucifer knew Rose was right... Broren was only trying to protect his people and should not have to suffer for other demon's actions... but helping other demons make a home in the human world was not on his mission list... "Shaman Broren... please, let us go talk to the guardians... we will be down in a few moments." Lucifer said. He took flight into the air and then looked at Rose, "Come on Rose... lets go talk before we do anything."

"When you do deiced... bring your Guardians down with you." Broren said.
"I know what is right! But maybe there is better solution we can't seen! Maybe we can ask for help... get them protection in the demon world... I don't know... " Lucifer told Rose as they flew back.

Everyone was standing around the van by the same Lucifer and Rose landed.
"Ok... so the situation is a lot more complicated then we originally though... the tribe is run by a Shaman."
"He just wants to live peacefully and not let his people get slaughtered in a war!" Rose said "not even Daddy has the time or resources to protect full on tribes anymore, I say we let me ward the area so no human wanders in and we let them live as long as they promise to nit hurt anyone,"

"So are they dangerous?" Shania asked.

"Shaman's aren't exactly declawed kittens Warrior," Kai commented
"And who is going to take the time to watch them to make sure they keep up on their side of the word while we hunt demon?" Lucifer said, "They CAN be a real danger... but they have said they won't be.... though Broren was not exactly friendly and neither was the rest of the tribe."

"Maybe... Maybe they were just scared... Sometimes people's self defense is to act tough..." Rhea said quietly.

Sage just put her hands in her pocket, listening to Lucifer and Rose bicker.
"My plants will watch them!" Rose said. "I am not so weak as my plants will wither if i get to far away!"

"Can we see him?" Kai asked.
Lucifer huffed a bit, giving in... though he would still have to tell Levi. "Yeah... he said when we deiced he wanted to see the guardians."

Sage smiled,
"Yep... lets go see ourselves a Shaman." She stood up but her hands stayed in her pockets.

Rhea nodded, though she was a bit worried.

Lucifer nodded and lead the group down to there Broren was, though when they got down, Luifer and Rose could hear him preparing his tribe for battle. He really was getting ready to fight to stay in the human world. Lucifer had a feeling they would not attack in less they attacked first though.

"They think we are coming to kill them or force them back into the demon world... I don't think they would attack us first." Lucifer said to reassure the group, though Sage and Rhea still looked a bit tense.

The large Ogre turned to look as the two children demon and several other humans came into the camp.
"So?" He asked still in demon, most of the Goblins froze at their leader's voice.

"He wants to know what we have decide." Lucifer said, "Most Shaman's know how to speak human... I am surprised this one does not..." Lucifer said.
Rose smiled "The guardians want to talk with you personally to discuss matters of your stay," Rose smiled talking in demon "I will introduce them to you they do not know demon, The Warrior is the one with the dagger don't worry she won't attack unless prompted too... the little one with the bow is Archer she's Lucifer's intended mate," Rose hummed and chuckled. "The one with the intense gaze there is Death and she has our Priestess beside her. The pretty boy is Joker or Trickster depending on who is calling him and these are the guardians,"

Shania got her Que and bowed polity though she had no clue what was being said.
Sage gave a little wave when Shania bowed, Rhea took to hiding behind Kai.

"I see. So you are letting us stay?" Broren asked.

Lucifer nodded,
"But there will be stipulations..."

"We are willing to follow if they are not unreasonable." He said in return.

Lucifer turned and translated what they said to everyone,
"He says he is willing to listen to anything so long as they can stay here... with in reason."

"Well that's good I guess..." Sage said with a shrug. "as long as he leaves humans alone and doesn't cause trouble I could care less."

"All we really ask is you stay away from humans right Luci?" Rose asked "I can ward the area and I'll keep an eye on you for both the safety of your people and the humans,"

Shania nodded to Lucifer "I agree with Sage if he doesn't hurt anyone... I don't see why he can't take refuge here,"

"I might be able to move then to a more remote location if they are willing to relocate," Kai said deep in thought. "how do they do in tunnels? or maybe they prefer forest?"
Broren's eyes seem to move to Kai as he spoke, but he said nothing.

Lucifer translated to Broren for both Sage, Shania and Kai.

"We live off the land best... though small open caves are alright, if it means protection for my people and they can still thrive, I am willing to try." Broren said, he planted his staff in the ground and looked at Kai again.

"What do you think you can do?" Rhea asked Kai.
"I have area's cleared for training of our... members I can close one off." He looked at Broren "Rose Translate for me, I have three area's safe for you and your people a farm land underground tunnels and a forest they each have enough land to fit you comfortably for now at least if your people grow in numbers it may get tight for space. If that happens I can try to expand the lands for you. I have power in the human world but it is limited."

Rose Translated as Kai spoke repeating word for word.

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