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Wild Cards

Sage wrapped her arms around her and held her a bit close not really sure how to react at first. It was strange seeing through someone else's eyes. Sage was quietly for a long moment processing the information she was just shown by Rose. She went quiet for several minutes before pulling Rose onto her lap. "So whats next... we go hunting even with Rhea still a bit mindless?" Sage asked.

Rhea looked up when her name was called, she had been on her phone texting her brother again like she had been. He said he was going to come over soon.

Lucifer was sitting on the floor, he was whispering things to Ebony, mostly things like how he loved her.
Ebony smiled hugging him his words making her blush and feel lamzingly loved.

"We don't have much a choice bad killer demons running around and all, oh and Sage we do not leave shania's house exept at night or when I feel it's ok we under protective custody," Kai said
"That's stupid... why?" Sage said, raising an at Kai, "What about work?" She asked, though this would mean she had been out of work for a week now. She had a job last wednesday night... But her cat was here so she was content.

Rhea quietly took a sip of her tea, watching mostly everyone. New Sage seemed nicer, specially to Rose, which previously was who she was meanest too.
Rose looked at Sage she has been holding her for a while not that she minded but it was new and Rose decided to show her things more often if this is how she acted. Though Rose could barely move it took alot of energy.

"to cover Rhea's non showing up and ours when we couldn't go to school Kai is under too but I'm sure he has things covered," Shania said
Sage shrugged, "Oh well... I guess that mean we won't be doing out saturday morning activities anymore. Oooh maybe we can play a board game!" Sage said, snapping her fingers at the sudden idea.

"Board game?" Lucifer asked.
"They can't help it, they grew up in times of war." Sage said laughing, "Lets see... what kind of games... Monopoly maybe? or we can play card games like go fish and old maid. Who ever is old maid has to do something horrible...." Sage said. There she went again with her consequences upon losing.

Rhea blinked a bit, not really liking the sound of that.
"Of course it will be fun! When do I even lead us to something boring?" Sage said with a smirk. "It is easy, you just take cares from one another, making pairs until someone ends up with the single joker card." Sage explained happily. "We can play black jack, or... perhaps a bit of strip poker." Sage said with a wink to Shania.

Rhea blushed, strip poker? Seriously?

Lucifer also blushed, though he was thinking of someone else.. naked.
"Lets do that! I have amazing luck with poker," Shania said.

Kai had to stop the car for his laughing to hard.

"What's strip poker?" Rose asked.
Sage's grin spread across her face, "Oh yes, that sounds amazing, strip poker it is. Everyone has to play!" Sage declared. "Don't worry Rose, i'll teach you." Sage said to the girl winking at her as well.

"What!" Rhea said, "I-I-I Don't w-wa-want to p-play."
"COme on it'll be fun but we wont go past underwear for pg 13 effects," Kai said "it'l be fine you can use me as a shield and Sage has already seen you naked,"

"Kai and Sage will loose," Shania said.

Ebony was scarlet though she easily wore more layers then anyone else.
"W-what? S-Sage has seen.... seen me n-naked?" Rhea said, turning a nice shade of red. Though she also wanted to say she was not going to hid behind a boy while half naked...

"What? No past underwear... god no fun Kai...." Sage pouted. "And I can't wait to wipe the floor with you Shania." Sage said laughing, "Wear something nice for me."

"I think I have some sexy panties... bra's can still go right?" Shania asked kai.

"Why not," he laughed.

"Um... will my dad fuss at me for this game?" Rose asked
"Why yes... he will, but you won't tell hm right... it is our little secret?" Sage said, leaning close to Rose, she hovered her lips over Rose's when she whispered secret Seducing the little Arch Angel to not tell her dad. Because Sage was very sure she would get kicked around for this if he found out.

Rhea blushed even harder, Shania was all for this.... she was either really confident in her body or knew she was going to win... that or both.....
Rose leaned up and kissed Sage "ok," she said softly "i won't tell,"

Shania chuckled "can't wait to see kai's face when he looses!"

Ebony looked at Lucifer "i'm hiding behind you ok?"
Lucifer blushed, "O-ok..." He told her.

Sage smiled, "I'll kiss you as much as you want if you keep the secrets we have." Then Sage looked up, "Wait a minute... I just realized someone had to be the dealer for this to work..."

Friday went by quickly and Roen had actually came to visit, though he was not near as agitating or aggravated as he was the day he came over last. After that, Saturday afternoon was here and Sage was already setting up for everyone to sit around the coffee table to play the game of strip poker. "So Lucy, Rose, you two clear on how to play after we have explained it to you?" Sage asked with a smirk.

Rhea was blushing fiercely, but she sat down anyway...

Sage was grinning,
"I will be dealer."
"I understand the rules!" Rose said happily shania had helped her dress in a cute outfit consisting of a black under shirt and a low cut red shirt with a pair of jeans since she wanted to look pretty for some odd reason.

"Ok dealer no cheating," Kai smirked dressed in his normal clothing of flamboyancy.

Ebony was hiding behind Lucifer holding onto him. Shania looked fine and ready in her normal clothes "ok we starting?"
Rhea was wareing her normal tank top and shorts, though she was already blushing and the game had already started.

Sage smirked wide, also wearing her normal clothing, though she had to admit Rose looked rather stunning.
"What? Me cheat... never." She said laughing. Sage was the type to cheat, though she was sure they would catch her because they all know she would cheat, so she was going to... try and play fair.

Quickly Sage dealt each of the cards and then put down the cards in front of them. They played for a bit before it was time to put down their cards.
Shania smiled and showed her three of a kind "looks like I'm probably safe,"

Kai smirked "I got a full house 2 eights and 3 two's," Kai smiled rather happy with his hand

Rose got a pair "I got two of these Q thingy's," she said

Ebony blushed at her hand she had nothing. "... sorry," she said.
Sage grinned, "Well looked like Ebony lost." She said, after everyone's cards where on the table, "Well what should Ebony lose first? I think it should be her pants." She said as she slowly started to deal the next hand.

Rhea was blushing, she had no opinion. Lucifer on the other hand was holding poor Ebony.
"Ok Dealer said pants off they go," Kai told ebony the timid girl took off her pants slowly blushing she wore pretty pink under shorts with a bunny on the front.

"Cute," Shania commented.
Sage covered her mouth, She tried not to laugh but Shania was right, that was so adorable! "Ebony... just... cute." Sage said snickering a bit. Lucifer was closing his eyes for Ebony's sake, blushing, but he kind of wanted to know what was so cute.

Rhea blushed as she picked up her new hand.
Ebony held onto Lucifer pressed close to him to try and hide. After they all laid down there cards Rose pouted.

"I guess I lost this one... didn't I?" she asked looking at her lonely pair of threes in her hand. "What do I have to remove?"
Sage smirked, "Well I think you should remove your cute little shirt." Sage said winking at Rose. Rhea covered her eyes and Lucifer was already not liking this game at all.... Fretch was much more fun then this...

Slowly, Sage started to shuffle and deal the cards again.

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