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Wild Cards

Sage also pulled a Rose and jumped up, the cat not happy, before she walked out to the van.

Lucifer stretched and then gently picking his sleeping mate, kissing her,
"Time to wake up." He told her happily.

Rhea got up and stretched too, she had been sitting an awful lot. Quietly she followed Shania to the back of the van to get in it.
"mmkay," Ebony said rubbing her eyes.

Kai chuckled and got into the drivers seat Shania got into the back and smiled "fresh air it's nice right team?" she asked

"Oh it's wonderful," Rose said and danced to the van and hopped in the back.
Lucifer beamed at Ebony's cuteness before putting her in the back and getting in himself.

After they got to the city and Sage was already out of the van, stretching wide and taking a deep breath,
"Thank god!" She said loudly.

Rhea got out quietly, the fresh cold air felt nice. A little ways away she saw the remains of a camp fire with four logs around it. She felt something stir in her a bit, but thought nothing more of it.
Rose shot up into the air and did a few manovers how she missed the sky! "oh its so wonderful," she said.

Kai smiled "yes yes it is quite nice," he admitted stretching his legs Shania stretched as wall happy to be out of her house.

Ebony slowly got out of the van and smiled "it's a bit nippy but the fresh air is nice,"
Sage however run into the city and kicked the wall of one of the houses, kicking the unstable building down with a loud crash. There was a lot of dust that got kicked up, but the girl was just grinning before she jumped onto the rubble. "Yes... That felt good to get out."

Rhea blinked a bit,
"She destroys stuff often?"

Lucifer smiled, "Yeah I agree." He said before wrapping his arms around Ebony to keep her warm

Sage spun around and then yelled at the group,
"Hey! Lets play a game or something!" She called to them.
"No... I've never seen her like this," Kai said "um... we could play tag..." he sugested.

"A childs game... Lucifer would like it though it involves running and catching team mates," Shania said

"Running ... can i fly," Rose asked
"Running? I can do that!" Lucifer said, perking up at the situation.

Rhea laughed a bit,
"I.. don't really want to play."

Sage had a lot of pent up unconscious anger, and without working or demon hunting it had really been building up on her, not that she really knew why.
"Ok, I am up for a game of Tag, and you have to run Rose... we can't catch you if you are flying where we can't reach you."
"I'll try," Rose said

"I'll sit out with Rhea," Ebony said "maybe dance a little,"

"Ok who is the first one it?" she asked after explaining the rules of tag to lucifer
Sage grinned, "I'll be It. I will count to 5. the city is the boundary." Sage said, pointing at the buildings.

Rhea smiled watching them have fun,
"Is there some way we can watch them?" Rhea asked Ebony.

"Ready? 1....2....3...." Sage started to say, with that Lucifer dashed into their small city without hesitating.
"There's that building... follow me," Ebony lead Rhea to the lookout building they used a long time ago.

Shania and Kai took off in seperate directions Rose went headfirst into the city
When Rhea and Ebony got on top of the building she smiled, "This place is pretty amazing... really run down, but amazing." She said quietly.

Sage started to count a little louder when everyone dashed past her into the city,
"...3.... 4.....5! Here I come!" Sage said before running into the city, she was looking for someone to chase, wondering though if she should go stealth.
Shania had taken off her shoes to ensure silence Kai had not and the thud of his shoes was easily heard Rose was running into everything tripping over rocks and such.

"Yeah you found this lookout here... i like it," Ebony said softly
"Hey Ebony... can I ask you some questions... about the strange... love triangle I am in... I am not sure... what to do about it how to respond..." Rhea said, blushing a bit.

Sage heard Rose the most, dashing off to go find the girl, the poor birdy was getting picked up by the slightly evil Sage.
"Found you!" Sage said when she got behind Rose, she wanted to scare the girl by jumping close to her.
Rose screeched and took off as fast as she could stumbling alot Sage had scared the fire out of her.

"Well Kai used to flirt alot and he began to actually like you but you two grew apart because of the life he leads and i thought you and Shania were getting closer you helped her through the loss of her brother... without you she'd still be in so much pain," Ebony said
"I see... So Shania really was dropping the hint she loved me... Do... I know? I mean the real me... the one with memmorys?" Rhea asked, thinking a bit.

Sage actually could not keep running after Rose because her reaction was so funny, she has to stop to laugh. After she had finished laughing, she went on the look for more pray. Lucifer had rounded a corner and almost bumped into Shania.
"I don't know you never told me if you did." Ebony said softly.

Shania stopped "Luce careful," she chuckled softly and pat his shoulder as she continued on.

Kai had ducked down to hide for a while.
Sage just happen to walk by and see some blue hair sticking out from behind a rock, with a smirk, Sage started to slowly approach him and quietly as she could before leaning to bop Kai on the head.

"I see... thank you... Sorry to ask you such awkward questions..." She apologize to the girl
And Sage's instinct was to take a step back dodging. "Oooh I scared a second person." She said smiling, "Your it. No Tag back~." She chanted to Kai.

"Is... there anything else I am missing... like... that I use to know but no one has told me?" She said quietly.
"I... I don't know you are like me pretty quiet you fuss at Kai and Shania for not letting you heal them... you burn tea somehow... but you try to cook and help out, you are just an altogether good person," Ebony told her.

Kai chuckled and ran to find someone to tag.
"I see... Thank you for that." Rhea said, though her attention was caught and a portal opened, three demons walked out of it. She recognized Dasuke and Tannis, but the third was unfamiliar to her... though he looked a lot like Lucifer but taller...

Sage happily waved bye to Kai, wondering if she should run around pretending to be it just to scare people.

Lucifer looked up when he felt the portal open and the three demons cam out, though he was not sure if he wanted to say anything because he was having fun.
Rose took off into the air. "Daddy!" she yelled and flew to him tackling her father in a dive.

"Ebony giggled "everyone Tannis and Dasuke are back! and... I think one of Luci's relatives," she called out to them "Come on Rhea lets go see if they have your memories!"

Shania stopped so did Kai "we will continue later," Kai called and went towards the entrance
Levi sighed, "I wish I wasn't related to the idiot."

Rhea smiled and climbed off the building with Ebony walking back to the group first before meeting the larger demons.

Sage skipped back, feeling a lot better after getting out pent up energy, though she did hope they would continue later, though she hopped even more for her energy. Luicfer making a face and following Shania.

Tannis sat down, his paw was wrapped but other then that he looked fine and unmoving as usual. He waiting for everyone to gather,
"I though I was going to have to call you... but I guess you guys were here on your own."
"We needed to strech our legs master Tannis," Shania said approaching "We haven't seen you in a while Levi I thought you got tiered of us,"

Kai smiled he was in rather high spirits today "Hello how was hunting?" he asked. Ebony ran to them with Rhea and tried not to hide behind Lucifer Levi still unnerved her.
"I am always bored of baby sitting you worms, but luck for me High Lord Tannis and Lord Dasuke have been baby sitting you for me, I can actually work on other things in my spare time.... I have come to give Rhea her power, but I fear I should wait for the return of her memories before I do that... however I will take the energy from the jewel." Levi explained, crossing his arms across his chest.

Tannis's tail lashed a bit at the absurdity of the word 'baby sit' but did not make a move to correct Levi, "We have had some luck and we found one of the two memories, we think is is Sage's." Tannis said.

Sage looked up, "Oh really? Fantastic."

"Dasuke has possession of it." Tannis said.

Rhea looked down at her feet, several references to her, all of them not sounding good.

Lucifer took Ebony's hand, giving her an encouraging smile.

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