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Wild Cards

"Yes Rhea you calm me," Shania said and pat her head softly. "well now you know Roen you know we are demon slaying teenagers with powers and weapons... oh and Kai is mafia so please don't p*ss him off too much," she whispered the part about kai.

"I just want a kiss!" Rose whined
"You don't kiss people you don't want to mate with Rose, take Lucy and Ebony for example, I bet they have already mated." Sage said, pointing at the two.

"D@mnnit... so my sister is dating a Mafia boy?" Roen cursed.

Rhea pressed her lips together,
"Kai said he loves me..." Rhea mumbled.
"Kai does love you... but I honestly think he stopped perusing you to protect you. They aren't dating Kai proposed marriage Rhea never answered," Shania held tighter to Rhea.

"Luciiiii is it true did you and Ebony mate?!" Rose asked
"What?! No... we've not mated yet..." Lucifer said blushing, mid bite into a cookie.

Sage snickered some,
"Still Rose, did you want to mate with me?"

"They... aren't dating?" Roen asked, Rhea blushed a bit, "I thought.. be were.. because he asked... to marry.... I... assumed..." Rhea mumbled under her breath, covering her face with her hands.
"Don't assume with Kai the guy is so chaotic and random I'm surprised he's still alive... he does love you Rhea," Shania said and the truth burned her throat "but... others do as well,"

Ebony swooned as she had thought about it not long ago.
"Others?" Rhea asked quietly.

"Ugh I don't want to hear about my sister's love life... I just want her memmorys back!" Roen said, rubbing his hair violently. "And you guys thought I was a threat, from what I keep hearing you guys are more of a threat then me!"

Sage laughed at Ebony and Lucifer,
"Welll Rose?" Sage asked.
"We are not a threat, we risk our lives saving people who does that make us a threat?" What Roen said hurt shania to even suggest she was a threat to anything but demons.

"Well... arch angels mate for life you know!!!!" Rose said
"Oh, and you know humans most of the time don't?" Sage said staring Rose down with her usual smile.

"Well you said Kai in a Mafia boss and your blood thirsty and you guys have done nothing BUT threaten me since I walked in the door. Though I am grateful for you guys keeping Rhea safe." Roen said. Rhea deiced she should probably keep her mouth shut at this point.
"We worry I want nothing more then to protect her to protect what i have left... this is all the family I have I don't expect you to understand your family wasn't killed in front of you." Shania stood "I'll be in my room Rhea," she left the room swiftly Ebony watched worried about her as the door to the spare room shut, but she didn't let go of lucifer.

"Well you humans are cruel," Rose said but she noticed Shania too "what did the mean boy human say to her?"
"Does she always do that? She acts like I know her! I am merely just telling her what had happened over the coarse of this hour!" Roen said, flail his arms up in the air. "She says one things but acts another!" Rhea felt her heart hurt, Neither Kai or Shania were getting along with Roen.

Sage laughed, "I dunno, but it sounds like both of them are sulking."

Lucifer frowned... unsure if he should go to Shania or leave her be. She was still hurting from Fredrick... even though it is unconsciously.
"Shania... she boxes her feelings and des self distructive training to get them out... Rhea stopped her from doing the destructive training and now... we killed someone she cared for in front of her... I ... if Luci died in front of me I wouldn't handle it well either," Ebony said.

"Shania's normaly a great person she cooks and cleans and takes care of me and Luci," Rose said defending the girl.
Roen sighed and ruffled his hair more, "Look... I should probably leave... I can't come back for a few days because of work, but I'll try and come visit you again Rhea... and not... get people riled up again..." Roen then leaned foreword and kissed Rhea on the head, "I'll see you later Rhea..."

"Bye Roen..." Rhea said sadly. When he left Rhea felt herself tear up a bit, "I felt like.. that went horribly..." She said between a few sniffs

Sage smirked,
"You can say that again."
"it'll go better when things aren't so stressful," ebony told Rhea and went to hug the other girl.

"he should take off work and stay with Rhea," Rose said;
"Why can't he?" Rhea asked Rose, she did not understand... she did not know his job.

Sage chuckled some before laying down on the couch, Rose was in her way so she just laid on top of the girl.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony as she went to comfort Rhea, he really loved that girl.
"I don't know... but he should," Rose said "He should tell his work that his sister needs him!"

"He's a doctor..." Ebony said softly though she did sort of agree with rose
Rhea made a slight understanding face.."Oh.. Doctors can't really just... take off time, I don't think anyway..." She said quietly.

Sage snorted,
"I wouldn't worry about it. I am more worried about the two cranky people I have to deal with in the other rooms."

"Grumpy old Kai will be better after sleep... but I don't know about Shania," Rose said.

"Lets just all go to sleep," Ebony said.
"Hmmm good idea love." Sage said stretching.

The next few days went out for a while with nothing to do and everyone just crowded in Shania's house, Sage was starting to get antsy, and she took it out on Rose mostly. Rhea often texted her brother through out the day, keeping in contact with him and letting him know how she was. She was sure Kai was happy he was not being called anymore. Lucifer was content with spending most of this time attached to Ebony, though he liked the idea that Ebony had not yet told anyone she was sponsored, they were more worried about waiting for Tannis, Dasuke and/or Levi to find their memories. Lucifer also heard that Moki and Sillia were also looking.

"I am going nuts! We have to go do something! This stupid house arrest is getting on my nerves.." Sage said, she really was going stir crazy, memory loss or not.
"I agree," Shania said "Perhaps we can sneak out to our city tonight,"

"I have to admit getting a bit cramped in here," Kai said "I wish we were helping Dasuke Tannis and them look for the memories,"

Rose hid behind the couch most of the time trying to hide from Sage.
"That's up to Kai because he's the one keeping us here!" Sage said tossing her hands in the air, though she did not move because her large cat was laying on her lap.

"I wish we were helping as well..." Rhea said quietly, Rhea had seem to calm down a bit since she had started to become in contact with her brother, not really seeming as scared. Shania's sureness also helped calm her nevers, putting her into a slightly more normal state of mind.
"Yes tonight we will get out because shania's house is too small... we need to do some expanding," Kai said he was much more himself after sleep and being at a familiar place.

"good we need to stretch," Shania said softly.
"More then a stretch! I have an ever growing feeling in my gut to destroy something." Sage said dryly.

Rhea blinked at Sage for a moment, then looked away unsure what to think about that.

Lucifer laid on the floor on hit back, although he had gotten to spend a lot of time with Ebony, alone time was pretty rare... The house really was cramped
"We will wait... I was hoping to get word from the demon world," Kai said but "we'll go outside train runaround."

"I could do with some running," Shania said

"I want to fly," Rose said Ebony was asleep in Lucifers lap through all this.
Rhea smiled, everyone was getting so excited with going outside, though it was kind of cold outside, "When do you think they would contact us?" Rhea asked quietly.

"I could use my niffty necklace to bother Dasuke, though I am sure he might not appreciate that." Sage said chuckling.
"When they find something," Kai said "pile in the van I don't care if it is daylight," he went outside

"Yay," Rose said

"Don't worry about feeding us dear I'll get us some food," Kai said.

Shania chuckled "Kai has been cramped up too long it seems."

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