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Wild Cards

Ebony squeezed Luci's hand and smiled shyly.

"Here it is," he offered the pearl to Sage. Rose still attached to his waist.

"Master tannis... have you healed well?" Shania asked with a bow to her master.

Kai smiled "What is Rhea's power going to be?" Kai asked
"It heals slow, that sword was a menace, though I am still unsure if I was lucky to be stabbed by that one... or your own blade..." Tannis said, honestly contemplating the question.

"I do not know... I use the power of the portals to bring you your powers... not my own power, Ebony I used my own ability of portal opening. They are random, not my own power." Levi said.

Sage took the small pearl from Dasuke,
"Thank you. So any of you want to tell me something before I eat this and forget everything? Come on, get it off your chest now!" Sage said with a grin.
"I secreatly love you and you're going to have my child," Kai said and rolled his eyes "eat the d*mn pearl,"

Shania looked at Tannis "why did I pick up the other sword and why did I want to keep it?" She asked him.

Ebony looked at Lucifer then to levu her power was random? How oddly fitting,"
Sage rolled her eyes and then popped the pearl in her mouth, she swooned a bit, but caught herself on her feet. She then stood up straight and looked around a bit wide eyed.

"You fell in love with Fredrick. You took his sword up to kill me and everyone else in revenge after we slayed him. We had to force your memmorys back on you." Tannis said to Shania, though his eyes flash with sadness.

"Excuse me... What did you just say she did?" Sage asked, her mouth slightly open, that was the first thing she heard... the last thing she remembered was telling Ebony to shoot her arrow because the guy who garbed her had his shield down.

Rhea was not sure how the new Sage was going to act. Lucifer was a little wary of Tannis telling Shania this... He wish he would just not tell her at all.
"I ... I was in love with Fredrick?" she asked "god I have horrible taste in men," she said trying to make a joke though the only thing she could think of was that everyone she seems to love dies.

"Welcome back death." Kai said "I'll explain later,"
"I... kind of want an explanation now... But I guess it can wait..." Sage said, blinking and looking around a bit more, she was in their city... it was day time... "Oh, hello there Dasuke. Lovely seeing you here." Sage said, though she was obviously very very confused.

Rhea knew that did not sound like a joke... She sounded way to sad for it to be a joke. Lucifer's eyes also saddened to stare at Shania.. He squeezed Ebony's hands.

Tannis took a deep breath before he bowed his head deeply to Shania, though he whispered to her,
"I am deeply sorry Shania. You had begged us to let him and you be... but We tool his life and forced your memories back. I feel a deep sorrow within me as your happiness drained away.... You may break your contract with me ask teach and student if you wish." Tannis was very serious, and very sensecire... but when was he not?

"Tannis you did what you had to do it kind of makes me sad to think... I forgot what it is to be truly happy but at least I know I was even if for just a while," shania smiled softly "Besides I'd never go for the guy who gave Hiro the order to kill me," she said without thought her hand tightened on her shirt over her heart.

Ebony squeezed Luci's hand tighter she knew he probably felt saddened as well
Tannis moved himself foreword and pressed his large face into Shania, the best he could do for a hug. Offering her a soothing purr.

Levi rolled his eyes, but was glad his dolls did not break, taking a few large steps to Kai and Rhea, Levi held out his hand,
"I need the jewel if you please..." Rhea was not sure what asking for though.
Kai tossed it at him "god you are so bossy," he said "do you know how long i had to search Sage to find that thing? a full on strip search," he said in mock horror.

Shania hugged her teacher "I'm not going to shatter master Tannis that wasn't the first time a love one was taken from me in front of me I'll get over it,"
"You wouldn't touch my naked body with a ten foot pole, I am too flat chested remember? Plus your a prude." Sage said laughing, though she did check her pockets to make sure her pen was there.

Levi rolled his eyes again and quickly took the energy from the jewel before he handed it to Kai.
"I did not tell you... but that jewel only holds one portal at a time...don't attempt to put two in."

"I would be a fool to think it hurt any less no mater how many times you witness it." Tannis said in return.
"Depends on how close you were to the person," Shania admitted.

"Interesting," Kai said softly "how goes the war by the way Levi?"

Dasuke smiled at his student "It's good to have you back Death," he said she had still not given him her real name he knew everyone's but hers.
"Ah... Good to be back? Not that I really remember where I went." She said laughing, she scratched the top of her head a bit. "You doing good?"

"The war has taken an... unexpected turn of events." Levi said, turning his gaze to Dasuke and Tannis. Tannis just talk to Levi while they were searching for the memories. The demon was still thinking about it.

Tannis's ears twitched at Levi's comment which made him lift his head up from Shania.
"We will continue to search until we find Rhea's memories."
"Do you need us to help? Kai has us locked away in my way to small house," Shania said "then again we do need to demon hunt over here..."

"I was thinking we'd hunt more now that we aren't as handicapped as when you were out of it," Kai told Shania.

Dasuke smiled and placed a hand on Sage's shoulder. "I am glad you are back you aren't near as charming when you can't even tease my daughter properly."
"Yes... you guys should continue to close the portals here. We have the search down... if Rhea's memory is anywhere in a spot like Sage's was... which we stumbled Upon with luck, then we should have an easier time finding it..." Tannis told them.

"We can do that!" Lucifer said, he wanted to get back to demon hunting as well.

"Oh well... that is good to know...." Sage said, though she was not sure how to respond to that because she still had no freaking clue what the hell was happening, still was still stuck on the fact that they were in the middle of a battle and now, they are not. "Hard not to tease her... though the last thing I remember is She had this thing for pinning me down and kissing me....."
"Haha sounds about right, you lost your memories my dear fledgling," Dasuke ruffled Sage's hair "you are actually not that different without them though just less interesting,"

Kai chuckled at Lucifers enthusiasm "good boy,"

Shania nodded "we will work hard master Tannis.
"Ah... memory loss... ok that makes a ton of sense... " She said, smoothing her hair out with a scowl to having it messed up.

Tannis nodded at well before turning to the group of demons,
"Ok... lets return." He said, standing up and opening the portal. "Remember to call me if you need anything."
"Of course master Tannis," Shania said

Dasuke got Rose off of him by giving her over to Sage "fight well stay safe and I am just a call away as well dear Death,"
"Yep, will do Daddy dearest." Sage told Dasuke with a smile while she held Rose.

When the portal closed, Sage thought about dropping Rose.... but then thought better of it and just put her down. She had a strange urged to go back to her evil and mean tendency.

Rhea glanced at the portal as it closed, she was not sure if she would get use to it. Where they going demon hunting? She was not sure if she wanted to do that either...

"Lets resume the game!" Lucifer nearly shouted.
"Ok hyper much?" Kai chuckled "Sage tagged me so I'm it I'll count to five then chase you so get going,"

Shania darted into the city without prompt so did rose.
"Wait.... what?" Sage said, but when Kai started counting Sage dashed into the city anyway, confused or not.

Lucifer was also off and into the city as soon as Kai started counting.

Rhea smiled, but felt bad for Sage,
"She seems really confused... but she just seems to be going a long with everything anyway..."
"She'll catch on fast enough," Ebony said and yelled after sage "it's a game of tag Kai's it,"

Kai chuckled and ran after everyone.
Sage laughed hearing Ebony, she guess she tagged Kai afterwords.

Lucifer jumped through the area till he stopped to listen for Kai.

Rhea smiled,
"I hope I get my memmorys back soon... I feel nervous about demon hunting without them.. and I feel even more paranoid I am going to mess up without them..."
"I'll be there with you like i always am," Ebony promised.

Kai had taken Shania's example and taken off his shoes he walked through the city not really in a hurry he wanted his pray to mess up first.
They day went by with a lovely game of tag, though everyone was pretty ran out by the end of the game, Rhea who did not run was grateful for the fresh air and ended up dancing a bit with Ebony. Lucifer declared he was the only one not tagged because he was too fast for everyone, even though he did get tagged earlier. Though afterwords, Sage was starting to grow a bit tired of not knowing what was going on, and soon started to demand explanations while they were on their way home. She listened carefully as everyone explained to her what had happened over the course of the week. "Damn... I was out for a whole week... AND I miss the death of Freddy...." Sage mused, sounding a bit disappointed.
Shania looked at her hands the mention of his death still stung her but she was glad he could not hurt any of them anymore.

Rose nodded and crawled to Sage and touched her chest letting her see what Freddy had done to shania his death and Shania's flip out. Though the action obviously made her very tiered as she slumped onto Sage.

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