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Wild Cards

"I... don't know if I should hold on to something... that I don't understand the significance of..." Rhea told Shania honestly. Her stomach twisted defeated for forgetting something important.

"I am not sure how OK I am with Rhea running around doing those things... but I don't really see how much of a choice I have in it..." Roen said, running a hand through his hair.
"You don't," Kai said "I'm not only dangerous to demons," Kai smiled and bat his eyes.

Shania smiled "keep her so she can protect you,"

Ebony glomped Lucifer tiered of Roen.
"Why the hell do you guys keep threatening me? You make it sound like I am more of a threat to my own sister then her running around fighting demons!" Roen exclaimed.

Lucifer smiled and hugged Ebony, he felt so happy to have Shania back and for everything to be better. With Fredrick dead as well, and his soon to be Mate killed him too. Not only that, his own mother was sponsoring her. Everything felt right for the demon, though the yelling sibling of Rhea was not really all that pleasant.

Sage was still laughing, though Rose was obsessed with kissing her for some strange reason, Roen's reaction to the group and their reaction to him was humorous.

Rhea smiled back at Shania, taking the sword from her and holding the hilt close to her, "I'll try to take care of it... we seem close... if you were to give me something that sounds so important, I am sorry if I've forgotten."
"It's ok, you'll remember again," Shania said and kissed her forehead softly.

"Roen you are a threat to her, to her mental stability we all adore our princess and we will not let you harm her in any way," Kai said "and I do have himan contacts that can make you disappear until she gets her memories back. Oh and it's no threat it's a possibility,"

Ebony smiled "We got alot accomplished now I have a sponsor... your mom approves of us... it's so wonderful,"
"What makes you think I am going to harm her? Gezz... just give me a chance to talk to her. I am her brother for peat sakes!" Roen told Kai, he looked over to Rhea who was now holding a sword, his forehead creased into a worried look.

"Ah Kai stop being such a hard @ss." Sage finally said, though she was still snicker, "Go take a nap you crotch"

Rhea blushed a bit and nodded at Shania, not really feeling all that much more afraid of her.

Lucifer smiled,
"The only one we have to worry about really is Levi... he will tolerate it... but the fact he opens portals puts him at the head of the family. He not really much for my mom either, but for his brother. They are twins."
"I don't think he minds me... " Ebony said "I'll become stronger if I have to," she hugged Lucifer tightly.

"I do need a nap," Kai agreed "Rhea has no memories, you scare her the girl over there with the fire in her eyes will not hesitate to give you so many bruises you'll need Rhea to heal you before you can move. That Roen is a warning... she's done it to us a few times..." Kai said very softly so as to not alert Shania. "Ok Luci I'm borrowing your bed for a few hours," he said walking away.

Shania hugged Rhea "Do you want to talk to your brother Rhea?"
"No he likes you... just humans and demons tend not to mix and he might think it will bring the family name down." Lucifer said, but he hugged her in return, "But I know you won't." he told her quietly. Though he looked up for a moment when Kai spoke to him.

Sage chuckled, patting Rose on the head, "Geez, he is such a little... and I've been working with him?" She snickered more before walking back into the kitchen, kicking the clinging Rose out.

Roen watched Kai go, he was such a little punk, he can not believe his sister has been dating him. What was his problem? He wants to marry his sister? So he treats her older brother this way? He wanted to ring the guys neck... Looking at Rhea, Roen sighed and rubbed his head.

Rhea smiled at Shania,
"I think it would be best. He frightened me at first... But I think he means well." She frowned a bit, he chest was tight, "It makes me feel upset though when Kai and him speak like that to each other... is that normal?"
"Kai is over stressed normally he is charming and calm... he isn't himself when he is this stressed out," Shania said "And I am right here Rhea... I won;t let anything happen to you I promise," those words stung her for some reason but she shook it off. "Roen Rhea would like to speak with you," Shania said "are you ready?"

Ebony squeezed Lucifer tighter "is he afraid of our future kids?" she asked blushing,

Rose whined at being kicked out of Sage's kitchen "don't you like kisses?" she asked
"I don't even know you girl!" Sage yelled back, "Why do you keep kissing me?" Sage asked a tad annoyed.

Lucifer blushed fiercely,
"O-our... kids?"

"Of course... that is what I came here in the first place... gezz is Kai who is making this more difficult for me, you too." He told Shania, before Rhea took a few steps to Roen. Roen seem to instantly soften when the girl approached him. "Rhea... how are you feeling?" he asked her quietly.

"I am ok... a bit tired from healing... your my brother?" She asked him quietly.

"Yeah... come here please?" He asked her. Rhea approached him a bit cautiously but she did, and Roen cupped her cheeks in his hands and gave her a smile, "Oh Rhea, I was so worried about you... i still am but I am just glad to know your ok."

"I am ok... everyone had been protecting me... I am sorry for worrying you." She told him. Roen then pulled Rhea onto his lap and hugged her tightly to him. "Don't appoligize... I am sorry I scared you. You use to tell me to shut up or calm down when ever I get worked up like that." He said, chuckling a bit.
Shania watched them but gave them their space.

"But... you used to like kissing..." Rose said and huffed.

"Um... I... in the future ... we might have a few...." Ebony said hiding her blush by putting her head in his chest.
"You... really have no memory of me..." He said, pulling her closer. Rhea did what she usually did when people handled her, felt normal, which was just go limp and let them do whatever. She was going to apologize then but decided it might not be a good idea. He would worry move. The two of them continued to talk to each other softly and Rhea turned to be more affectionate with Roen as the time went on. Quietly Rhea started to explain a few thing that she had been told over the last few days by Dasuke and Kai.

"I kiss you often?" Sage asked Rose, lifting her eye brow a bit.

Lucifer blushed even more but wraped his arms around her,
"Yeah... I want kids with you too..." He told her, a smile spreading on his lips a bit.
"At least two... more if you want," Eony said with a small smile though her face was still hidden in Lucifer's chest.

"Yeah,... well you dared me too one day then... you let me do it alot after that," Rose said.

"Roen if you have questions come to me, I'm not as scary as Kai plays me out to be... I just worry." her voice and posture had softened Roen was not a threat anymore.
"I don't know why you guys thought I was in the first place, I do want to ring Kai's neck." He said squinting into a glare.

"Please don't..." Rhea said quietly, touching's Roen's brow to make him stop glaring. He softened again. "So... hunting demons... you guys actually do this? Protecting people... god you sound like cheesy super hero's from a book."

"I let you.... How old are you again?" Sage asked, not really sure if she was believing the story.

Lucifer blushed more and pressed his face into Ebony's hair,
"We... can have more...." He mumbled.
Ebony hugged him and giggled softly though she was embarrassed.

"Yes... Kai said we were like superhero's at one point... it's not a glamorous life. Fridays we use this toy plane with a camera to scope the area if we see demons or a portal we mark it as such. Saturday we relax and bond doing activities like campfires or picnics then on Sunday we slay demons and close portals we found on Friday. Our first demon kill was the day of Kai's party it's why he did his speech it was to stop people from leaving and getting killed," Shania sighed "that answer a few questions .. also I was worried you'd try to take Rhea from us... we need her we all adore her."

"I'm 14," Rose said with a pout
"I thought we killed demons saturday night and then rest on Sundays?" Rhea asked.

Sage soon came out with some tea, though she was still speaking to Rose,
"gezz... I am nearly 4 years older then you... your still just a kid."

Roen raised an eye brow and then looked back at Shania,
"A lot of things make sense now... why did you guys hide this... besides the fact that it sounds completely nuts."
"That and it would endanger others we go by code names and in disguise, I am Warrior, Rhea is Princess or Priestess, Sage is called Death, Lucifer is Kid, Rose is Birdy, Ebony is Archer ;Kai occasional calls her Dancer and Kai is Joker or Trickster." Shania said "Only Fredrick was able to find our true identities. And Rhea we rest after we kill things Saturday night Sunday morning-ish I count it as Sunday,"
"Ooh..." Rhea said before moving to pick up some of the tea.

"Well like I said before... I don't know how much of a choice I have... Letting her continue to do this.. Its dangerous... but..." Roen sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
"If she wasn't with us many people would be dead now your sister is a hero she is the only one of us who can do real good. Without her I'd be dead," Shania said and sat down.
Roen seemed to lean back and think for a long moment, quietly turning everything over in his head.

Rhea blushed,
"I don't remember doing and of this... but she is probably exaggerating..."

Sage soon sat down as well, putting a fresh plate of cookies down on the table.
"No i'm not... even Tannis knew i was dieing," Shania said "and the survivor from the second kidnappings was the one Rhea healed," Shania said and pulled Rhea to her softly.

Rose was staring at Sage with her best puppy pout eyes.

"Sage made cookies!" Ebony said.
"What?!" Sage asked, actually blushing a bit because Rose was staring at her, she had not the slightest idea what the girl wanted from her.

Rhea blushed a bit more, everyone hugged her and cuddled her a lot, specially Shania. She wondered if it was like this with memories too. "I am glad I could help." She said quietly.

Roen smiled at Shania, taking a deep breath and gently rubbing his hair again, though he was still thinking, it was a lot to take in.

"Cookies!" Lucifer said, jumping next to the table before he garbed a bunch, handing one to Ebony.
"We... are a small family Roen and we don't have much to offer but welcome just the same," Shania said softly still holding Rhea.

"Kiss me!" Rose demanded
"I am not sure what I could help you with..." He said with a sigh, "But I can try... another question, when Rhea was here at your house for nearly almost three weeks, what happened?" He asked.

Sage made a face, "Why? I told you your just a kid." Sage said, though the thought was tempting, "Am I your lover? Because as far as I know I am dating like 3 other people..." She said raising an eye brow. Though Sage smirked thinking of something that she could do...
"Lucifer left to take his test... he could have died and she knew i'd be alone in this house with a demon... Rose who had actually tried to kill us. I am by far the most bloodthirsty of the group without Luce or Rhea to calm me I'm down right homicidal," Shania said truthfully.

"I am not! You tried to mate me!" Rose said
"So... now you are trying to mate me?" Sage asked with a smirk, leaning on her hand.

"I can calm you?" Rhea asked.

"I really wish you would not have told me that... Ok... So Rhea has been telling me half truths over the span of this happening... I knew she wasn't lying but things were not adding up either..." Roen said thinking.

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