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Wild Cards

"You've made promises to those children that you would protect them, now you are only trying to kill them.. that is why I granted you your powers." Tannis readied himself and as soon as Shania came into range, his tail came down on her in a quick strike, he held back no force and aimed to kill her.

Sillia flew behind Shania, but did not move to actually attack her.
Shania struck his tail with her sword with as much force as she could with a yell but she had already been weakened having the sword taken her power and her emotional outburst of flames and she was thrown back after the strike.
Tannis did not let up. His tail burned, the sword has sliced through him... he bound further to Shania moving his claws out to meet her flesh. They would not be able to force her memmorys back still the girl could fight no more.
she went to stick his paw with Fredrick's sword not heading the claws that racked her body across her middle far enough to cause alot of pain but not enough to have her innerds spill out like when Hiro had done it.
Fredrick's sword did stick right through Tannis's paw. The Mantecore paid the wound no heed as his tail came down with every intention to sting and poison Shania.
she held up her sword as a defense though it wasn't much of one and his stinger hit her shoulder. Shania didn't even cry out though she was in alot of agony.
"Give up now... you will slowly lose every feeling in your body..." Tannis said, it was now only a mater of time. "Sillia go get the healer..." Tannis told her. The Mantecore was hurt and tired. The blade in his paw was not a pleasant feeling, it was slowly draining away... Thats why he was getting so tried. Quickly Tannis took the blade between his teeth and pulled it out of his paw, tossing it across the room.

Sillia left quickly when she was told.
Shania was panting heavilly "I loved Fredrick... now.... you won't even let me die with him?" she could barely hold up her sword.
"It pains me to see you like this Shania... You will forget all of this soon... If it is any consolation... I think he was ready to die." Tannis told the girl, he put a heavy paw on her to keep her from moving.

Sillia flew out of the temple and looked at the group,
"You put up quite the fight, but Tannis has sedated her. Rose I suggest you send word to your father. She has a heavy poison running through her, I snuggest your healer go in there and help her." She said.

Rhea looked to Kai, she was still unsure of herself and often looked to Kai for help.

"Oh well that's good..." Sage said sarcastically.
"It's ok Rhea i'll came with you incase you need my energy again." Kai said.

Shania was pinned "I wasn't ready for him to die!" she yelled. "get off...." she said though she couldn't struggle.
"Those around us are never ready for death Shania..." Though Tannis did not move from Shania, and he would not move from her.

Everyone crowded back in the temple. Lucifer did not want to approached Shania, he just stayed where he was.

Sillia picked up Shania's memory and started to move to the girl, holding the tinny red pearl.

Rhea went with Kai before she leaned down next to Shania,
"I am going to heal you ok?" She told the girl softly.
"No go away!" she snapped and closed her mouth tightly as she saw Silia.

Kai sighed "It's kind of tragic that girl is destined to always have tragedy in her life," Kai said softly

Ebony held Lucifers hand softly.
"Looks like we will have to do this the hard way...." Sillia said a a smirk.

"Get it over with Sillia... I brought you here for this reason alone." He told the Succubi.

She nodded and leaned over Shania, soon she started to use her Succubi power of suggestion on Shania, lulling her into a want to follow orders,
"Shania... its time for a treat... you have been is so much pain today. Open your mouth for me dear, I will take the pain away..."

Rhea bent down and started to heal Shania, taking care of the poison first. She felt so bad for the girl...

Lucifer squeeze Ebony hand
, "Thank you... for killing that bastered..."
Ebony nodded "I promised I'd not let him take her," she said softly.

Shania tried to fight but she was weak her lips parted softly and her eyes dulled a bit the fire going dim.

Kai stayed close to Rhea.
With a satisfied smile Sillia plopped the pearl int her mouth, "Now... swallow and sleep."

Rhea felt tired by the time she was done healing, but push it away as she turned to heal Kai's shoulder.

Lucifer hugged Ebony close to him,
"I knew I could count on you..' He told her.

Tanni's paws came off Shania as soon as she had the pearl in her mouth, taking several steps back.

"High Lord Tannis, I have done as you have asked of me." Sillia finally said, bowing slightly to Tannis, "I think I am going to take my leave and go ease Mokii's worried mind."

"Very well. I thank you." He told her, he was tied, and needed rest.
Shania's memories all fled back to her but being a stubborn brat she sat up and looked around "did... I black out again?" she asked. "Master Tannis?"

"I'm ok Rhea, rest before you heal me please," Kai said "just because I asked nicely ok?"

Ebony hugged Lucifer back tightly. "I love you," she told him.
Tannis soon laid down and then rolled over, his body was searing with pain and the sword of Fredrick had taken a lot of energy from him, "Everything is fine now." He said tierdly. Who knew his student would give him a run for his money like that. Quietly he started to lick his bloody paw

Rhea jumped away from Shania when she sat up, fearful of her, she did not have time to respond for Kai. Quickly she hid behind Kai.

"Ah hell... I just remembered I am not going to remember any of this either." Sage exclaimed suddenly, throwing her hands in the air.

"I love you too... Shania is up... lets go see her.." He told her sadly, leading her closer to Shania.
"Remember what?" Shania asked "Master tannis... canI help you in anyway? ... why do I feel oddly attracted to the glowing sword?" her mind buzzed with questions and she went to pick up Fredricks sword and a deep sadness came over her and she held a hand on her chest. Shania then noticed Lucifer and Ebony "hello you two... whats with the sour face... where are we?" she didn't recognize any of the surroundings.

"It's ok Princess this Shania would die before hurting us this is who she really is," Kai soothed Rhea.
"Ok so here is the run down," Sage said, "You, myself and Rhea here got our memmorys taken... you got tricked into playing ally with Fredrick, sprouting crap that you where in love with him" Sage said pointing to the body of Fredrick on the ground, "And then after we came here, to the demon world, with this big cat and some sexy lady-man and succubi . gezz..." Sage said taking a moment to process everything that came to mind. "Anyway you went freakin nuts after we killed the guy to save you and Tannis here just beat the crap out of you before they forced your memmorys back on you.... Freddy also hid my and Rhea's memmorys... So I actually don't remember much right now except the last... 4 days?" Sage said, then she took a deep breath, "That... felt good to get off my chest."

Rhea hugged Kai tighter, eyeing Shania. Tannis continued to lick his paw slowly while Sage went through her outburst.

"I was worried about you Shania... I was worried you really would not come back." Lucifer said sadly.
Shania hugged Lucifer "I will always come back I just need a good kick every now and again," looking at Fredrick's body made Shania's heart tighten painfully. "Oh god Master Tannis I am so sorry," she turned and bowed to him "I assure you i don't remember anything... did... I do all this damage?" she was still trying to process everything. "Can you make me remember what has happened those four days?" she asked.

"Warrior ... you don't want to know," Kai told her "put down the scary glowing blade and we'll get you some rest, you have to be exhausted."
"I know, I harbor no ill will to you Shania, only pain for you. But Kai is right.... it would be far better for you not to remember, and even if I could bring back your memories... I would not." Tannis said, "Did you want me to take you to the human world... or back to Mokii's house?" He asked the group. "Leave the sword with me." he commanded her.

Lucifer hugged Shania back tightly before letting go of her while she apologies to Tannis.

"I don't know about you guys... but I want out of the demon world." Sage said shrugging.
She gripped the sword tightly it would hurt to give it up but her master ordered it "Why does it hurt?" she asked "I feel... like I lost my brother all over again,"

Kai sighed "I hate this whole careing thingSage you are lucky you won't remember all this,"
"Am I? I feel like I would be missing out." Sage said, though she watched the girl go through a small mental breakdown.

Lucifer gently took the sword out of Shania's hand and pulled her close to him, "It will be ok... I promise... We are going to go home and everything will be ok..."

Rhea felt something stir inside her watching Shania get upset. Slowly she took a few steps to Shania but was not sure if the girl would freak out again. When she got to Shania she gently took the girl's hand in hers.

Tannis stood up soon with with a lot of effort before he opened a portal, "This will take you to the portal where you entered at. I will close that portal behind you as soon as you guys go through."
Shania latched to Lucifer only relaxing when Rhea took her hand and she squeezed softly.

"No Sage trust me... you hate feeling for us," Kai said softly "Lets go home, Thank you for everything Tannis,"
"There is nothing to Thank me for Kai... there is nothing about this situation to be thankful for except the return of Shania's memories. I will try in my power to find Sage's and Rhea's memories..." Tannis said, before sending the group off.

And as Tannis said, he closed the portal when everyone had stepped back into the human world.

"That was... adventurous. Is it always this intense?"
Sage asked laughing a bit, she seem to stretch and they headed back to the van.

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