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Wild Cards

Shania grabbed his hand as he moved to leave "Kiss me," she said with a smile "for good luck," waking up with Fredrick so close was amazing.

Kai was on edge so was Rose who was fully healed now and ready to fight Ebony was as well, "We are going to get her back today," She said as confidently as she could.
Fredrick smiled and leaned foreword to kiss Shania, pulling her close to him. "You should be by my side... I don't wish to see you unhappy though...I hope my plan works..."

Lucifer looked if he was on fire. He was getting Shania back along with her memories... this will all be behind him like a bad dream.

Sillia had said she would come with them, Mokii however said she would stay behind, but gave Ebony a hair pin to use to call her if she ever needed anything.
"Don't worry I am sure today will go wonderfully!" Sillia mused as she flew behind them. Tannis was on food so that he did not leave them behind.
"We won;t loose Shania the dumb thick skulled girl is too big a part of our odd little family," Kai said

Ebony nodded "we can't loose, we have a small army here," she said quietly.

Shania smiled and kissed him back "I'll be by your side gladly; we will be together always," she said and got out of bed.
When they arrive at the temple, Tannis looked at Rose and blinked at her, "You need to make sure you stay out of my and Shania's way... I don't need my closets friend's daughter being hurt..."

Sage took out her scythe completely ready for what ever they throw out at them. When the walked into the temple, Rhea was still close to Kai. Sillia remained air born.

Upon walking into the temple they could see Fredrick sitting high up on ledge with Shania next to him.
"I knew you lot would show up today..." Fredrick said frowning. He had both his swords out but he sat and watched them from his perch.

Lucifer growled and clenched his fists, but did not move.
Shania stood by Fredrick rather proudly though in her eyes you could see she was torn she placed a hand on Fredrick's shoulder and took a steadying breath.

"Hello freddy," Kai twirled his axe "you've gone too far first you and hiro almost kill her now you have her brainwashed, you make me sick,"

Ebony had her bow ready and rose had took off into the sky since she was best with arial combat.
"Yes... frankly I have come to regret those actions. I am willing to make a deal. I have taken Sage's and your healer's memmorys and flown them else where in the demon world. Only I know where they are... Not only that... I will stop my foolish pursuit in revenge of my brother's death on you Kai. All you have to do... is let Shania and I leave to our own to disappear without being followed." Fredrick said, standing up next to Shania.

Lucifer growled, "Never! You can't have Shania! If she had your memmorys back you would be dead!"

Tannis remained silent as he stared Shania down. Sillia was laughing a bit, finding the situation a bit humorous. Sage was tense, not sure how to best handle the situation... she wish she had her memory's.
Shania took Fredrick's arm though she looked at Tannis there was sadness there she felt like she was betraying them but Fredrick was her everything right now. "Please consider it," Shania told them.

"Hell no you are to docile to be our mother wolf," Kai said "we want you back and if I have to comb all of the demon world to find Death and Princess's memories then let god be my witness I will,"

"Shania ... you have to come home, it isn't right without you," Rose said "as for you Freddy! you didn't even look twice at her before why would you now?"
"Because Shania reminded me of what I had lost with my brother..." Fredrick said, narrowing his eye's at Rose.

"They have spoken Fredrick and your offer had been denied... what do you do now?" Tannis said.

Fredrick smirked and held out his glowing sword to Shania,
"Fight for what I thought I once lost... or die trying."

"Then you will die," Kai said "this time we won't let you run away,"

Shania gripped the dagger she had hidden on her; ready to draw her weapon.

Rose hissed at Fredrick diving at him with Shania there would not be a good move so she didn't/
Fredrick kicked a lever next to him, opening two doors under him. "I need your powers again Shania..." He told her quietly so that the others could not hear.

Sage looked at the door and noticed two dog almost as large as Tannis himself wounder out. They looked like wolves, but they had a decaying stench around them. They growled and looked at the group with hunger.
"Those... look kind of hungry..." Sage said with an awkward laugh.

Sillia immediately flew to the wolves, tackling one of them. Rhea took a few steps back to give Kai room.
Kai ran after one of the wolves his blade ready he was rather p*ssed off and was ready for a fight, "D*mn your tricks Freddy!"

Shania ran her hand over the blade again feeling the weakening sensations of it taking her powers. she did her best not to falter from her position beside Fredrick. "there yours," she told him softly.

Ebony aimed an arrow right at Fredrick's neck and loosed it as Rose dove for the wolf Kai was attacking.
"Thank you... If this goes well..." Fredrick started to say before the turned to catch Ebony loosening an arrow, he barley had time to dodge it as it went right past him. "That was close... There was something very different about that shot just now..." Concentrating on the sword he pulled the power of Shania's Fire to make a ball of fire, He tossed it at Ebony, hopping to hit the girl.

Tannis roared gathering his powers he planed to take Fredrick out on one move... Shania standing there or not.

Sage quickly ran at the dog Sillia had taken, thinking best to split efferent with Kai by taking them out quickly, She swept her scythe under the dog, trying to cut off its feet. The wolf that Kai and Rose charged bared its teeth at them, Lucifer also dived with Rose, tackling the demon to the ground So Rose and Kai got a good shot on it.
Kai went straight for the creatures neck Rose went for the legs her plants growing up and covering with thorns.

"Tannis is doing something!" Shania said.

Ebony's wind blew the fire ball away and Shania thanked god despite their problems. Everyone was fighting so hard why wouldn't they stop and leave her and Fredrick alone?
It was not long until the ground under Fredrick and Shania's feet lit up, a bight light shining under them. Fredrick quickly grabbed Shania and jumped off the ledge they were standing up just before a spiral of flame shoot from the ground. Fredrick put Shania down when he landed safely.

Tannis gaze followed them as they landed on the ground now even to him.
"You can't keep running from me Fredrick... and you know full well my own fire can not hurt me... nor can that cheep sword of yours." The big cat took several large steps to full face him, "Such a waste you have had in your life... such brains as your would have won the war years ago.... but you squander such natural gifts. I will not give you one last chance of redemption... leave Shania, and I will spare you." He warned.

"Never! I won't give her back!" Fredrick snapped at Tannis.

Lucifer scratched at the dog, it was large and had more mucsle. The dog struggled and was hit by Kai, it only started to thrash with its claws and teeth, trying to hit or kill anything attacking it.

Sillia seem to be having little to no problem with the dog, Sage having taken out its front legs from under it.
Kai was grazed by the dogs claws on his side Rose made bunch of thorns grow into the dog.

Shania got in between Tannis and Fredrick her instinct to protect flared up rather violently. "I don't know what I was before, but I like how I am now I won't come back with you..." she was trying to be fierce but the words seemed wrong to her even though that's how she felt.

Ebony shot the dog that struck Kai and drew another arrow.
"You said so to me myself... this group would be lost without you... and they are." Tannis said sadly. A light blue glow surrounded Shania, small blue flames started the float around her. After that Tannis spread his wings and flames shot from the and with one flap of them and shot fire a large jet of Fire straight at Shania and Fredrick. Fredrick grabbed Shania and pulled her tight into his arms to protect her, but all Shania felt were the light warmth of the flames. Fredrick on the other hand was badly burnt on his back.

The thorns pierce the wolf and it struggled harder, knocking Lucifer off it, Ebony arrow landing in its face. It was just refusing to die.
"Its an undead demon like Fredrick, you need to hack off its head." Sillia told the group. With that Sage moved to try and cut off the head of the dog they were fighting.
"Ok," Kai said and went to finish the slash on it's neck to attempt severing its neck.

"Fredrick! don't protect me. Tannis fire won't hurt me, run," Shania pleaded "I'll find you and give you my blood just please run away,"

Ebony saw Fredrick and drew her bow waiting on a good shot.
He let out a long painful sigh, "I am tired of running Shania..." He told her, gently he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small cloth with her pearl wrapped in it. "I knew I was going to die today, the signs were clear... take this as my last gift to you. I never knew love would be my down fall, but here I am loving my enemy and comrade.. yet... this dose not feel like a down fall at all. Nothing but happiness fills me right now." He put the pearl into her hands before Fredrick threw Shania away from him.

Tannis watched with unblinking eyes, but let Ebony take the final shot... this was her kill. She promised Lucifer.

Kai deliver the final blow to the dog, its head being decapitated with his blow. Sage manage to cut the dog around, but not as much success about decapitating though Sillia manage to break the dogs neck and the rip it off in a more then less lady like fashion.
Ebony loosed her arrow and it struck right where she aimed Shania let out a blood chilling scream of pain as if she was the one who was hit. Ebony fell to her knees she did it finally.

Kai froze when he heard the scream as did Rose. "Shania," they both looked to see what had happened. "Fredrick....! you promised you wouldn't leave me!" she yelled at him
The arrow passed right through Fredrick's head, killing him almost instantly. His body fell to the ground with a light thud.

Tannis did not move, but he knew the battle was not over...

Lucifer looked in fear that Shania had gotten hurt... but she was fine and Fredrick was the one dead. Rhea held her breath, taking a few steps to Ebony to see if she was ok.

Sillia flew immediately to Tannis, landing next to him. Sage stayed where she was, wide eyed at the girl screaming.
The fire in shania erupted the grounds around her burning and her tears soon stopped replaced by the bloodthirsty gaze she had in her first battle with a demon Shania had lost all love for the people who took her Fredrick from her. "I'll join you soon but not before I take these monsters with me," Shania said and drew her blade and even picked up the glowing sword Fredrick had been useing d*mn the consequences.

"I did it Rhea... I finnaly killed Freddy... but at what cost?" Ebony asked her.

Kai was frozen he had never seen Shania loose it this badly he was scared of her.
Tannis was not expecting for Shania to pick up Fredrick's blade, but he was expecting her to lose it like this. "Everyone leave quickly. Sillia and I will take care of this... do not want her to regret if she truly does take one of your lives..." Tannis said.

Rhea made a face and hugged Ebony tight,
"I-I... don't know... but we need to leave..." Rhea said, pulling Ebony up.

"Shania please no... Fredrick almost killed you... He almost killed Rhea and Sage... Me and Kai... Shania please stop this..." Luifer begged.

Sage on the other hand watched the scary girl, she did not have the attachment to Shania like the other did do to her own memory loss and wanted to get the heck out of there.
"I will kill you all, you didn't bother to get to know him," since Lucifer actually spoke ill of Fredrick she went straight after him moving as swiftly as she could anf jumping into the air for a strike with her flaming sword if Lucifer dodged she planed on using Fredrick's blade.

Kai took Sage by the wrist and began to run with her to Ebony and Rhea.
Something slammed into her causing her to go flying. Sillia had rammed into Shania just before the went to strike Lucifer, "Lucifer, take them back to the house now... get out of her!" Sillia told the boy.

"But--" Lucifer tried to interject.

"Go!" She growled.

Sage interjected none as she made sure Rose was following them while Kai dragged her away. Lucifer landed close to the group, before picking Ebony up and moving to leave the temple. Rhea had gotten up and quickly followed behind Kai.

Tannis took two large steps to block the way as Shania's group moved to leave,
"Shania. I assure you the pain of this loss will go away if you eat that pearl that Fredrick had given you.. You will forget all of this.."
"I don't want to forget! I made a promise to him that I would never leave his side," Her voice her posture and her aura screamed rage silla's attack outwardly seemed to have done nothing. Shania ran straight at Tannis but this time kept the glowing sword on defence incase Silla attacked again.

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