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Wild Cards

"I do well enough Fredrick my body remembers how to swing a sword it's as easy as breathing... but you are the leader and I promised I'd be good, so we'll make a deal. I'll stay here like a good girl if you take more of my blood so you can heal," Shania said simply.

"Thank you very much Mokii you are a savior, we are all just worried about our friend," Kai said. "Ebony please calm Luci,"

Ebony took Lucifers hand and squeezed softly.
Sillia smirked a bit, "Fredrick huh? That Vampire demon? I've had a few run in with him before." Sillia said, after Mokii had finished explaining the situation.

Lucifer took Ebony's hand and gave her a desperate look of worry.

Fredrick smiled a bit a leaned down to kiss Shania slowly, his hands still in her hair,
"Would you do that for me? I feel like that only helps me... but helps you none."

Tannis appeared right where he promised to meet Dasuke. He was battle stained, not time for him to clean himself. His eyes shined fierce like they did right after battle.
Dasuke was there the arch angel had run himself down trying to find Shania and Fredrick but it seemed useless. "I'm sorry old friend," he said

"Please mistress Silia could you tell us a bit about him?" Kai asked softly.

Shania kissed Fredrick back "It gives me peace of mind," Shania said "even if I am just used as your blood doll, I'd be happy," she smiled "and when in battle I can be your weapon and still be just as happy," her smile was true and her eyes glittered like they did when Kurama was still alive.
"Mistress Silia? You are such a suck up boy." She said with a smirk.

"Please... we have to find out friend..." Rhea begged a bit from behind Kai's back.

"Don't be. Fredrick has a sharp mind... this situation has gone far beyond what I thought it could have... let me try and contact Shania..."
Tannis told Dasuke, this was not his fault. Both knew Shania would all be pulled if she allowed herself too.

Fredrick hugged her tight to him, his chest was tight,
"I don't want to use you..." Not anymore...

Gently Shania felt someone calling her in the back of her mind, she may recognize the feeling as the first time when she called to Tannis.
in her mind she sent him a message "Fredrick is not evil I am safe he hasn't made a move to harm me he has... I don't feel empty anymore," she told him "please don't try to find us," She looked up at Fredrick and smiled but it was a worried one "I want you to heal... I'm afraid they'll come after you. The mantacore Tannis just tried to call me we aren't safe here anymore,"

"I was just being polite, please tell us what we need to know. He has a very dear friend," Kai said

Dasuke waited for Tannis to reply.
Tannis blinked at Dasuke, his eyes reflected several fears, his tail swung wildly. "Shania has cut me off. She speaks of Fredrick not being evil and that she wishes to stay with him..... I fear the worst about her lost memory. We need to find them immediately."

"Tannis... that demon could kill me by blinking... He called you?"
He asked. Crap... that meant Tannis had sponsor this human... no wounder her power had jumped dramatically just before Hiro... "This place... it is very safe... no one had ever found it before... we have always been here..." He told her. He tried to make her forget about giving him blood, tried to sooth her.

"Well the rumors of him are true. He is a snake with the tongue of silver and the mind of a genius. His brother... quiet the opposite. They were quiet the team. I faced them once and made it out with my life barley by a hair. I hear rumors sometimes of a secret base he keeps to himself as him home.. but they are just rumors."
Sillia said shrugging a bit.

"Where?!" Lucifer said, nearly jumping out of his seat.
"Luci respectful and even toned when addressing a lady if Shania were here she'd tell you that," Kai said.

Shania slowly relaxed under Fredrick's calming hand "I'll not let them hurt us," she promised him holding him tightly.

"He has her fooled?" Dasuke said "his words couldn't have pulled her down that far?" the statment sounded alot like a question.
"I... don't know...." Tannis said. This was all a mess... and his students actions were not reflecting on himself. He needed to get her back, as well as her memory.. "Where are the other guardians?" He asked.

"Don't worry, Lucy has always been a brat, known him since Mokii had given birth to the monster. A temple, deep within the forest you guys said you were near."
She said with a smile. "I bet you Rose or Dasuke could get you there, their way with the plants and coax them to give up their deep forest secrets." Sillia said chuckling a bit.

Mokii sighed,
"You could have told them sooner Sillia..." She said, her normal Mokii voice.

"Come.. you should rest some, you seem tired now. Don't stress yourself out." Fredrick told her. "I will leave for a bit... but I will be back soon."
Shania looked up at him "promise me," she said "promise me you will return to me,"

"They are at Lucifers home," Dasuke said.

Kai nodded "Rose can you?"

"Well probably," Rose said looking down
"Let us leave immediately there... things need to solved quickly, I fear I may be pushing myself too hard, my power is little now." Tannis said, spreading his wings and taking flight.

"I promise I'll come back."
He told her, pulling her to lay down some.

"You can do it little one. Just talk to the planets like you always do." Sillia said taking a bit of Rose's hair between her fingers.
Dasuke took flight as well "Do not wear yourself dry, you will do nobody good then your student included,"

Shanai laid down obediently she was still worried for him, "I'll rest when I wake I want it to be to your face,"

Rose blushed "oh...ok," she said
"I do what needs to be done... let us hope it will be done quickly." Tannis said, he was determined to get his student back.

"I'll be back I promise..." Fredrick said, pull the covers over Shania. "I'll be only a moment. I need to ensures our safety." This will be my last stand.

Mokii sighed,
"Rest up for a bit, you all just arrived, it sounds like Shania is in no danger." Mokii said, "You all must be hungry."

"Oh demon food, I am up for that." Sage said shrugging.

Rhea squeezed Kai's hand knowing he was tense and stressed.
Dasuke nodded "Still you need rest like the rest of us, we will find her though,"

"Ok Fredrick remember you promised," she said and closed her eyes.

"I... I'll go talk to the plants miss Lucifers mom," Rose said and stood up.

Kai smiled at Rhea "I'm ok I'm used to this amount of stress,"
"Its not good for you." Rhea mumbled quietly to Kai.

"Very well. Come back in when you are hungry." Mokii said moving about the kitchen.

Fredrick left quickly knowing exactly where he needed to go and who he needed to talk too.
"thank you," she said and curtsied politely before going outside to talk to the plants wondering if a message could travel far enough to reach her.

Shania had fallen asleep easily she felt safe with Fredrick in his, in there home.
Flying made a day trip by foot a few hours trip by air, Tannis and Dasuke made it too Lucifer house quickly. Tannis was eager to move on, but he himself was not sure where to start.

When they arrived it had attarached the attention of everyone to move outside Mokii seemed a bit sporadic with random guests showing up. Sillia however had soon occupied her time with leaning on Dasuke,
"You are very handsome." The Succubi purred. Taniis seem to raise an eye brow at the Succubi and then leaned down and relaxed to regain some energy.

Fredrick had returned, but he was busy on the lower parts of the temple trapping the area, he knew they would be coming soon and he could not hid any long. Running would only prove futile because this temple was no safer place.
Rose didn't stir she was consentrating on the plants everything else blocked out. Dasuke smiled "You are lovely but I lost my mate and I have a daughter," he said to the succubus.

Shania slept through a lot of Fredrick's trap laying but when she did wake she got out of bed and stretched looking around.

Kai hugged Rhea to help him relax her presence doing more for him then anything else.
Rhea hugged Kai back, she pressed her face into his chest.

Sillia made a face, puffing her cheeks up slightly,
"Oooh you Arch Angles and mating for life. No fun!" She said before she danced away to go help Mokii.

Finally after Tannis had caught his breath he spoke "We have no way to track Shania. She refuses to answer my calls. She tells me Fredrick is not evil and wishes to be left alone with him."

Fredrick was still working rather hard, though this is what he usually did when trying to ensure the death of someone. Most the time it worked, but it was not the first time the group of humans got away. Although they always got away badly injured... they still manage to foil whatever plan he had.
Shania got up "Fredrick?" she asked into the room he left her in. She didn't know if he was back or not yet.

"The plants tell me... I can show you better then tell," Rose said blinking a few times. she walked to Tannis "you won't burn me right?" she asked looking rather like a deer in the headlights.

Kai smiled at Rhea but then watched Rose questioningly.
"I would never burn you fledgling." Tannis said in his deep voice. "You may need to show your father as well."

Sage had felt like she was going to explode inside with worry over everything going on. It was ridiculous how everything was planing out.

Lucifer was a bit relived when Rose sounded like she had found where they were.

Fredrick stopped what he was doing when he heard his name called. Getting up he walked to the room Shania was in before peaking in,
"I am here." he said. He walkd over to the bed before leaning on it enough to pull Shania to him, giving her a deep kiss. "I did not mean to worry you. I returned hours ago."
"I see," she smiled after the kiss "you tricked me, you still haven't taken any blood," with a laugh she pulled him onto the bed with her rather playfully.

Rose showed Tannis what she had seen by placing her hands on his chest. She showed him not only the location but what had been going on how happy Shania was with Fredrick how he cared for her so tenderly.

Dasuke waited looking to judge Tannis' reaction. Kai was also waiting though he was impatient about it.
Tannis breathed out when Rose had finished showing him, the manticore stayed very still, his mind processing everything shown to him. Would he go to take away his student's happiness? But would he let her remain with a man who has nearly killed her and people who she had forgotten she cared for? "I will admit... I am not sure what to do in such a situation..." He blinked and all that remained in his eyes were sadness. "My mind say one thing... but my heart speaks another."

Lucifer growled,
"What? Whats is happening?"

Fredrick laughed when she pulled her down. It was the first time he had laughed around her, he looked down at her.
"If you wish... I will." He told her, if it stopped her worrying he would.
Rose was exhausted reaching out so far and showing took a toll on her but she touched Lucifer showing him the same thing she showed Tannis.

"She is unhurt though?" Kai asked that had been a main worry of his.

Shania smiled "I do wish it, and I can't almost fall down this time I'm already on a bed," Shania smiled and kissed him "by the way you have a charming laugh,"
"She is unhurt.... and happy..." he said, though it sounded more of regret, he should he stepped in with Dsauke.

Lucifer growled and walked away into the house, leaving everyone behind. Mokii watched him go before sighing and following the boy.

Fredrick let a soft smile move on his lips before he touched them to hers for a kiss again,
"Sorry if this hurts you..." He told her before he leaned closer to her and bit her neck. He held her close to him even though she was still laying down.
She closed her eyes and gasped at the initial bite holding onto him like she had last time her body pressed to his, her heart rate quickened and her breath became soft pants.

Rose stumbled and was caught by her father "You did very well Rose rest now," he said and picked her up as she closed her eyes. "We will find the right thing to do Tannis, and I'm beside you every step of the way," Dasuke said to the mantacore though he seemed to be useless as of recently.

Ebony followed Lucifer as well worried about him.

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