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Wild Cards

Fredrick raised an eye brow at Shania, slightly shocked she would say something like that. He stood up and walked several paces to her. He was taller then her, but he did not tower over the girl. "You say some bold things. Your not scared even with your memory loss?" He asked her, his eyes were a bit heavy looking as he stared at her, but they were icy and unreadable.

Lucifer slammed his hand in the side of Kai's car, denting it from the inside.
"What?!" he was visibly pissed off at this moment. Only Ebony would more or likely be able to calm him.
"She's just playing her part," Ebony said though Lucifers outburst had frightened her.

"We are comrades if i was hurt as bad as you are you would do anything for me. So I'll give some blood for you," as always Shania's eyes held fire and determination but not even a hint of fear. "just don't hurt me too bad, I can't remember if I've ever done this before,"
Fredrick smirked, a hint of something of the old days with him and his brother where together. He use to do anything for the guy, but he was long dead. Fredrick lean down and Kissed Shania, taking off the Mic around her neck because it was in his way. He tossed the Mic collar out of the way. "You have... but I was to scared to touch you in fear you would get scared of me." He said, "Sorry if I scared you now, but you are cute when you are being brave."

There was a large thud on the speaker with there mic had hit the ground. Rhea was holding her breath not sure what to expect from there.

Lucifer just had his head in Ebony's neck, regretting this plan with every fiber of his being.
Shania's eyes ere wide and her lips trembled a bit "we... did this often then?" she asked the strong warrior turning into an unsure girl in this situation as far as she knew that was her first kiss," she still showed no fear just a bit of insecurity.

Ebony held Lucifer Kai's mics were good and they could still hear her but only just.
"Not too often... only when I was hurt badly." He told her, "But I have scared you like I thought." He said, taking a few steps away from Shania. "You should rest your wounds." He told her. "We have a busy day tomorrow. I don't wish to take from you when you are unsure."
"Bull, I told you to take and you will," she said crossing her arms again. "I've done it before right... so I trust you... not to hurt me," she went back to being fragile again and took his hand. "It hurts me to see you hurt... don't make me suffer knowing you won't let me help,"
Fredrick seem to make a confused face at Shania before he turned to face her again. His eye's softened looking at her, "If you insist dear." He said quietly before he leaned a bit close to her, "This will hurt a bit." He told her in a whisper before leaned over and bit her neck where he had just removed the mic. He wrapped his arms around Shania and held the girl close to his body just in care she were to fall. He took enough blood that he could feel the wound on his chest start to mend itself slowly. When he stopped he leaned foreword and gently licked the wound he made on Shania's neck.
Shania had gasped slightly and wrapped her arms around Fredrick when he bit her hands tightened in his shirt. Shania was panting softly in his arms her legs weak she was vulnerable in front of this demon and for some reason she wasn't afraid at all. He was sure to have felt her heart rate rise with him so close.

Kai stopped the car "This is where the portal is,"
That was all Lucifer needed to hear before he jumped out of the car and stormed to the portal, ripping through any demons that had come back out of the portal. Sage jumped out as fell, feeling a bit of urgency to get to Shania as well. Rhea was scared that Shania was going to get hurt.

"There... you were very brave. My wound is already starting to heal again." He told her. He felt something inside him stir a bit and he reached out for the human girl and gently pet her hair. "The holes will close up in a few hours... let me take you to rest now." He whispered to her.
"Alright," she said softly letting his stroke her hair "I... don't want you to leave my side though... OK?" she asked forgetting about the mic.

Dasuke dashed through the portal hoping to catch a trail for him to follow to Fredrick but they were already too far away.
"I told you this would happen!" Lucifer said flying frantically around the area. He was livid, he should have never let Shania out of his sight, he should have never let her get hurt or never fight with lost memories. Fear was gripping at Lucifer and the demon was losing his cool.

"If that is what you wish. Then I will do it." Fredrick told her, picking her up and taking her to his room for her to sleep. Tomorrow he needed to gather help to destroy Kai, with Shania here his plan had moved back to his original plan. He was not expecting the girl to show up at all, the fact she had must have been pure luck on his part. "Sleep, we do have a long day tomorrow." He told her.

"Ok," she said softly and closed her eyes. "Were we lovers?" she asked Fredrick in an equally soft voice.

"Lucifer working yourself up won't help her," Kai said "he isn't going to hurt her in fact if I'm a good judge I think he has a soft spot for her,"

"you aren't helping," Dasuke said watching Lucifer.
Lucifer hissed before seeking some comfort with Ebony. Rhea made a worried face, "What are we going to do?" She asked quietly. For some reason she had a twisting feeling in her stomach feeling extremely worried for Shania's well being...

"Not really..." He told her, "We've not known each other very long." He said quietly, he continue to pet her hair gently. How did this human he had been trying to kill so long make him feel so soft all of a sudden? "We did not really get a lot, but I admired you skill and loyalty... but since the fall of our comrades, I feel like I have to take care of you... but here you are taking care of me." Fredrick sighed, "That was the first time I kissed you honestly. Sorry... I wish you to be a lover." He told her. "I was surprised when you showed up, I was afraid I was going to be alone."
Shania smiled "I don't think I mind that idea," she admitted "And they scared me I figured out the voice in my ear was just a mind trick... they argued and yelled and said things... things about you I can't bring myself to believe. I wont leave you alone, never." she said though she was falling asleep. "not till the day I die,"

Ebony held Lucifer "I'm worried too Luci," Ebony admitted.

"We should have given her those head things of yours so I could tell her to send off a flair," Dasuke said
"Can Tannis find her?" Rhea asked quietly.

Lucifer huffed,
"She would have to let him find her."

"Well... should we go home?" Sage asked.

"I know where we are.... this is not a war ground, but it is an area where wild things live. My house is that way." Lucifer pointed a direction. "A few days travel... We can stay there or go back to the human world."

Fredrick took his hands away from Shania before letting a breath out. The lies might catch up to him eventually... He was not expecting for things to come this far. but he was tricky and he knew this will last a long enough to get Kai.
"Let's stay here," Dasuke said "I will let Tannis know we are in the demon world "Can you lead this group to your house Lucifer?"

Shania had fallen asleep her breaths even and relaxed though she reached out for Fredrick right before falling asleep.
"Yeah... it won't be a problem. Rose are you fit to travel a bit?" Lucifer asked. Rose should be feeling a bit more regenerated being in the demon world and completely surrounded by plants of this forest.

Fredrick was going to go about doing thing, but when Shania reached out for him, he laid back down next to her and watched her sleep.
Shania was a peaceful sleeper without memories to plague her dreams she unconsciously snuggled close to Fredrick in her sleep.

"Yeah I'm good," Rose smiled "the plants are letting me borrow from them bits and peices lets get going,"

Dasuke ran off to find Tannis and tell him the news.
The next few days were excruciating for Lucifer, but they got to his house without little problem, arriving to it a day and a half later. Mokii was actually really surprise when they showed up at a rather medium sized house. "Lucifer... What... and all the guardians .. well most. Goodness... what is going on?" Mokii said not sure what to think with the bunch showing up.

However for Fredrick time passed by a bit differently, instead of heading out to exact his revenge and place out his plans to kill Kai, he found himself tending Shania's wounds. making sure she rested some and ate properly. He had felt himself revert back a bit to when he was with his brother taking care of Shania.

Dasuke would not make it to the war Zone for several days, Tannis himself very much in battle himself.
Dasuke had sent Tannis word of what had happened and he tried tirelessly to find Fredrick and Shania.

Shania chuckled "Really Fredrick I'm not that fragile my wounds are healed for the most part," she said as he had kept trying to take care of her. she walked to him and gave him a soft kiss. She was happy here with Fredrick she felt full even with no memories.

"Sorry to intrude," Kai said politly "Shania is with Fredrick we were hoping to lure him out it... backfired,"
Mokii blinked at Kai, "What?" She looked to the group before letting out a bit of a sigh, "Please come in, I have a feeling you have a bit of a story to tell me..."

Mokii invited them all in and sat them down around her table. Mokii looked different to those who recognized her. She was in her demon form. She did not have wings, but she did have very large pointed ears and a fuzzy tail much like Luicfer's. Once she had everyone sat down, she let Lucifer, Kai and Ebony explain to her the situation.

Tannis had received word from Dasuke later, and was not able to answer him right away. He would try and get to it as soon as he could, the battle becoming suddenly personal with his student taken from him.

Fredrick hugged Shania and smirked at her,
"Well I can't help it your wounds heal more slowly then my own." He did not realize how slowly human wounds did heal, but Shania was making him happy... something he had not felt in so so long.... "I don't want you to be in pain..."

Shania smiled "I'm not in any pain, not more then I can handle," she hugged him back and laid her head on his shoulder. She was happy here she had long since forgotten about her mic where it was she couldn't tell you. These couple of days with Fredrick had made her all but forget Lucifer and the team. "Your wonds are fully healed right?" she asked him.

Kai had explained everything up to the plan he sounded frustrated he even told her of what he had heard Shania and Fredrick say over the mic.
"My... this sounds pretty bad.... I think--" Mokii started to say before the door slammed open and a familiar female voice sounded, "MOKII! I BROUGHT LINGA!" Before long a Succubi rounded the corner with a box in her hand before she gasped, "oh! The Guardians. And Lucy and his cute almost mate!"

"Good morning Sillia. I was not expecting you till later this afternoon." Mokii said with a smiled.

"Oh wow, this is all sortas of crazy." Sage said laughing.

Rhea hid a bit behind Kai, the new demons scaring her a bit.

"Mmm not yet, but the hole had closed. Are you hungry?" Fredrick asked Shania, gently running his claws through her hair.

"No for some reason I just don't seem to get very hungry, are you hungry Fredrick?" she asked smiling at the attention his touch was always so gentle and caring.

"It's bad... Shania is very mold able without memories who knows what those two are doing," Kai said softly he was worried still that Fredrick could convince Shania that he was not the badguy. Kai held Rhea's hand and let her use his body as a shield to hide her.
"I walked in on a wrong time..." Sillia said with a smirk.

"I agree." Sage said with a smile, "Rhea and I are also at the same mercy as Shania is. I have been on my guard."

Lucifer hissed again, before Mokii shot him a look to hush. She was not dealing well with her bad tempered son.
"Go head and sit Sillia." Mokii offered her friend.

"If Tannis and Dasuke are looking... there is really nothing much or more we can do..." Mokii said "My home is open to you for as long as you need." She said, extending the offer to the whole group.

"I am a bit worried about taking you places... you have forgotten how to fight.. I am worried something will harm you.."
He said, he was going to use Shania as a tool of power, he being the strongest in the group, but now he was not sure if he wanted to even include her in the fight. He would leave her here when he went on missions to the human world. let it be of his selfish ambulation to replace what he had lost...

Tannis had finally received word and told Dasuke to meet him where the portal was that they had come out of. He would be there as soon as he could get away.

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