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Wild Cards

"This sucks..." Sage said rubbing her hair slowly, "I wish I had my memories... I feel like I could make a better decision that way.."

Tannis sighed,
"I think we will retrieve her and her memmorys... Fredrick is evil and his crimes are not excused just because he had turned a new leaf. She will forget every bit of this when we force her to take her memories back."

Ebony would find Lucifer sitting in a chair with Mokii speaking to him in demon quietly.

When he left go of Shania he gently licked her neck where he had bitten her before sitting up to look at her,
"My wound if fully healed now." he told her softly taking her hand a placing it where Ebony's arrow had pierced him, "I am sorry that pains you..." He said to her quietly.
"It's not bad actually if feels rather nice after the teeth go through," Shania smiled she leaned up for another kiss her hand still on his chest.

"Force her... we will have to force her?" Kai asked "Are you kidding without her memories she can whip all our *sses except you and Dasuke,"

Ebony didn't interfear she just waited quietly for her turn to comfort Lucifer,
"I am weak now... and Dasuke is in harms way if he were to fight her.... But I am still much more powerful then Shania. Specially if we fight during the day." Tannis admitted to Kai, "beside I am sure if you all fight her she will be one to fall..."

"Not so keen on that idea... but if it is what We got to do." Sage said, putting her hands on her hips.

Mokii looked up at Ebony and motioned for her to come closer, switching to common tongue,
"Lucifer... I know you feel betrayed... but Shania does not remember anything."

Lucifer still had yet to say anything in return, just sulk.

Fredrick smiled softly and leaned down an kissed Shania again,
"I have never been bitten myself so I don't think I would know. Do you think you can get up or do you wish to rest more?" He asked her quietly.
"I can get up," Shania smiled "you treat me like I'm a little flower that's loosing it's petals,"

"Oh Luci... as soon as she's her again everything will be ok," Ebony said and knelt down taking Lucifers hand looking up at him. "She loves you you know that," she wasn't too sure what he saw but she knew this much.

"Tannis... we fought to make her look injured... she almost took off my head," Kai said dryly.
Tannis's tail lashed at Kai's comment. "I will leave here for her tomorrow." He said bluntly. It sounded more like you can come or not I don't care what you do. He did not have time for this.

Lucifer looked at Ebony, he looked so hurt right now. Gently he squeezed her hand back,
"We should have never let her go... I said it.. I knew she should have not gone" He said quietly.

"I just don't want to lose you to anything." He told her, holding a hand out to her.
Shania took his hand "You won't... after all you are the only memories i have now how could i ever let you loose me?" she smiled at him.

Ebony hugged Lucifer "it'll all be ok I promise," she said and she would do everything in her power to make sure of it.

Kai sighed "Alright rest though you look tiered," Kai said still holding Rhea. If Shanai was happy she would fight g=for that happiness and she would be more deadly then normal he knew this and it frightened him.
Fredrick pulled her close and lead her down, "This is my home... after my brother died and it was empty until you came along. I am afraid with news of Tannis he will be here... I am afraid this may be my last stand against Kai. I may survive this... but if I do I may wish I was dead. I know you know this is all a lie... and why you've stayed with me I am not sure... But it has made me happier then I have ever been since I remember." He told her, gently leading her down to the floor he had been working on.

"Dasuke... please come talk to me.."
Tannis said a bit tired walking away from the group. Sage offered silently to take Rose from him.

Rhea looked up to Kai and gently cupped his cheeks between her hands,
"I'll heal... I will do my best to help how I can." She told him, trying to ease some stress off him again.

Lucifer hugged Ebony tighter knowing she will try hard like him to get Shania back.

Mokii smiled,
"Ebony dear.... I want to personally welcome you into the family. I know this is not under the best of circumstantial but Lucifer had told me you are his choice in mate and you had agreed."
Ebony blushed but smiled "I love Luci... more then anything," she held to him still hoping to comfort him.

Dasuke followed Tannis "of course,"

"You know I knew?" She asked "and I stayed because... I think I'm in love with you. I won;t let Tannis kill you," Shania hugged Fredrick tightly from behind.

"I know you will Princess," Kai smiled
"Do you think I am doing the right thing?" Tannis asked Dasuke... he felt like only he could tell him of his unsure, "Should I rip her away from him?"

Mokii smiled back at Ebony,
"I can see you do... You are a very striking young women, and I hope when this is over that you come to stay with us. Tell me Ebony, how would you feel is I sponsored you? I am not a very strong demon... nothing like Dasuke or Tannis... but I have powers that may benefit you. I would not be upset if you turned me down."

Lucifer looked up a bit shocked, but feeling a bit of happiness wash over him despite the situation.

Rhea returned Kai's smile softly and Sage sighed before walking next to Kai,
"What would I do in a situation like this I wounder.."

Fredrick took on of her hands that were warped around him and gently kissed the back of her hand not really moving to pull her from behind him,
"I know... I think I have fallen for you too, unexpectedly... Revenge has never seem so meaningless to me before. But they will not let me repent so easily... no my punishment will be death, my sins are too great and plentiful."
"If they move to kill you I'll attack them and you can run away," she said "hide in the human world with me," Shania said

Dasuke looked at Tannis "these feelings will most likely disappear when her mind is reset. I don't know your student well, people tend to think her as vicious and hard but it seems she has changed greatly without her memories." He was deep in thought "Fredrick can not be spared not so easily and you know this he will kill her friends and that two would hurt her."

"Death you would act like you didn't care and cook something while quietly steaming and more likely then not trying to make everyone blush making their lives a nightmare," Kai said with a grin.

"I'd be honored, I'm not very strong either though," Ebony said "I hope i don't disappoint you,"
"Ooh? Well then I think I have been doing a relatively good job so far then. I guess I should go make someone's life hell then?" She said smirking back.

"I wish to just kill Fredrick and then make Shania take her memmorys... when this is over with she will forget I know. You are right... I was wrong to doubt myself." Tannis said gratefully "Tomorrows battle may be very dangerous, Shania will not hold back. Axsort has been antsy and has been calling me constantly." Tannis said tiredly.

"I won't run without you...." He told her, gently he took her hand and lead her further down. "Here... I have gotten a hold of two extremely wild demons... they are trapped right now, but as soon as they come I plan to release them both. From there I will most likely Bait one of them into a fight with me... I have never been successful in killing them. The healer and Archer will be easiest to kill, but with them dead puts me at a bigger advantage. Kai and Sage both have weapons I can easily avoid... Lucifer however presents a bigger challenge and I am hoping he will be preoccupied by the demons." Fredrick said quickly telling Shania his plan, He paused for a moment before he spoke again, "I... won't kill them if you don't wish me... but I am only trying to keep them from taking you back."
Shanis tightened her hold "the thought of them dieing makes my chest hurt but if you die... I don't know if I would recover," she admitted.

"I will go to Axesort's side, if you think I can appease him enough so you can rest and get your student back," Dasuke said "I wonder what has him so worked up though,"

Kai laughed at Sage "Indeed." he said smiling.
"What was you name? I never knew your true name... I have always called you Warrior." He asked her, he wanted to know. If he was going to die, he at least wanted to know her name...

"He gets worked up because he is paranoid... he can see things falling apart. For good reason, he knows the choices he has made have driven him into a slow decent of unease... You can go... But I am a bit fearful of the battle to come quiet honestly. But I do not wish for you to get hurt by my fire." He told Dasuke.

"I have the powers of strength and energy... Nothing extremely magical... or fancy like fire or lightning." Mokii told Ebony.
"My name is Shania," She told him softly tears stinging her eyes.

"I will be careful I can ease Axesort better then i can fight your student," Dasuke said "be safe though my friend,"

"I don't mind my wind is good... I just stay in the back of the fights energy and strength will really help," Ebony said timidly hugged onto Lucifer tightly.
"Shania..." He repeated softly before leaning down to kiss her eyes softly, "A beautiful name for a beautiful human. Don't cry now, there is no reason for tears, I knew this day would come to me if I kept on the path I was on. I am smart Shania, perhaps... to smart for my own good sometimes."

"Very well... Keep my gift to you, I hope the fire is to come in handy. You be safe as well." Tannis told Dasuke.

"Alright, then Ebony, I grant you my powers of Strength... and energy..." And with that Mokii leaned down and kissed Ebony on to forehead and the gem glowed softly and Ebony felt a new strength move through her and a warm energy move inside with the strength. Lucifer hugged Ebony happily as his mother gave Ebony powers.
Ebony smiled at the warmth the feeling was wonderful "thank you," she said softly she felt like both mokii and Luci was protecting her.

Dasuke hugged Tannis as best he could "Be safe follow your heart it is one of the greatest of your strengths,"

Shania looked at him "But you aren't bad, I refuse to believe you ever were," She said "I don;t want you to leave me,"
He smiled and then took her hands, "There is a chance I will survive this. If I do, and my plan works, and they promise to no longer pursue me and I leave them alone... then we can go where every you want..."
"I will be happy to be anywhere as long as you are there too... I... I'm not sure i want my memories back anymore either," Shania said holding Fredrick's hands "I hope your plan works... you said it yourself that you are very smart,"
Fredrick let out a laugh, "I may be smart, and gotten away more times then you guys could count, but for some reason your lot have throated my plans multiple times, that is why I can not say for curtaintie that this will work." Fredrick took several steps back before he pulled out a glowing blade, "Do me a favior Shania... I can protect you more if you would cut yourself on this blade.... just a small cut will do. I will do everything in my power to ensure a future for us..."
She pressed her hand to the blade and let it cut her not even questioning him. She didn't even wince as a drop of blood slid down the blade. "Like this?" she asked then began to feel the draining quality of the blade and she swooned.
Fredrick reached for Shania and caught her by the waist. She did not look like she was going to fall, but she was weak with him taking blood from her. Gently he took her hand and licked her wound to make the blood go away. "Yes, that was perfect." He told her "I now posses your power. However the blade only gives it to me for a limited amount of time."
"For a day." He told her, "But I will keep you close not because of that" He told her sweetly. "I need to finish preparing for them... I don't know how much time I have till they come after me..."
He smiled and kissed her back, leading her to go sit before continuing his preparations.

The day was restless for the group and Tannis, the Mantecore was not at ease. Tannis was ready to leave immediately in the morning. Sage was ready as well, eager to get going. Rhea was less eager, still uncomfortable around the demons. She was scared to say the less, but they need to get their friend back.

Fredrick pressed his face to Shania's gently, "
Shania, I need you to wake... it is morning, I have a feeling today is the day. Don't as me how I know, I just do." He told her, before he moved to get out of the bed.

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