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Wild Cards

Fredrick actually lead her to a building pretty east of the city, he seemed to sneak around a building before peaking into the building. "Listen.. there are demon's around here. There is a way home through here because I can't get home myself. There are sometimes nice demons and sometimes mean ones... there might be some mean ones standing around the outside of this portal."
"Depends if they attack us first. We just need to get through the portal." Fredrick said, pulling out his sword and walking around the building. It was hit normal sword, his new glowing one remained at his side.

Rhea bit her lip, they only thing they told Shania was to keep playing till someone came to get her.... Lucifer tensed up.
Shania drew her dagger and followed Fredrick silently.

"Damn this i hate her not hearing us what if she starts to believe him?" Kai asked
"I doubt that... I am more worried about him taking her to the demon world!" Lucifer nearly shouted. He was freaking out a bit at this point, the though of Shania moving through the veil.

Sage rubbed her hair a bit, "
Whats so wrong with that?" She asked.

Lucifer hissed,
"The demon world is no place for a human!" It was rare for a human to pass into the demon world, but most that do were very powerful humans that could hold there own, Shania may be able to do so but not while she had no memory.

Fredrick motioned for Shania to move with him to the door before he opened it up. There were a few dog looking demons running around the building,
"I'll take care of this, you are injured." He told her.
"So are you," she reminded him gripping her dagger tightly.

"On the other side she can just call Tannis Shania is fine Luci," Kai said
"You think she would do that?" Lucifer said, before he said down hard in the van. The young demon was slightly freaking out, he wished Dasuke would do something.

He grinned at Shania before jumping into the room and killing a few of the demons. He would not risk telling the demons to back off to make Shania think he actually had control over them.
"I think we should go now," Dasuke said "perhaps he will leave that portal open,"

Shania watched to see if she was needed but Fredrick had it under control "you fight well for an injured man,"
"I heal quick and even then it is not easy." He said, cutting down another demon. "Come we should go quickly before more come... demon's swarm to these portals like fish to a ripple in a pond."

Lucifer hissed, opening his wings finally being aloud to go,
"he can't open or close portals, he just goes between them in the city."
"alright," She said following him "i'll watch your back,"

"Good then we will find his hiding place there aswell," Dasuke said Kai began driving as soon as everyone was in
Fredrick soon lead Shania through the portal. On the other side they walked into a cave. The cave was a bit dark and a tad erry. When the Vampire demon lead them out of the cave he looked around the area. It was night there in the demon world as well. Outside the cave was a forest area, the trees were a orange color. "Runtruid Forest. So that's where that portal leads too. A bit far from where I hoped we would end up..." Fredrick mumbled to himself.

"The signal for Shania disappeared... her mic cut off too. Kai.." Rhea said when they suddenly lost everything.

Lucifer let out a long furighted sigh,
"This is what I feared.... We can lose them in the demon world. We can just... sense them out like we do here... you guys will feel weak during our days much like we do during your own..." He told the group, though he knew Dasuke already knew this.
"We know where the signal disappeared and we know where he is now," Dasuke reminded Lucifer "do you want their memories back or not?"

"He has a point kid," Kai said.
"He can go anywhere in the demon world!" Lucifer whined. "I want them back but I don't want Shania to get hurt..."

Fredrick whistled before two large flying demons came to him, He handed each of them a small cloth with something warped in them. After that the sent them off, and they flew two separate directions. Putting the third cloth in his pocket, Fredrick turned to Shania before looking at her.
"Ok... you need to get healed. You will heal fastest at night so you should be feeling a bit stronger."

She nodded "actually it's odd I do feel better... whats in the cloths where are they being taken?" she asked blinking a few times. "Sorry I just feel so empty not knowing anything,"

"Lucifer, Shania is smart memories or not she will run on instinct as she always does," Kai said
"Don't worry too much about that, they are returning them to a safe place. I am keeping one with myself to ensure our safety." Fredrick said, "Come." He motioned for her to jump off the cliff. He landed fine on the ground before walking twourds the forest.
Shania took a running jump off the cliff and landed a bit awkwardly "that was odd... I jumped off a cliff," she mussed and followed Fredrick.

"She did what?!" Kai asked "ok Luci point taken," Kai slammed his foot on the gas
Fredrick laughed, "You do that normally, strange you find that a surprise for you. It is going to take a while before we get home. That portal ended further away from where I thought it would. But we will come back to it later." He said, "I hope you don't mind a long walk."

Lucifer huffed at Kai, his way of saying he told him so. Sage on the other side found a bit a humor in that.
"Really," she asked actually amazed "I don't mind a walk I'm more worried about you I can tear my shirt and make bandages for you so just stay still ok?" she looked at Fredrick something about him made her skin crawl but something else about him made her actually not mind him
"No Warrior, I wish you would not bother. It will close in time. That girl has shoot me on more then one occasion, but this is the first she had shot through me." he said chuckling a bit. "Like I said, your wounds are more important." He said as they walked. "Just keep your wits about you... wild things live here."
"My senses are sharp only my mind is blank and as soon as we get where we are going you are sitting down and i AM bandaging you," she crossed her arms as she followed him. She left no room for him to weasle out of it.

"God she's treating him like you Luci," Kai commented
Lucifer did not like it, in fact he was sulking about it with a rather large scowl on his face. This was stupid, they should just go kill him now. "Are we going to go into the portal to follow?" Rhea asked, piping up.

"Your being very persistent.... though I guess this has always been the usual of you." He said. It was a few hours travel, but they did eventually reach a large looking temple. "Welcome home. Though it is a tad empty right now since the fall of our friends." he told her.
"Yes," Kai said "with dasuke and with us all together it'll be fine,"

"Perhaps you are right," Rose said though injured she had insisted she come.

"It is a tad empty... ok now lets get you better, do you have any medicines?" shania asked Fredrick.
"This does not require medicine... if anything I need blood to recuperate quicker." He said raising an eyebrow at Shania. She was so demanding it made him forget what it was like to have a comrade.

Sage leaned back,
"Tell me when we actually going through... till then I think I will nap..." Sage said nonchalantly though she was not going to sleep a wink and Kai could probably tell she was just as on edge with everyone else.

"How long are we going to keep watching?" Rhea asked.
"We won't stop because we need to know everything we are almost at the portal," Kai said.

"Then take mine if it will work," Shania said her arms still crossed she was in full on mothering mode and if he needed blood she seemed to have enough he could have some.

Kai alsmost slammed on the breaks "What did she just say?"

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